SPRYNG™ - the dynamic calf massage that goes beyond the ordinary.

Fitness, Health and Wellness

A Guide to Leg Workouts for Beginners

A Guide to Leg Workouts for Beginners

Whether you are getting ready for a marathon or trying to bulk up your legs, an effective leg wor...
Whether you are getting ready for a marathon or trying to bulk up your legs, an effective leg workout plan is what you are looking for. You’re going to learn the essentials for doing beginner leg exercises at home or the gym. The key principle of any workout routine is to challenge yourself to push beyond the comfort zone and then rest. When you exert your muscles during a workout, your muscle fibers tear. The torn fibers then repair and regrow stronger, adapting to the new level of power and stamina that are required to perform the workout. This is how you bulk up your muscles with resistance training.   Want to know more? Learn more about how Spryng can help you! Subscribe for the latest updates and get 10% OFF.   Often, beginner workout enthusiasts focus more on the upper body than on the legs.  However, a well-balanced workout routine is always more effective. It is advisable to schedule enough time so both your upper and lower body get equal amounts of attention.   The following are the most popular and effective beginner leg workouts that you can add to your training schedule.  Squat  The squat is one of the most popular workouts among gym-goers. No other exercise is more effective than squats for gaining muscle mass in your legs. So, it's an essential inclusion to a beginner ‘leg day’ workout. This exercise equally targets quads, glutes, and hamstrings.   If you are a starter, choose a smaller weight. Place the bar on your slightly arched shoulder and hold it with your arms. You should stand erect with your head facing directly forward and the feet shoulder-length apart pointing slightly outward.   Then do a knee bend and then stand up slowly. For optimum results, you should bend down until the thighs are parallel to the floor. In the beginning, if you can’t reach this position, try a smaller weight or just increase the bend slowly as your leg muscles get stronger through continuous workouts.   Perform this workout 5 sets at a time with 6 repetitions in each set.  Leg extension  This exercise targets only quad muscles, therefore, it is effective in activating this muscle group. You’ll have to go to the gym unless you have this machine at home.  First, adjust the machine for your body frame. Then sit comfortably, feet facing forward with the padded lever just above your shin. Then extend your legs pushing the weight up, hold the top position for a count and slowly release the legs. Do this rhythmically on the count and be gentle when you push your legs up and release. Because high impact pushing might affect knee joints adversely.  As a beginner 3 sets of 8 repetitions are recommended.  Lying leg curl  This exercise targets the hamstrings. Hamstrings mainly control the descent of the body against the weight. When you perform a knee bend while in a squat, your hamstrings are the set of muscles that control the rate of descent. This exercise focuses on hamstrings which are often ignored in most workouts.   You’ll need a leg-curl machine for this exercise. Lie face down on the machine and place your Achilles’ tendons below the lever. Your knees will be off the edge of the bench at this position. Keep your knees slightly bent throughout the exercise to make sure the resistance is not directly applied to the knees.   Now raise your legs slowly but in a deliberate strong motion and then release slowly. At the top position of the leg movement, try to push your legs aligning parallel to your torso, not more, not less for better results.  3 sets of 8 repetitions are effective for a beginner.  Leg-press calf raise  This workout challenges your calves to resist weight. Lie on the leg-press machine and place your heels on the leg platform. Do not position the balls of the heels in the middle of the platform, keep them at the bottom. Then slowly push the platform outward until your legs get straight but not locked out. Then slowly release the pressure to the initial position and repeat the cycle.   Do 3 sets of 12 repetitions.  What should you do after the workout?  Above 4 exercises cover the main muscle groups in the legs. What next? The next is recovery.   How to recover legs after ‘leg day’?  After a strenuous leg workout, you’ll feel soreness in your legs. An effective workout always ends up with your muscles feeling a bit sore. The torn muscle fibers will then begin to recover, preparing to endure  equal amounts of exertion next time successfully. So, the muscles get bulkier and stronger. That’s why the recovery of the muscles is just as  important as the workout.  Resting is key. Avoid workouts or other activities that exacerbate the soreness of the muscles. In a couple of days, you’ll be back on track to do the workout again.   You should have a plan to recover after workouts. Have protein-rich meals, drink a lot of water or a sports drink with electrolytes, have your legs massaged to regulate the blood circulation and reduce muscle inflammation, or use an Active Compression tool to speed up the recovery process.  What are Active Compression tools?  When the leg muscles are weakened, the blood circulation of the legs fails to be as efficient as in regular conditions. So, the blood concentrates in the leg area, especially around the ankles and the feet, and results in swelling and pain.   Active Compression and muscle recovery tools apply external pressure  to the muscles to work efficiently and that successfully subsides the inflammation of the muscles and speeds up the recovery process. Read more about how Active Compression tools work here.  Why is SPRYNG the leading Active Compression tool today?  SPRYNG is the most advanced Active Compression tool on the market. Highly regarded scientific studies and anecdotal reports have proven the efficiency of this tool.   SPRYNG’s affordability and convenience also make it stand out from the other Active Compression tools.   SPRYNG is an easy-wearable device that is untethered, so you can use it wherever you are.    
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Key Leg Workouts To Improve Your Tennis Performance

