Guide to Strengthen Lower Body for Gymnastic Beginners

Guide to Strengthen Lower Body for Gymnastic Beginners

The sport of gymnastics has popularized exponentially over time, mainly due to advanced technolog...
The sport of gymnastics has popularized exponentially over time, mainly due to advanced technology and modern equipment made easily available at affordable prices. The hunger for success is greater when corporations splash out lucrative monetary endorsement deals for “world class” gymnasts “and nations push these athletes for Olympic glory. This has propelled novice gymnasts to push their bodies to their utmost limits.   Want to know more? Learn more about how Spryng can help you! Subscribe for the latest updates and get 10% OFF. Being an aspiring gymnast can be daunting as your piers perform gravity defying stunts and precise landings. No matter what type of gymnastics you practice be it Artistic, Rhythmic, Trampoline, Power Tumbling, Acrobatics, or Aerobics; these require skills like balance, flexibility, strength, power, coordination, agility, and endurance which places immense pressure on your lower body. This often results in gymnastic injuries unless a tailored gymnastic exercise routine is followed.   Here are some gymnastic exercises for beginners, that will help strengthen the lower body and support one’s leg workout recovery.  Gymnastics strength training for the upper body  Gymnastics is a sport which involves the entire body working cohesively together like a finely tuned machine. While your lower body absorbs most of the impacts, one cannot ignore the significance the upper body plays. For events like parallel bars, still rings or horizontal bars, upper body strength is essential. We recommend a series of handstands, a series of reps on pull up bars and gymnastics bench press to name a few to improve upper body strength and flexibility.  In addition, for overall strength and endurance training; we recommend following the routine of “Simone Biles” one of the greatest gymnasts of our generation. Her cross-training routine involves a mix of swimming, running, and biking —which she follows to prepare herself for competitions.   Gymnastics leg workout  As mentioned, due to the explosive power and force that gymnastics places upon your lower body and legs, one’s ability to absorb the impacts created by the movements is critical to a gymnast’s success. Activities like the vault, dismount, balance beam, pommel horse causes immense pressure on the athletes’ legs. To strengthen leg muscles gymnastic squats, are recommended, and so is a routine a bike ride on an incline plain. With dedication and commitment, one will be well on their way to achieving those powerful gymnastic legs always dreamt of.   But like the saying goes “there is no gain without pain”. This is especially true in gymnastics.   How to stop legs from hurting after a workout?  While training is important, proper recovery is also vital to avoid injury. With the pressure placed on your legs during training one may wonder “how to stop your legs from hurting after exercise”  There is a plethora of modern and time-tested ways to ease leg pain.        Legs sore after stretching Stretching is an important aspect in one’s warming up and cooling down routine. It helps improve flexibility during an exercise regimen. However, the risk of over stretching your muscles can cause intense pain and soreness. As a rule of thumb, if your muscles feel a stabbing pain, that implies that you have over stretched your muscles, resulting in injury. If it is done correctly, one should feel a slight but comfortable stretch of the muscle.          Ice pack for swelling This time tested remedy dates back ages. Applying an ice pack can relieve pain, and ease swelling and inflammation of the sore muscles          Raising legs to increase blood pressure Elevating legs for better circulation is a remedy to improve blood flow to your heart. Oxygen depleted blood returns blood to one’s heart through veins. As the veins are tiny and pressure is low, by positioning one’s legs above the heart level, helps improve blood flow faster. This natural method aided by gravity improves blood circulation and reduces pain.          Leg compression therapy The most modern and easy to use device, to ease pain and swelling that has been scientifically proven is SPRYNG, a calf compression wrap. It uses active compression technology to improve circulation and flush out lactic acid, thereby alleviating pain. SPRYNG has many advantages when compared to other active compression and leg compression devices in the market. A few of them are -  Quick recovery- It takes only 15 minutes to produce results  Embrace freedom - It is lightweight, portable, and untethered.    Extremely affordable –it is cheaper than any other active compression device on the market.  Looks great- It is available in a range of colours to suit your mood or wardrobe.  Convenience-  Place your order now and become eligible for delivery to your doorstep.  Buy now and pay later with our free instalment settlement options.      References'%20workout%20reportedly%20consists%20of,through%20each%20of%20the%20moves. 
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How Ballet Dancers Can Gain Leg Strength And Recover Sore Legs Faster

