SPRYNG™ - the dynamic calf massage that goes beyond the ordinary.


How Does Spinning Help Your Body and Circulation?

How Does Spinning Help Your Body and Circulation?

The chances are good of, hearing your mates talk of how fun and exhilarating spin classes which t...
The chances are good of, hearing your mates talk of how fun and exhilarating spin classes which they attend are or even hearing the raving reviews of the health benefits of spin class while watching You Tube. You may ask how can sitting on stationary bike with other people syncing to music be fun as opposed to going for a run or simply outdoor cycling?   Want to know more? Learn more about how Spryng can help you! Subscribe for the latest updates and get 10% OFF. What is spinning or a spin class?   Spinning or spin class is group/social activity which primarily involves indoor cycling with minimal impact and high cardio sessions which burn a lot of calories. Spinning engages your quadriceps, hip flexors, glutes, and hamstrings. It is the social element mixed with fun, music and a high intensity workout which makes spinning stand out.    If you are a beginner to spin classes here are some tips to help you get started –  Wear comfortable sneakers or trainers with socks  Yoga pants or stretchy gym pants or shorts.  Athletic top or t-shirt  Bring lots of water or a sports drink with electrolytes   Stretch to prepare your muscles for the workout.   Ask professional help to set up your bike properly   Start slow and set your own pace  While spin class can be a load of fun for a few, but be strange to others, this growing trend has tremendous health benefits that cannot be ignored.   Here are some great health benefits of indoor cycling to keep you peddling on.   Happy hormones equal happy you  As a result of any exercise your body releases good hormones called endorphins into your blood. When endorphins are released, they interact with receptors in your brain triggering positive feelings. Although you may leave the physically drained after your workout you will feel mentally energized.   Does spin class increase blood circulation  The answer is a wholehearted ‘Yes.” Spinning is a demanding aerobic workout. As a result, your heart must work harder to pump blood to the rest of your body, this results in improved blood circulation. This improves cardiovascular fitness which improves the ability of the heart to push oxygenated blood to all parts of our body. In addition, as cycling primarily works out your legs it also improves leg circulation  Is Spinning good for weight loss  Without any doubts spinning is one of the highest caloric burning workouts you can do. “In the study Heart Rate Response and Calories Burned in a Spinning® Workout, subjects burned between 7.2 to 13.6 calories per minute. Total calories burned during a 40-minute Spinning® workout ranged from 467 to 617 calories. Burning calories has an impact on weight loss.   Does indoor cycling build muscle?  One of the major benefits of spin class is that it exercises your core and legs. This exercise improves muscle mass in your legs and strengthens your core. Your legs would become leaner and stronger.   After a long and energizing workout recovery after spin workout is just as important, to avoid injury.   Here are some post workout recovery tips to help you back on your feet stronger than ever.   Muscle recovery after cycling  One of the most common traits is leg pain and calf pain after spin class. While paying sufficient attention to a well-planned cooling down routine, after a strenuous workout like spinning, it is vital to keep hydrated preferably with a sports drink with electrolytes. Consuming a high protein diet consisting of a protein shake, nuts, chicken, or beef also helps in the repairing of muscles.   Rest You can take this in the literal sense and lie in bed or on your sofa all day or you can partake in a ‘Recovery Ride.” A “Recovery Ride” is a system of simply boosting blood flow throughout the body. The ‘Recovery Ride” is conducted through gentle exercise or cycling helping damaged muscles flush out lactic acid and recover quicker. Undertaking a “Recovery Ride” is remarkably simple, all you need to do is ride at an exceptionally low intensity for a brief period. You should be able to breath through your nose throughout so you would not attempt to exert yourself.   Leg recovery after cycling  One of the best ways to recover after spinning is by trying out the worlds most advanced muscle recovery tool SPRYNG. The SPRYNG compression leg wraps use active compression technology to improve circulation and flush out lactic acid and thereby reduce pain. With over 10,000 delighted customers SPRYNG contains an innovative, patent pending Wavetec™ graduated compression pattern that prevents leg swelling and improves blood circulation. Being FDA approved it has also been tested by many scientific studies to prove its effectiveness.     SPRYNG has many advantages when compared to other active compression and leg compression devices in the market. A few of them are -  Quick recovery- It takes only 15 minutes to produce results.   Embrace freedom - It is lightweight, portable, and untethered so it fits nicely so it fits nicely in your bag.   Extremely affordable –it is cheaper than any other active compression devices of its kind on the market.  Looks great- It is available in a range of colours unlike most tools for muscle recovery.   Convenience- Place your order now via our website and become eligible for free delivery to your doorstep. You can also make your purchase from select CVS and Road Runner Stores in the USA.   Buy now and pay later with easy instalment settlement options for online purchases from our website www.spryngme.com   For more information about how calf massagers work look no further.     References https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LZGkyV0TwCA  https://spinning.com/spinlife/the-top-10-benefits-of-spinning-class/  https://www.healthdigest.com/738389/heres-how-taking-a-spin-class-every-day-will-affect-your-blood-pressure/?utm_campaign=clip  https://www.bhliveactive.org.uk/benefits-of-spin-classes/  https://health.clevelandclinic.org/7-best-tips-to-help-you-recover-after-a-cycling-race/  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BO4dkIJikPU     
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Guide to Strengthening Leg Muscles for Cyclists

Guide to Strengthening Leg Muscles for Cyclists

Cycling is one of the most effective forms of exercise for building lean muscle mass and enduranc...