Key Leg Workouts To Improve Your Tennis Performance

Tennis, a beloved sport by many around the world which requires a combination of agility, speed, ...
Tennis, a beloved sport by many around the world which requires a combination of agility, speed, power, flexes, balance, coordination, cardiovascular and muscle endurance. Be it a professional, amateur or one who does it for mere leisure, fitness is a critical component for the sport to maintain focus, beat your opponent and give you that extra mental edge.  Want to know more? Learn more about how Spryng can help you! Subscribe for the latest updates and get 10% OFF. The level of fitness required for the sport is evidenced by the ongoing French Open played at Stade Rolland Garros where players undergo rigorous training to play, win, beat, and be crowned as the ultimate grand slam champion. Whether one may be stretching for a wide forehand or simply moving towards the ball, tennis is donned as a physical sport which requires your body to stay at its optimum fitness. With long practice sessions and strenuous matches, tennis players are no stranger to sore and painful muscles. Therefore, it is paramount that tennis players should keep muscle injuries at bay as recovery depending on the injury can take time.   Keeping a healthy tennis workout routine is vital to reduce muscle soreness and thereby reduce injury.   While playing tennis is a great whole-body workout it puts a lot of pressure on your legs due to the continuous need to move up and down the court. In tennis, strength and conditioning go hand in hand with game performance. These simple and effective tennis leg workouts are a firm favourite of professional tennis stars, and what makes it better is that you can do it even in your living room.   Best leg exercises for tennis players  Walking lunge (20 reps in total)  While doing this exercise, keep your body upright and lean forward with one leg. When leaning forward make sure that your knee touches the ground before standing back up. After that do switch to the other leg. Proceed to lunge forward until you finish all repetitions.  Step up’s (12 reps for each leg)   For this leg work out for tennis, use an elevated surface of your choice (a study box, stool, or short table), put one leg on the elevated surface and step up. Return to the initial position and do the same with the other leg. Twelve repetitions for each leg should suffice.   Side Lunges (12 reps for each leg)  Side lunges are one of the most popular tennis leg strengthening exercises. It will help stretch and strengthen the muscle around your legs. To do a side lunge stand with your feet width apart. Take a long stride to the side and to stretch your thigh muscles. Make sure your torso is upright as possible and bend your stretched leg to around 90°. Return to your original position and do the same with your other leg.   After undertaking the above, leg exercises for tennis professionals and amateurs alike, if you continue to suffer from sore muscles after your workout, make sure your legs have enough recovery time. One of the best ways to recover from sore legs is by using a calf compression wrap like SPRYNG. The SPRYNG compression leg wraps use active compression technology to improve circulation and flush out lactic acid and thereby reduce pain.     SPRYNG has many advantages when compared to other active compression and leg compression devices in the market. A few of them are -  Quick recovery- It takes only 15 minutes to produce results.   Embrace freedom - It is lightweight, portable, and untethered so it fits nicely so it fits nicely in your bag. This makes it is ideal for those pre- game and post-game massages.   Extremely affordable –it is cheaper than any other active compression devices of its kind on the market.  Looks great- It is available in a range of colours unlike most tools for muscle recovery.   Convenience- Place your order now via our website and become eligible for free delivery to your doorstep. You can also make your purchase from select CVS and Road Runner Stores in the USA.   Buy now and pay later with easy instalment settlement options for online purchases from our website www.spryngme.com     References https://www.healthline.com/nutrition/best-muscle-recovery-foods#3.-Fatty-fish  https://www.sanitarium.com.au/health-nutrition/nutrition/foods-for-muscle-soreness  http://www.worldtennismagazine.com/archives/19355  https://metro.co.uk/2019/12/28/try-this-tennis-player-leg-workout-to-build-lower-body-strength-at-home-11933950/   
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Guide to Improving Hiking Uphill