How Ballet Dancers Can Gain Leg Strength And Recover Sore Legs Faster

Ballet dancing is an art form. It's a performance of musical and creative expression. Ballet requ...
Ballet dancing is an art form. It's a performance of musical and creative expression. Ballet requires dedication, practice, and physical strength. For ballet dancers, legs training workouts are essential to ensure their best performances.   There are specialized ballet workouts aimed at strengthening the muscle groups required for dancing, and they are important exercises for the ballerinas to prevent injuries and reach optimal conditions necessary for dancing.  Want to know more? Learn more about how Spryng can help you! Subscribe for the latest updates and get 10% OFF. Strength training exercises for ballet dancers  As one of the most gruelling forms of dance that requires graceful movements, flexibility, a strong core and emphasis on leg strength, the following exercises performed consistently would make a big difference in a ballet dancer's life.  1. Leg raises  Leg lifts and leg raises are popular among dancers, and they can be done while lying on your back. Raise each leg while tightening your abs and making sure to keep the leg straight. Not only are these exercises great calf stretches for dancers, but they also help you achieve those lean and elongated ballerina calves you long for.  Leg raises can even be performed while standing as you support yourself against a ballet barre and lift one leg high up. These helpful ballet calf exercises allow you to stretch out and extend your leg muscles and help to increase balance and flexibility.  2. Squats  Squats are an essential ballet leg workout as they work the front and back legs and help to improve ankle mobility. Simply stand with your feet placed parallel to each other and slightly apart from your hip distance. You may extend your arms in front of you, place them on your hips or overhead.   While keeping your torso straight, push your hips back and bend into your knees until your knees are at a 90-degree angle. Conduct slow and controlled reps and hold the bottom of the squat for about 15 seconds. Repeat as desired. You may start incorporating small weights if you aim to build more strength.   3. Lunges  If you're wondering how to get strong legs for dancing, lunges are great workouts to engage in. They are fantastic ballet leg strengthening exercises as they help to strengthen quads and hamstrings. You may perform stationary lunges or conduct walking lunges based on your preference.  As you take a big step forward, bend into both knees, forming 90-degree angles on each. You may place your hand on your hips or extend them over your head. Return to the starting position and repeat with the other foot in front of you.  4. Wall-sits  This workout is simple and effective in strengthening the lower half of your body. All it requires is a wall to practice against! Simply sit against the wall while placing your legs evenly at 90-degree angles. Hold the position for a few minutes, and you'll feel the burn in your muscles.  This is a fantastic exercise for muscle conditioning for dancers as it helps strengthen muscles and increase endurance.  5. Abdominal workouts  Strengthening the core is especially important to all dancers as essentially all your arm and leg movements originate from your core. The strength of your core determines the power and grace you can incorporate into your movements. And it allows the dancers to maintain their posture as they perform, which is a must-have for all ballet dancers.   Planking, side plank leg lifts and lower abdominal hip lifts are some of the most convenient ab workouts for ballet dancers to engage in regularly.  How to recover fast after ballet workouts?  Do your legs hurt after dancing? Are you wondering why your calves hurt after dancing? Minor aches and pains are common for those who dance and train regularly. With proper dance recovery routines and techniques, you can eliminate those aches and pains and ensure your next training session won't be impacted by it.  Below are a few tips to help you alleviate the pain in your calves and legs and achieve a faster recovery:  1. Use a foam roller  Foam rollers are excellent muscle recovery tools that help you roll out those knots after a strenuous workout. Ideally, it would help to incorporate the foam roller into your warm-down stretches after a workout routine.  2. Stretch  Stretching out your tight muscles is one of the most effective ways to alleviate leg pain that follows a workout. It helps to release the excess lactic acids built up from your activities and alleviate the pain.  3. Calf compression wrap  If you're searching for the best recovery massage tool in the market, SPRYNG calf muscle recovery tool is one that you should grab. It provides active massage compression that promotes oxygenated blood flow to your legs, helping alleviate pain and soreness in your leg muscles fast.  To read more about easy exercises for dancers to stay fit, visit here.   
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5 Ab Workouts For Women To Strengthen Your Core