Cycling is one of the most effective forms of exercise for building lean muscle mass and endurance. It is also one of the best ways to burn extra calories, improve fitness, and beat stress. However, it also requires a lot of leg strength and leg work. This article is a guide to helping you build strong leg muscles that can help you take your workout regime to the next level. You can do several different exercises to build up your foot and leg muscles for better control on the bike. So here are some practices to follow if you want stronger legs for cycling that you must try out if you're serious about the sport.   Want to know more? Learn more about how Spryng can help you! Subscribe for the latest updates and save 10% OFF on SPRYNG. Leg exercises for cyclists Calf raises Your calves are some of the most active muscles while you peddle your bike. They are made to contract and expand and are constantly in use throughout your cycling journey. This is why it's essential to build strength in these muscles in order to prevent cramping and overuse injuries such as muscle strains[i] as you push your cycling limits during the workout. Calf raises are some of the most straightforward exercises to build up calf muscles that you can try at home. There are multiple ways to do calf raises. One of which would be to place your feet on the edge of a step with your heels off the surface. Keep your feet apart at shoulder width as you slowly raise yourself to stand on your tiptoes. Hold yourself in this position for a few seconds before dropping back down, and repeat the process 12 times for one set. Complete four sets total within a training session. You may even add some back weights if you feel up for the challenge! Lunges Lunges are powerful leg strengthening exercises for cyclists that allow you to engage your calves, quads, hamstrings, and glutes. It is a well-rounded workout that can help improve your balance and leg strength[ii], which are both vital components for cyclists. Stand up straight with your legs apart at shoulder width and step forward with your right leg as you bend your knee to a 90-degree angle. Ensure your weight is distributed through your right heel as your left knee comes closer to the floor. Hold the position for a couple of seconds and return to the standing position using the strength of the right leg. Repeat the process on your left and continue with ten lunges on each leg to complete one set and four sets in total. You can start training with bodyweight lunges, and as it gets easier, you may try it while holding a dumbbell in each hand. Bulgarian split squats These are excellent calf strengthening exercises that you can try at home. To do this, stand with your back to a short stool or a bench that's about a foot in height. Hold dumbbells in each hand as you reach back on your right foot and leave your toes propped up against the stool. Bend your left leg to 90 degrees and let the right knee lower itself towards the floor. Hold the position for a few seconds and push back through the strength of your left foot. Return to a standing position and repeat these ankle and calf strengthening exercises on your opposite leg until you complete ten reps on each leg. Deadlifts Deadlifts are the ideal mode of putting every muscle on your lower body to work. To start, stand with your feet apart at shoulder width and grasp the bar reaching just beyond the placement of your legs. Drive your hips forward as your lift the bar ensuring that you keep your back straight. Lower the bar gently as you place it back on the floor. You may try out more challenging variations such as single-leg deadlifts and Romanian deadlifts as you improve your strength level. Stretches The good old stretches are not to be taken lightly as they're an essential aspect of any workout. As you train and your muscles become fatigued, it leads to your primary muscles becoming tighter. Tight calf muscles from cycling are prone to injuries if they're strained. To stretch out your calf muscles, sit on the floor with legs straight forward in front of you and use a towel to pull your toes towards you. Simple stretches like touching your toes while standing and keeping your legs straight can help stretch out your hamstrings. Pull the heel of one leg to your buttocks while standing straight to give a good stretch to your hip flexors and quads. Methods for leg recovery after cycling The day after your leg day can be extremely tough, especially if you've been pushing your limits. It is vital to allow your muscles to recover fully after a strenuous leg training session. Here are a few tips that can help your legs recover from exercise. Use foam rollers - These are great tools to help massage your sore muscles after a workout. It helps break down scar tissue and aid in faster recovery. Keep moving - Even though it may seem like the most challenging task after leg day, it's good to do some light walking at least for a half-hour which will help with circulation and advance the leg and calf muscle recovery process Use a compression device - The use of compression wraps like Spryng is the ideal calf muscle rehab therapy to try at home. Spryng can are used to improve blood circulation within your sore calf muscles aiding their recovery process. Using it for a mere 15 minutes post-workout can drastically enhance the recovery from leg pain and sore muscles that you may experience after cycling or leg training. Ice it up - If you have any swelling in your legs, using an ice pack can help ease the pain and reduce the soreness. Try out these techniques if you're interested in improving your cycling performance. Taking on a daily workout routine can help you achieve better health and increase your stamina that can in turn help improve your biking performance. If you are a cyclist who suffers from leg pain or injuries, then an excellent multi-functional fitness routine can help avoid future problems.    [i] https://www.webmd.com/fitness-exercise/guide/muscle-strain [ii] https://www.healthline.com/health/toned-legs
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Why It Is Important For Cyclists To Recover After A Ride? And How To Improve It?