Guide to Improving Hiking Uphill

Many hikers simply love the outdoors and enjoy exploring everything, the natural world has to off...
Many hikers simply love the outdoors and enjoy exploring everything, the natural world has to offer. Hikes on flat ground are relatively easy but alas, hikes may also have gradients which may test the endurance of the most physically fit.   Many hikers have a love/hate relationship with walking uphill. It takes extra physical exertion, that gets you huffing, sweating and involves a full body cardio workout.   Want to know more? Learn more about how Spryng can help you! Subscribe for the latest updates and get 10% OFF. How to get better at hiking?   If you are an aspirational hiker, start slowly. Try a few low intensity hikes first, to get your body and muscles familiar with physical activity.   How to get better at hiking uphill?  However, if you are already an avid hiker and aspire to go on longer and loftier quests the below tips for hiking will most definitely prepare you to achieve your goal. The exercises to improve hiking is designed to target muscles, that will drive you up the trail mile after mile.   Here is an overview of the exercises to prepare for hiking -   Strength training for hiking - Increase strength in major muscles that hikers rely upon. Stronger legs and core muscles will better support the load in your backpack and help you hike harder, longer. Squats, Jump Squats, Burpees, Push-Ups and Side Leg Lifts can help you build a stronger core and legs.   Build stamina- because hiking may be an all-day activity it is essential to build endurance in your muscles. How to improve hiking endurance, you may ask?  If you are always busy at work and have little time for exercise, climbing stairs to train for hiking is a simple yet effective way to improve stamina. You can also include cycling and running on the treadmill (add an incline) to your training routine if time permits.   Improve your balance- As a hiker you need to be stable on your feet. This will enable you to take on uneven terrain with ease. Simply practising to walk on a straight line will help improve your balance.   Enhance your cardio- Supplement your hiking training with activities like trail running, speed walking, mountain biking, HIIT Training or Cross Fit.   Hiking uphill is the most difficult and the most dreaded part of the hike for any hiker. As mentioned earlier not only is it physically demanding during the hike, but many hikers suffer from calf pain and sore legs after hiking, for many days after their hike.   Therefore, common question among the hiking community is why my calves hurt when I walk uphill? Calves hurt when walking uphill due to the intense strain placed upon them during the hike.   To aid in hiking recovery follow these post hike recovery tips   Recovering from strenuous hike can be an arduous task if you are in the wilderness.   Don’t stint on food during the hike  Food is essential for your hike. As you are on the move continuously, replenish nutrients to keep fatigue at bay. A combination easy to carry food with simple sugars, protein, low glycemic index carbohydrates, fibre, and fats are great ingredients for hiking recovery. Some examples include dried dates, cooked crispy bacon, whole-grain crackers, peanut butter, cheese and sliced apples.   Hydrate (drink before you get thirsty)  Pack more water than you think you need. As a rule of thumb estimate one litre of water per three hours in moderate temperatures for adults. Water plays a pivotal role in muscle repair and the production of glycogen. Studies have proven that muscle rejuvenation progress is decelerated by half when muscles are not suitably hydrated.  How to relive sore muscles after hiking  Stretching plays a pivotal role to revive muscles after hiking. Some stretches you can try are- Calf stretch, Toe touch, Quadricep stretch and Butterfly stretch.   The best way to recover sore leg muscles  We think the best path to pain relief is by using SPRYNG, the world’s most advanced calf muscle massage tool. It uses active compression technology to improve circulation and flush out lactic acid, thereby alleviating pain.   SPRYNG has many benefits when compared to other active compression and leg compression devices in the market. A few of them are -  Quick recovery- It takes only 15 minutes to produce results.   Welcome freedom - It is lightweight, portable, and untethered so it fits nicely in your hiking backpack. Get up to 2.5 hours of use in a single charge and it is rechargeable via micro-USB. Therefore, it is your ideal companion when on the move.   Extremely affordable –it is cheaper than any other active compression device on the market   Looks great- It is available in a range of colours.   Convenience- Place your order now via our website and become eligible for free delivery to your doorstep.  Buy now and pay later with our easy instalment settlement options.      References https://www.dabblinginjetlag.com/which-exercise-helps-prepare-for-uphill-hiking/  https://hikeauthority.com/how-to-hike-uphill/  https://www.rei.com/learn/expert-advice/hiking-training.html  https://www.mossyoak.com/our-obsession/blogs/post-hiking-fatigue-8-tips-to-recover-after-a-hike     
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5 Lower Ab Workouts to Get You Ready For the Summer