5 Ab Workouts For Women To Strengthen Your Core

Whether you want to tone your body, lose a few inches around your waist or achieve that long-desi...
Whether you want to tone your body, lose a few inches around your waist or achieve that long-desired six-pack, ab workouts for women are fantastic means of strengthening your core and getting in shape. And the best part is that they don't require excessive gym equipment, as most can be done within the comforts of your home.  While there are many core strengthening exercises you may engage in, we have selected the 5 best core exercises for women that you can incorporate into your next workout.  Want to know more? Learn more about how Spryng can help you! Subscribe for the latest updates and get 10% OFF. Best core strengthening exercises to try out:  1. Hip lifts  Lie down on your back, raise your legs, and hold them perpendicular to your torso. Keep your arms by your sides as you raise your hips and lift them a few inches off the floor. Hold it for a few seconds before lowering them to the ground. Keep repeating and try to do each rep without letting your hips fully touch down on the floor for a more intense workout.  2. Flutter kicks  Flutter kicks and workouts are great for your core. Just lie on your back and tighten your ab muscles. Raise your legs, keeping them straight and above the level of your hips. Leave your arms straight in line with the floor. With your toes pointed forward, start lowering one leg and bring it back up as you lower the other. Continue the movement of kicking while keeping your core engaged.   3. Leg lifts  Leg raise ab workouts are some of the best exercises for your ab and leg muscles. Lie on your back and hold your core muscles tight. Lift your legs about one foot off the ground until you feel your core engaged. Bring them back down and repeat the movement without letting your ankles touch the floor at each rep.   Do side leg lifts by turning on your side and lifting one leg at a time to engage the sides of your core. 4. Bicycle crunches  Go a step further from your average double ab crunches to incorporate bicycle crunches. While lying flat on the floor with your legs stretched in front and hands behind your head, lift your shoulder blades off the ground and bring in your right knee towards your chest and have your left elbow meet the knee. Switch sides to engage the left knee and right elbow in the same movement and keep alternating. Make sure not to push your neck forward with your hands as the force should be generated from your abs. 5. Mountain climbers  Get on a plank position with your arms straight and place your wrists directly beneath your shoulders. Alternatively, bring each knee to your chest and back out as you speed up the rotation keeping your glutes engaged.  How to recover from ab workouts:  It's a must to conduct adequate muscle recovery after a workout, as you're sure to experience some level of pain and soreness all over your body after an engaging ab workout session.   Perhaps you're wondering why your legs hurt after doing abs workouts. What's interesting is that most core exercises engage other parts of your body's muscle group, and as such, you may experience soreness in areas aside from your abs.   Pain in your leg muscle is a common occurrence after ab workouts. Hence your post-workout recovery should target leg muscle recovery as well.  Incorporating the following techniques would help your muscles recover faster after a good core workout:  1. Take a cold shower  After an intense workout, a cold shower is a great way to relax your muscles and help them regenerate. It is known to help reduce muscle soreness and promote faster recovery.  2. Use a calf muscle recovery tool  If you're experiencing pain in your legs and calves, an active massage compression tool would be the ideal solution. SPRYNG calf compression wraps are some of the best recovery massage tools available that promote healing in your leg muscles through active compression.  3. Hot water bottle  Experiencing sore abs is a sign you've had yourself a good ab workout. A good old hot water bottle or a heat wrap can help ease the pain in your sore abs as it increases blood flow and speeds up recovery.   4. Rest and recover  One of the best ways to relieve muscle soreness post-workout is to allow your body to heal itself. So don't try to push beyond your limits. Give yourself plenty of rest and ensure you receive sufficient high-quality sleep each night so your body can recover itself.  For more on alleviating muscle pain post-workout, visit here. 
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What Is Sprint Interval Training? Benefits Of This Workout