Why It Is Important For Cyclists To Recover After A Ride? And How To Improve It?

When we train, our bodies are put under pressure. Our muscles develop microscopic tears, and thos...
When we train, our bodies are put under pressure. Our muscles develop microscopic tears, and those muscles need to be repaired in order to become stronger and capable of being pushed for longer periods of time. You'll either be underperforming or overtraining if you don't include adequate recovery and cycling rest days in your training schedule. Working on the recuperation part of training is essential for increasing cycling power. If not, you will not obtain the full potential power of their hamstrings and hip flexors, putting them at danger of injury and at risk of not being able to improve cycling speed. The risk of burnout, a lack of energy, and a lack of motivation can all occur if you don't get enough rest and recovery. It's just as vital to schedule rest days and make sure you take them as planned. Interval training helps you increase your bike speed. Cycling intervals and building endurance cycling, on the other hand, are strenuous physical workouts, and they must be followed by a recovery day to get the most out of them.  “It's the most crucial aspect of training,” professional cyclist Liam Holohan explains. So many guys go beyond with their training and never recover — their form deteriorates, and it's a terrible cycle. They believe they aren't performing well, so they train even harder, which just makes things worse.” (i)   How To Recover After A Long Bike Ride Recovery after cycling, especially a long-distance rides require the adequate post cycling recovery time of at least one to two days a week. This is to allow for proper muscle recovery after cycling and to allow your body to adjust to your training schedule. Cycling recovery aims to help you recover faster by increasing your heart rate, increasing your blood flow, restoring glycogen (or energy), and clearing your blood lactate levels. The following are answers to the question of how to recover legs after cycling.   Want to know more? Learn more about how Spryng can help you! Subscribe for more and get 10% OFF Cycling Recovery Rides A cycling recovery ride is a short ride between strenuous training sessions, usually less than one hour. If you did intervals the day before, today's ride will be an easy and strenuous free cycling recovery session. Researchers believe that a recovery ride after a long ride aids in metabolic waste clearance, which leads to increased cycling performance (ii).   Cycling Recovery Week Aside from bicycle recovery rides and in addition to cycling training rest days, cyclists should also take a rest week every now and again. After a period of intense training, a recovery week allows you to regain your mental and physical freshness while also assisting your body in adapting to the cycling stress. The level of exhaustion created by your training should be taken into account when planning a bicycle recovery week. Every 3-4 weeks, it's a good idea and a super compensation to have a recovery week. Due to racing blocks or training camps, this may grow shorter or longer apart during the season.  A sample cycling recovery week plan is shown below, as proposed and endorsed by Sport Coaching, a coaching website based in New Zealand (iii):   Monday: Off Day Tuesday: Light Interval Workout Wednesday: Light Recovery Ride Thursday: Day of Complete Rest Friday: Light Recovery Ride Saturday: Power Test Sunday: A Longer Aerobic Ride   Post Cycle Cool-down After your training session or race ends, take a 5-minute cool down by spinning slowly on your bike as during a training session or a race, the blood vessels in your legs grow. When you come to a complete halt, the blood simply pools in the same area. This can make you dizzy and reduces your body's ability to transport fresh blood and metabolic waste.   Keep Up the Hydration After your race or training session, drink plenty of water and hydrate your body. Dehydration might cause your recovery to be slowed. Use chocolate milk or your favorite beverage to help you recuperate.   Protein Helps Muscle Recovery Protein contains branched chained amino acids, which reduce exercise-induced muscle damage and promote healthy muscular growth and repair. High protein meals like beef, chicken, eggs, nuts, and legumes are high in this supplement. After your race or training session is finished, start your cool down by eating high protein snacks.   Elevate Your Legs After a long ride, elevating the leg will aid recovery by promoting blood flow in the lower body and reducing blood pooling. Place your legs against a wall and try to stay there for 5 minutes for every hour you've been riding.   Rest Rest is necessary for recuperation and muscle repair, both of which aid in the general healing of the body. Muscle-building hormones are released when you sleep, which are vital for muscle repair during training and after a race. According to research, obtaining 7 to 8 hours of sleep at night and a 30 minute power nap during the day improves recovery by lowering stress hormone levels (iv).   Active Recovery Workouts At Home A simple massage is an example of an active recovery workout at home. Massage your legs to help drive waste-carrying fluids out of your legs during muscular breakdown. A massage will improve circulation and allow fresh blood to flow freely, assisting in muscle repair. It can also aid in the removal of knots that may form in your body as a result of muscle overuse. Use tiny foam rollers or even a couple of tennis balls tucked under your socks for optimum effects. According to research, receiving a massage after exercising can enhance circulation for up to 72 hours (v). Cycling, while fun is a highly demanding sport when it comes to your body. Cycling requires physical attributes such as endurance and strength in order to traverse long distances and push harder whether it is just training or a competition. With the above in mind, you can be assured that not only will you feel great after a recovery but you will also be able to push your body that much harder and longer over on the next run.     