5 Lower Ab Workouts to Get You Ready For the Summer

The body’s core is defined as the abdominal muscles which sit between the ribcage and pelvis and ...
The body’s core is defined as the abdominal muscles which sit between the ribcage and pelvis and the parallel muscles in the back. The core helps the human body to stay balanced and execute all the full-body functions such as walking and running.    Many choose to do abs exercises only to burn belly fat or to develop a ‘six pack’, but the benefits of ab workouts are more versatile. Lack of abs exercises could lead to obesity, bad posture, and weaknesses in body movement.   Want to know more? Learn more about how Spryng can help you! Subscribe for the latest updates and get 10% OFF.  Lower abs workout targets the lower part of abdominal muscles where fat is stored in the body. Belly fat is not always a bad thing, fat helps the body to keep warm and provide energy. But an excessive amount of fat could cause a wide range of health issues.   The primary purpose of lower abs exercises is to tighten and strengthen the muscles in the area. With sufficient work, you can lose belly fat and form the defined muscle class generally called a ‘six pack’.  The goal of the following exercises is to strengthen lower abs to improve posture, stability, and balance. If you’re looking for exercises that would give you the perfect summer abs, look no further.  For some of the exercises, you’ll need towels or sliders.   1. Mountain Climbers  Mountain Climbers exercise is a full-body cardio workout. To get started, get yourself to the plank position, which is face down with your forearms and toes on the floor. Place your elbows are directly under your shoulders and your forearms are facing forward. Then push your right knee towards  your chest,  and return back to the plank position. Then do the same to the other leg and repeat. Increase the pace gradually as you are getting comfortable with the exercise. It’s recommended 15-20 repetitions for each side for one session.  2. Lying Leg Raises   Lay on your back with legs extended forward, feet together. Raise your legs together slowly until they are perpendicular to the floor. Hold the position for a few seconds and bring the legs back down slowly. Make sure to inhale and exhale, more importantly relax between each repetition. Do this 10-15 times in a row.   Be aware that your back doesn’t arch, otherwise this incorrect execution of the exercise could cause back pain.   3. Crunches  Crunches  is one of the the most common lower abs exercise. This low-impact exercise is not the most effective at burning fat, but a good workout to strengthen abdominal muscles.    Start with lying on your back, knees bent, feet flat on the floor, and tucking your hands behind  your head. Then lift your upper body in a curling movement towards  your knees by tightening the abdominal muscles. Hold the position for a second or two and release your body slowly back onto the floor. Repeat this cycle 15 - 20 times in a row.   4. Scissor Kicks  This is a variation of the Lying Leg Raises exercise. . While you are doing this exercise keep your hands parallel to the body and  your palms on the floor. If you require more support for  your legs you can  place your palms under the buttocks.   Lift both of your legs a few inches off the ground and separate them slightly into a “V” shape. Engage your core and press your lower back into the floor. Keeping both legs straight, bring your legs together and cross your right leg over the left. Widen your legs into a “V” again, and then bring your legs together again, this time crossing your left leg over the right.  Repeat this exercise as many times as wanted.   5. Knee Tucks  You’ll need towels or sliders to perform this workout. Get to the plank position as you have done in the Mountain Climbers exercise placing your feet on the towels or sliders. Then pull both feet towards the chest and slowly bring your body back to the starting position. Repeat as many times until you feel the effect on the abs muscles. For a beginner, it’s recommended to have 10 repetitions.  Don’t hunch your shoulders or lean forward too much a lot. Let the body’s core do the work.   Why do my legs hurt when doing abs?  As you have seen in the list, ab exercises involve a lot of leg movement. All  your leg muscles, especially calf muscles, exert simultaneously with the abdominal muscles with each exercise. You might feel soreness in the legs and lower abdomen after a workout.   How to recover from an ab workout  Rest, hydration, having protein-rich meals, are the key factors in the recovery process. You can find out in-depth information here.  The best way to recover legs after a workout is by using an active compression tool like SPRYNG. Active compression tools work similar to massagers but are designed with a specific purpose in mind. They provide a therapeutic massage for sore muscles to enhance blood circulation and speed up the recovery process. If you are looking to buy an active compression tool, always look for the convenience of the design, affordability, and effectiveness.  
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Leg Exercises to Boost Swimming Performance