References: https://www.cyclingweekly.com/fitness/tips-effective-rest-recovery-after-cycling-147012 https://sheebes.com/goals/how-to-make-the-most-of-cycling-recovery-to-cycle-your-best/ https://sportcoaching.co.nz/cycling-recovery-week-and-cycling-recovery-rides/ https://health.clevelandclinic.org/7-best-tips-to-help-you-recover-after-a-cycling-race/ https://www.bicycling.com/training/g20008591/8-quick-recovery-tricks-to-get-you-back-on-the-bike/  
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A Cyclist's Guide on Leg Pain, its Causes and How to Prevent Calf Cramps

A Cyclist's Guide on Leg Pain, its Causes and How to Prevent Calf Cramps

Cycling is a very exciting and challenging sport for many. Whether you chose to do it in a recrea...
Cycling is a very exciting and challenging sport for many. Whether you chose to do it in a recreational manner or professionally, it requires a significant amount of fitness and strength to cycle. Some may even call it addictive. However, like any other sport that requires endurance and strength, cycling can result in leg pain and injury, if rest and recovery are not considered. But why do leg pains occur when cycling, especially when it is not an impact sport? What are the most common types of leg pain for cyclists? And what should be done to avoid these pains? This guide will attempt to answer all these questions. What Are the Causes of Leg Pain? There are many causes of leg pain. A cyclist experiences leg pain due to various reasons; from muscle fatigue to external causes like crashing or hitting something. However, the most common reason is muscle fatigue. As a result, we would not be covering the external causes since they are almost always unique. Muscle fatigue on the leg is defined as the overuse of the muscles in the lower body. As cycling uses the lower body to a great extent, these muscles undergo severe stress, which in turn produces lactic acid. When there is a higher production of lactic acid, the legs start to hurt. The more it hurts, the more you tend to reduce the stress on it. Sudden sprinting on the bicycle, or riding for a long period without proper hydration results in an increase in lactate production. The most common type of muscle fatigue occurs in the form of pain in the back of the thigh, and calf muscle pains. Depending on how physically fit you are, these are experienced generally during the end of a cycling session or a few hours after your session. These types of leg pains can be largely categorized into two, namely cramps and Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness (DOMS). What Causes Cramps in Legs while Cycling?  Leg cramps during cycling are common among all cyclists; amateurs and professionals alike. Moreover, the causes of cramps in the legs are wide and varied. It can be stiff muscles, poor hydration before and during cycling as well as pushing of the legs more than you should. Stiff Muscles Cycling is a sport that incorporates all the muscle groups in the legs. Your calves, glutes, quads, and even your foot muscles are used. Due to the repetition of the pedal strokes, these muscles get tired and become complacent in their movement. Stiff muscles make this complacency noticeable and eventually results in a temporary pain that lasts for the duration of the cycling session. If you ever record yourself cycling for a long period, you will be able to see that your pedal motion slightly shifts outwards from the bicycle to ease the stress caused to the quads. If your legs are stiff you will experience it quite soon in the ride. The reason is that the glutes and quads cannot perform any eccentric contractions since it is stiff. If you force it, you will experience a sharp pain in the area. In other words, a cramp. Hydration and Nutrition Another explanation for calves cramping while cycling, is poor hydration and nutrition. Your muscles need fuel to function. That fuel comes in the form of electrolytes, such as sodium, magnesium, and potassium. Electrolytes allow the muscles to perform aerobically[i]. On the other hand, when the muscles have no electrolytes to consume when doing an activity, the muscles work in an anaerobic manner. When the muscles operate in this way, it produces lactic acid, which results in cramps. Overworking the Legs The science of how cramps occur this way is similar to poor hydration and nutrition. The muscles can only work so much, even in the most ideal conditions. There is always a limit for the leg muscles and once this limit is passed, the legs produce lactic acid, which results in the typical leg cramps after cycling. How do you Prevent Leg Cramps when Cycling? To prevent calf cramps or prevent any muscle cramps for that matter, you should be very strict with how you do your workouts and how you fuel yourself. Stretching Leg stretches to prevent cramps are crucial. Stretching allows the muscles to become loose and flexible, thus allowing you to call on their help when the need arises. Stretching is not something you should take lightly, especially in cycling. Two types of stretches have to be done before and after a session, namely dynamic stretches and static stretches. Stretches like this enable you to avoid the 3 most common cramps from cycling.  Dynamic stretches should be done before a session, as it requires the body to adapt to a particular movement while also stretching out the muscles. On the other hand, static stretches should be done after the session. The purpose of these stretches is to flush out as much lactic acid as possible and to keep the muscles from getting stiff, thus aiding in the recovery process. In short, these are important exercises to prevent calf cramps. Adequate Fuelling If you want to avoid calf cramps while cycling, you have to make sure you are fuelling them adequately. That means you have to take in the necessary electrolytes and follow a strict diet that helps the muscles perform. In other words, you will have to make sure that you take the right amounts of carbohydrates, proteins, and other important macronutrients. When the muscles are fueled properly, it will not cramp up during a session. Moreover, you will be more confident as well. Pushing Reasonably Make sure you know your limits when doing a session. Of course, it is important to push your limits if you want to improve your performance. However, you have to be reasonable in your push. Always be sure to gradually increase the intensity of the workouts, as opposed to suddenly cranking it up. How to Recover from Muscle Cramps in Legs when Cycling? In the event, you do experience muscle cramps while cycling, there are a few remedies for instant leg cramp relief. Take it Slow One of the first things that you should, when you do cramp when cycling is to take it slow. Do not take the pain for granted as it could turn into a long-term injury. Slow down the spin and let the legs rest for a bit. A slow pedal motion enables the muscles to go back into a more aerobic performance, as opposed to an anaerobic one. Of course, this is only a temporary remedy to relieve leg muscle cramps. Stretch it Out If you still cramp up, then stop pedalling and stretch the affected area. Stretching the muscles out help the flushing out of lactic build-up, which is responsible for the cramps. Moreover, you are sure to experience instant calf muscle pain relief when you stretch the legs. However, keep in mind that this too is only a temporary solution. Eating and Drinking on the Go When you are feeling like you are cramping, slow down, and have some electrolytes. Make sure you slow down as well so that the legs can recover a bit from the intense cycling. It is best to do this while doing the previous two muscle recovery tips for cyclists[i]. What are the Causes of DOMS in Cyclists? While cramps are a common sight to any type of cyclist, Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness (DOMS) is more likely to affect the beginner. The root cause of Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness is repetitive stress as a result of high-intensity cycling. Therefore, damaging the muscle fibres of the legs, which eventually result in soreness that could last up to 72 hours. More about DOMS can be further understood in our separate article ‘A Guide to DOMS: Definition, Causes, Recovery & Prevention’. How DOMS Affects Cycling Performance? Cycling performance is heavily affected by DOMS since it does not allow the legs to perform the way it normally can. The soreness that can last for up to 72 hours makes it difficult to push yourself in any sort of activity. Due to the severity of the soreness, you will not be able to hop on a bicycle for a while until it subsides. Even then, you will have to take it easy on the workouts. In short, DOMS negatively affects cycling performance, however, only for a short period. What to do if you are Already Experiencing DOMS? If you are suffering from soreness, do not panic. Treatment for DOMS are plenty and can be done right at the comfort of your own home. Here are some of the popular ones; Massage There is no particular style of massage that is recommended for Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness relief. As long as a mild massage is done in the sore area, you should be able to ease the soreness for a little while[ii]. Cold Baths Taking cold baths in a regular interval allows the muscles to reduce the swelling that is typical of DOMS. Just 10-15 minutes in a cold bath can drastically reduce the duration of the soreness as a whole[iii]. Anti-inflammatory Ointments and Gels Additionally, you can also use topical anti-inflammatory applications to aid the healing process and reduce the pain caused by DOMS. By no means is this a permanent solution though. Recovery Tools Mixing in the use of recovery tools like that of SPRYNG to reduce the effects of DOMS helps a great deal. The compression wrap, along with its patent-pending wavetec compression pattern allows excess lactic acid to be flushed away and allows for a better circulation of blood. The recently introduce SPRYNG Knuckles Power Up enables you to have a much better deep tissue massage as well. Therefore, enabling a more effective recovery process. How to Avoid DOMS? If you want to prevent Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness (DOMS), you must follow a strict routine before and after cycling sessions; Proper Warm-up Firstly, you have to make sure that you warm up properly before any sort of cycling workout. Even if it is a simple recovery workout, it is necessary to do dynamic stretching before hopping on the bike. Moderately Intense Workout Do not go all out in your workouts. Gradually increase the intensity of the workout, since it enables the body to adapt more effectively to the change in pace. Stretching and Cooling Down Once you have completed the workout, do some static stretches so you can flush out the excess lactic acid. Moreover, schedule a few simple recovery sessions, since it keeps the legs active. Hydration and Nutrition Whether you are