Leg Exercises to Boost Swimming Performance

When you imagine the body of a swimmer, you usually think of broad shoulders, big lats, and great...
When you imagine the body of a swimmer, you usually think of broad shoulders, big lats, and great abs but we rarely think of developed leg muscles. While, the upper body plays a pivotal role in swimming, so does the lower half. Proper leg exercises for swimmers can lead to improved swimming performance. Swimming leg workouts can improve ankle mobility for a better propelling kick, and it will help you have better push offs from the blocks.    Want to know more? Learn more about how Spryng can help you! Subscribe for the latest updates and get 10% OFF. When choosing exercises to strengthen legs for swimming choose exercises with an increased range of motion, builds strength and power your output.   The below leg strengthening exercises for swimmers will help you build stronger, leaner and improves the range of motion in your leg muscles.   Box Jumps   Box Jumps builds strength and power in the quads, glutes, hamstrings, calves, and core. These muscles are vital for developing solid starts and push-offs as well as developing a fast and powerful kick underwater.   Lateral lunge  It strengthens the muscles of the groin and hips, improving hip rotation, which is important for a swimmer’s performance.   Hamstring Curls  Targets the hamstrings, glutes, lower back and hip flexors. These muscles play an important role in strong kicks underwater.   Use a “Leg Extension" Machine  Leg extension machines target the quads primarily. Strong quads make your kicks stronger specially when doing the breaststroke.  How to improve swimming performance?   Speed is an essential element in improving your swimming performance.  So, you may question how to improve swimming speed? While not everyone is into breaking records like Michael Phelps or being an Olympic star, it does ignite the inspiration to move faster in the water.   There are four major swimming strokes recognised worldwide namely, freestyle, breaststroke, backstroke and butterfly. For each stroke you would use your body differently by using a separate set of muscles. The main determinants of speed are thrust and drag.   The water offers resistance (or drag) while your arms and legs push (or thrust) you through the water. Learning how to efficiently move your body through the water for each different stroke will help improve your speed.  Once you are all caught up on the basic arm and leg movements required for the chosen stroke, you can focus on the minor elements to improve your timing.  You can valuably save fractions of a second off your time by improving each of these elements:  Reduction in underwater time: This is the amount of time you spend with your head underwater.   Improve speed of the Tumble Turn Time:  tumble turn time is the amount of time it takes you to turn and begin your next lap. If you are doing a 50m lap you can ignore this as most professional pools are 50m.   Reaction time: If you're taking off from the blocks, this term refers to how long it takes you to get from the block to the water.  After a long day of training or after competitions you may wonder, why do my legs hurt after swimming? Your legs hurt after swimming due to the intense pressure placed upon them, for you to propel through the water faster.   Muscle recovery after swimming  Recovery for swimmers must be fast as they may soon be required to compete in another race.   Warming up and cooling down   A vital element in swimming muscle recovery is properly warming up and cooling down. Warming up should be done using stretches which work to release lactic acid from previous swims. Cool down with periods of easy swimming. It is recommended to swim between 200m and 800m to flush out the lactic acid in the muscles.   Hydration   Many swimmers don’t realise just how much they sweat in the pool. Therefore, proper intake of fluids is a must for swimming recovery. Water plays a pivotal role in muscle repair and the production of glycogen. Studies have proven that muscle rejuvenation progress is decelerated by half when muscles are not suitably hydrated.  Use a calf muscle recovery tool like SPRYNG  For quick swimming fatigue recovery use a calf compression wrap like SPRYNG. It uses active compression technology to improve circulation and flush out lactic acid, thereby alleviating pain.     SPRYNG has many advantages when compared to other active compression and leg compression devices in the market. A few of them are -  Quick recovery- It takes only 15 minutes to produce results. So, it is ideal for a day filled with back-to-back competitions.   Embrace freedom - It is lightweight, portable, and untethered so it fits nicely in your bag.   Extremely affordable –it is cheaper than any other active compression device on the market.  Looks great- It is available in a range of colours.   Convenience- Place your order now via our website and become eligible for free delivery to your doorstep.  Buy now and pay later with our easy instalment settlement options.    References https://swimcompetitive.com/dryland/leg-exercises-swimmers/  https://www.mensjournal.com/sports/10-best-exercises-swimmers/  https://www.usms.org/fitness-and-training/articles-and-videos/articles/lower-body-exercises-for-swimmers  https://www.swimming.org/masters/optimise-swimming-recovery-hard-workout/   
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How Do Calf Massagers Work to Improve Blood Circulation and Reduce Leg Pain?