in a recovery phase or not, you always have to keep a tab on what you eat and drink. It is known that following a high protein diet, along with an increased intake of vitamin D reduces the chances of a severe hit of DOMS, Therefore, the recovery time is much lesser[iv][v]. How to Improve Blood Circulation in the Legs? When it comes to the recovery stage of cycling, one of the main factors that should be considered is how to maintain or increase circulation in the legs. The pooling of blood is one of the major causes of DOMS and even long-term injuries. How do you improve circulation in the legs though? Stretching them after every workout and massaging them frequently. Once again SPRYNG plays a major part in this recovery phase, as the sole purpose of the tool is to maintain a healthy circulation throughout the legs and body. Why is Prevention/Recovery So Important? If you are a cyclist that is keen on the sport, you would not want to miss a workout session. It goes for amateur cyclists and professionals as well. There are many other reasons to justify why recovery and prevention are so important. Less Prone to Injury If you are dealing with Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness (DOMS), and follow the necessary tips in preventing and recovering from it, your legs will be less prone to injury, since you will not go into the next cycling session with fatigued legs. Can Maintain Fitness Following proper Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness recovery methods will allow you to get back on the bicycle quickly. Thereby, allowing you to push yourself and maintain a good base of fitness in the long run. Comparison Between Foam Rollers, Compression Socks, and SPRYNG Foam Rollers These are relatively inexpensive recovery tools that can be used as a way to loosen up the muscles, especially the legs. As the name suggests, it is made out of a special foam that is shaped cylindrically, so it can be rolled along the ground. When compared to the compression socks, these tools can only be used after a workout and requires some effort to use. In other words, this is a tool that you have to actively use while exercising. Therefore, using foam rollers may require some guidance and practice at first. Compression Socks Compression socks are used while doing the activity. They are almost like any sock, except that it is tighter and runs the full length of your calves. The science behind it is that when you use it during a workout, there is less pooling of the blood due to the constriction of the muscles from the sock. Moreover, your muscles will be more stable during the session. In other words, it reduces the effects of soreness and cramps when cycling. SPRYNG SPRYNG brings the best of both worlds. The compression wrap can be used electronically and is portable due to its wireless technology. The recovery tool also has several settings that can be chosen to your liking. Once it is configured to your preferences, it will begin to systematically mimic the skeletal pump of the calf muscles to flush out any excess lactic acid and pooled blood. The result can be a much faster recovery period from soreness and cramps without much effort. The reasonable price tag makes it all the more enticing for the amateur and professional cyclist as well. FAQs What causes sore muscles? Repetition of strenuous activity in a particular muscle group. What massage can I use for sore muscles? There is no particular type of massage. As long as it is mild and helps loosen up the muscles, it is alright. What helps sore muscles recover faster? Massages, recovery tools like SPRYNG, stretching, and cold baths. What causes muscle cramps? It can be either stiff muscles, lack of hydration, or overworking the muscles. What to do for leg cramps? Slow down the intensity of the activity, stretch, and hydrate. How to increase blood flow? Massages, using recovery tools like SPRYNG, and stretching exercises. Why do my legs ache? Your legs may ache because you either have been idling for too long, or you have been doing too much activity. What are compression socks? They are socks that reduce the pooling of blood and lactic acid build up in the legs while doing a workout. Why do my calves hurt? Because of repetitive stress caused by activity in the area. Why drink water after a massage? It flushes out the free radicals released by a massage and helps rehydrate the muscles. Why are my muscles sore for no reason? It can be due to many reasons, therefore it is best to visit a physician to pinpoint what exactly is the problem. Are sore muscles a good sign? Yes, it can be a good sign after a workout. It is an indicator of whether you did the workout right. Is it okay to exercise with sore muscles? It is not recommended. However, light exercises that are aimed at reducing the soreness of the muscles can be done. There we have it! Everything you need to know about leg pain and why it occurs during cycling, along with the solutions for it. [i] https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC1035668/ [i] https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC1035668/ [ii] https://www.frontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/fphys.2017.00747/full [iii] https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4802003/ [iv] https://www.jstage.jst.go.jp/article/jspfsm/65/1/65_157/_article/-char/ja/ [v] https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S1440244013000558      
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3 Most Common Muscle Cramps from Cycling: Recovery & Prevention

3 Most Common Muscle Cramps from Cycling: Recovery & Prevention

Cycling can be quite a technical sport, especially if you are new to it. However, that does not ...
Cycling can be quite a technical sport, especially if you are new to it. However, that does not mean it is complicated to grasp. Although it is a low impact sport, it certainly does take a lot out of your legs. Leg cramps after cycling or sore legs after cycling are just some of the more common difficulties you might face when you begin those long rides. Muscle cramps are one of the most common niggles any cyclist would face, regardless of whether he/she is a professional or a beginner. Three common leg cramps occur; namely in the quadriceps, glutes, and calf muscles. Cramps in Front Thigh (Quadriceps) Your quadriceps and hamstrings in the upper leg and the gastrocnemius and soleus in the calf are the most important muscle groups involved in cycling and are responsible for delivering power to the pedal. Delivering power requires a lot of energy, which means a good amount of nutrients, such as potassium, calcium, magnesium, and sodium are used in great quantity. Your quadriceps may start losing its initial momentum after a while due to the limited supply of nutrients, which results in typical cycling leg pain during the pedalling motion and becomes a battle for you to at least finish the workout. Sustaining a smooth circular motion causes strain, especially when pushing down from the 12 o’clock position to the 6 o’clock position. Cramps related to the quadriceps often come gradually and may feel like someone just punched you in that area; however, you still would be able to cycle albeit with difficulty and less energy. Cramps in Buttocks (Glutes) Being the largest muscle group in the body, your glutes are engaged in generating power that goes into the pedals. In short, this is the muscle group that takes most energy. Since it is involved in the pedalling motion throughout, important electrolytes such as sodium, potassium, and magnesium are used up at a rapid rate, which reduces the ability to perform at the same level.  Just like the quadriceps, glutes also tend to cramp up when there is a lack of nutrients. A cramp in your glutes comes in the form of sharp pain around the buttocks area, or near the hamstring area, which makes it almost impossible to continue, unless electrolytes are taken in. Calf Muscle Cramps Although a small muscle group when compared to the other two, your calf muscles are equally important in cycling. These muscles are responsible for delivering power, and aides in the active recovery phase of the pedalling motion. Calf cramps when cycling comes as a sharp pain when the legs start to lose those important electrolytes, which makes it difficult to pedal. Due to muscle fatigue, a cramp would often lead to calf pain after cycling. How to Recover and Prevent Cycling Cramps There are simple solutions to prevent and recover from these common cycling cramps and do not require much effort. As long as you maintain good nutrition, a good workout routine, and of course a disciplined recovery programme. Nutrition and Hydration Nutrition and hydration is key to preventing any sort of cramp when cycling. Without proper food intake and fluid intake, the legs will struggle to perform when they are needed the most. This does not only mean having proper intake before cycling; but also during the exercise. Electrolytes during a long ride are a quick solution to prevent any sort of cramp. Of course, this can be in either liquid form or solids. Whether it is a banana, isotonic gel, or an energy bar, it will give you that extra push for your legs. Workout Programme Following a proper workout programme is another way of preventing your legs from experiencing any unnecessary cramps. Your workout programme is designed based on your body’s limitations and capabilities. Attempting to go beyond those limitations is a big risk, as it would lead to many complications, ranging from injuries to general fatigue. Recovery Programme With a good workout plan, you also need a good recovery programme. This includes cool down, stretching, and other recovery aids. Cooldown and stretching are considered to be the primary method of leg recovery after cycling. Cycling, however, is a taxing sport, which requires you to take that recovery up a notch. Using recovery tools gives you a better chance of getting back on the saddle faster. Recovery tools such as SPRYNG have the potential to stop legs aching after cycling, as the active compression delivers strategic pneumatic pressure to the legs, which helps the calf muscles circulate the pooled blood, and wash out the excess lactic build-up. Therefore, allowing for improved circulation, accelerated healing, and enhanced performance. Cycling cramps may be quite annoying to overcome and can be detrimental to performances over time. However, with the right nutrition, workouts, and recovery, there is no need to worry at all.
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How to Relieve Muscle Soreness from Cycling

How to Relieve Muscle Soreness from Cycling

Engaging in rigorous workouts on the bicycle over a long period can be quite strenuous to the b...