How Do Calf Massagers Work to Improve Blood Circulation and Reduce Leg Pain?

After a long hike or a workout at the gym your calves will ache, and you can dream of is a relaxi...
After a long hike or a workout at the gym your calves will ache, and you can dream of is a relaxing calf muscle massage. You can either do it yourself or enlist the services of an expert masseuse, but there is a more effective and hassle-free option  available called calf massagers.  Want to know more? Learn more about how Spryng can help you! Subscribe for the latest updates and get 10% OFF. Why do calves ache after exertion?  Muscles  consists of fiber that contract and release on command. When muscles work strenuously, micro-tears appear in fibers. The body responds by rebuilding  fibers that are stronger and denser, this enabling the muscles to adapt to more demanding exercises. This is how bodybuilders train to gain muscle mass.   The healing process takes some time to rebuild the torn fibers, resulting in sore muscles   How to improve circulation in calves and treat inflamed calf muscles  It requires more pressure to pump blood to peripheral body parts from the heart. Being the furthest from the heart, the lower part of the legs is often prone to health issues  - such as infections and swelling.  Even though the heart is the primary organ that pumps blood, calf muscles act as a secondary pump to support blood flow  via the veins in the legs. The blood flowing back to the heart is the most energy-consuming effort because the heart needs to work against the gravitational pull. To reduce the backflow, the veins in the legs have evolved a valve system that only opens up to the blood flow towards the heart. Therefore, when the calf muscles contract, they squeeze the veins and pump the blood upwards.   Due to an injury or overuse, calf muscles could get inflamed and swollen, thereby reducing mobility. The result is constricted veins and reduced blood flow that ends up causing swollen and painful lower parts of the legs.  What can you do to speed up the recovery process?  Keeping the affected muscles at rest is key.  Reduce inflammation by applying a hot or old compress before massaging. Read further about muscle recovery treatments including the best way to massage calf muscle in this article.  The most hassle-free and efficient way to recover sore calf muscles is using an active compression device.  How does active compression work?  Active compression stimulates muscles into replicating their natural contraction and release mechanism using external pneumatic pressure. This process pumps blood to the heart and reduces swelling of the limbs by gradually decreasing intramuscular space. Active compression also effectively disperse lactic acid, a byproduct of anaerobic respiration of the muscles, minimizing chances of cramps.  The gentle and rhythmic massaging  of the tissues increases blood flow and improves oxygenation which drastically helps  injured muscles to heal faster.  Active compression is not just a theoretical concept, many devices utilize the concept to provide the most efficient relief from muscle pain and to improve blood circulation in legs.  3 factors to consider before buying a muscle recovery tool  Portability and size: Always look for a muscle recovery tool that is travel-sized, and which can be used uninterrupted while multitasking. Won’t it be more productive having a tool that could be used while you work at your computer or watching TV?  Features: Muscle recovery tools come with many features. Research on these features and how it can elevate your tool and increase performance.  Budget: Price doesn't always equal with quality. There are many alternative tools like SPRYNG that offer good features at an affordable rate.  What is the best foot and calf massager?  SPRYNG is a patent-pending, research-backed, innovative muscle recovery tool. It has unique features that stand out from its competitors as the best calf massager.  SPRYNG combines three distinctive compression techniques - pulsing compression, gradients, and distal release to mimic your calf muscle. SPRYNG can alleviate muscle pain in 15 minutes.  SPRYNG is untethered; After an exhausting workout you don’t want to spend the rest of the day at a leg massager machine, you’d rather go watch TV or read a book. This wireless device can be used anywhere and at any time.  SPRYNG is compact and portable.   It’s affordable!  
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