Engaging in rigorous workouts on the bicycle over a long period can be quite strenuous to the body, especially to the legs. Therefore, it is natural that you would experience sore legs after cycling. But, that does not mean the end of cycling for you! There are simple remedies to recover from leg pain after cycling. Before delving into all the details, it is necessary to understand what major muscle groups are used during a cycling workout, and how these muscles fatigue over prolonged exercise.   Primary Muscle Groups Used for Cycling Starting from the upper body to the lower body, many muscles are activated during a cycling workout. However, it is the lower body that takes the most beating, which results in a higher tendency for injury and soreness. Here, we are only going to concentrate on the core and the lower body, since these are the most worked. Core Although ignored by many amateurs, the core is what keeps the rider upright and maintains posture for the duration of the ride. The weaker your core is, the harder it is to maintain an efficient position for the duration of the workout. Similarly, the stronger your core is, the more efficient your posture is. Quadriceps (Thigh Muscles) One of the first questions you might ask during a strenuous cycling session is ‘why do my thighs hurt when cycling?’ Simply put, the reason for this is the build-up of lactic acid in your quadriceps, which is one of the most important muscle groups for the activity. The more power you put on the bicycle, the more anaerobic your body will be, which in turn would produce more lactic acid. Therefore, having sore thigh muscles after cycling is normal to any cyclist. Gluteus Maximus Another major muscle group that is activated for cycling are the glutes. Being the largest muscle group in the human body, it helps us maintain a smooth pedal stroke along with maintaining power output. It also is seen in the initial push motion from the twelve o’clock position to the six o’clock position. Calf Muscles Your calf muscles are very important and are best seen in the pedaling motion. It is this muscle that not only assists in the transferring of power to the pedals but also aids in the recovery phase of the pedaling motion. In other words, if you are cleated in, the pull motion from the six o’clock position to the twelve o’clock position is stabilized by your calf muscles, which is why sore calves after cycling are common. Want to know more? Learn more about SPRYNG and get 10% on your 1st Order! Subscribe for the latest updates and deals. Relieving Soreness - Stretching for each Muscle Group There are many stretch routines that cyclists could use to help relieve soreness after a heavy workout. Here is why stretching for these major muscle groups is recommended, along with some useful stretch routines to follow. Core Stretching the core is important after cycling, as lactic build-up can temporarily change your posture. Many stretches can immediately alleviate this problem. One of them is by making a bridge. This is done by lying on your back, bending your knees, bringing your hands beside your ears with flat palm and fingers facing toes, and finally pushing yourself up. Similarly, the ‘Cobra’ position also helps in stretching the core muscle groups. This is done by lying on your stomach, bringing your hands beside your ears, and pushing only your upper body up, effectively arching your back outwards. Quadriceps Stretching out this muscle group cannot be stressed enough, as it is imperative in generating power to the pedals. Having sore quadriceps would result in subpar performance However, having fully recovered quad muscles results in a positive performance. All you have to do to stretch this muscle group is to lie on your stomach, bend one knee as far back, grab the ankle and pull your knee towards your buttocks. Maintaining this posture for around 30-60 seconds is more than enough for each leg. Gluteus Maximus This muscle is considered the powerhouse for cycling. Moreover, it is this muscle group that rests on the saddle, which can result in higher fatigue as opposed to the other muscles. One of the best ways to stretch this muscle group is by doing a ‘Pigeon’ pose. Start by bending your right knee and bringing that leg forward as if you were going to step into a lunge. Bring your right knee to the floor on the outside of your right hand. Make sure the other leg is straight and flat on the floor. Once stable, slowly bring your torso down over the right leg. Repeat with the other leg. Calf Muscles Leg cramps after biking are common; especially if it was a rigorous biking workout. This is because of the constant 'push and pull' motion of the pedals that can strain the calf muscles. This makes it even more important to stretch. The Downward Dog yoga pose is sure to help in alleviating those cramps. All you have to do is get on all fours with your buttocks as the highest point. While in that position try to keep your feet flat on the ground for around 30-60 seconds. You could even modify the pose by putting one leg over the other, and alternating. Recovery Workouts and Recovery Tools While stretching helps in recovery, it is also important to schedule easy cycling workouts to flush out any excess lactic acid from the muscles (i.e. active recovery workouts). Thus, aiding in quick recovery of the muscles. Similarly, the use of recovery tools, such as SPRYNG, certainly helps with recovery. With its active compression technology, SPRYNG helps flush out lactic build-up and helps reduce the pooling of blood, therefore improving blood circulation to the entire lower body. With these useful tips in mind, you can now reach peak performance without ever having to worry too much about recovery time.
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