What Is Sprint Interval Training? Benefits Of This Workout

If you want to get the most out of your gym visit or training to increase VO2 Max, in the shortes...
If you want to get the most out of your gym visit or training to increase VO2 Max, in the shortest amount of time, interval training may be the way to go. High-Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) has gained popularity in recent years due to its efficiency, accessibility, and numerous health benefits.  Sprint Interval Training (SIT) has also become popular among fitness enthusiasts as a supplement to their workout routines. While SIT is similar to HIIT in many ways, it is more intense, making it a great workout for those looking to challenge themselves, save time, or simply change things up.  Want to know more? Learn more about how Spryng can help you! Subscribe for the latest updates and get 10% OFF. What Is Sprint Interval Training?  A Sprint Interval Training workout is a type of exercise that focuses on increasing your heart rate and "maxing out" each movement until you are completely exhausted. Simply put, a SIT workout may include the same exercises as an HIIT workout, but the intensity is higher and the rest periods are shorter in a SIT workout. SIT workouts frequently "intensify" exercises more than HIIT workouts and include moves like jump squats to ensure maximum effort.    Benefits Of Sprint Interval Training  If you're still on the fence about incorporating sprint intervals into your workout, consider the following advantages:  Lean & Sustainable Body Composition: The true power of Sprint Interval Training for weight loss is said to be in its ability to build muscle, as this increases your total net calorie burn over the course of a day, every day. Interval workouts are the only way to achieve this, aside from weight training. Since endurance-style cardio is catabolic, it causes muscle loss over time. Furthermore, it improves efficiency, which is the exact opposite of what you need to do if you want to stay lean without eating fewer calories as your metabolic rate decreases.   Fix Bad Metabolism & Prevent Diabetes: Intervals have been shown to improve insulin health in the young, old, overweight, diabetic, and people with metabolic syndrome, according to studies (i). Muscle mass increases the muscles' receptivity to insulin as well as their demand for glucose. By improving fat burning and overall hormonal balance in the body, you can also reduce inflammation and contribute to a better body composition.   Less Risk Of Tripping & Falling: Sprint Interval Training exercises improve power and coordination by priming the nervous system so that you react faster and have a quicker first step. They also strengthen the fast-twitch muscles, which are the ones most linked to preventing falls in the elderly. Another reason interval training is preferred over cardio-style exercise is that coordination and mobility become increasingly important as we age.  Improve Mental Toughness & Motivation: Interval training is not for the faint of heart. These workouts are excruciating. Some days are more challenging than others. When you are in the middle of a sprint workout, you will have doubts. It's all in your head if you're in pain and unsure about your ability to complete your workout. You must not surrender. You will gain confidence in your physical and emotional abilities by pushing through the discomfort. You will accomplish something that only a few others can.  Sprint Interval Training Plan  Are you ready to begin? Experiment with the SIT workouts listed below to see what works best for you. Feel free to change up the movements and interval lengths as needed, and always warm up and stretch your muscles before and after the workout.  Minutes 1 – 2: Burpees and jump squats are two exercises that you can do. Complete each exercise for 30 seconds, then take a 5-second break between sets.  Minutes 2 – 4: Push-ups, sprints on the spot and mountain climbers. Complete each exercise for 30 seconds, then take a 5-second break between sets.  Minutes 4 – 6: Bear crawls followed by high-knee running in place. Finish each exercise for one minute before moving on to the next.  Minutes 6 – 8: Burpees, sprints on the spot and jump squats. Complete each exercise for 30 seconds and rest for 5 seconds between each set.  Minutes 8 – 10: Push-ups and mountain climbers. Complete each exercise for 30 seconds, then take a 5-second break between sets.  Recovery For Sprinters  Post run muscle recovery allows you to regain mental and physical freshness after a period of intense training while also assisting your body in adapting to the training stress.  Hydration: Drink plenty of water after your workout to rehydrate your body. Your recovery may be slowed if you are dehydrated. To help you recover, drink chocolate milk or your favorite beverage.  Post Training Cool Down: Take a 5-minute cool down after your workout because your blood vessels in your legs expand during a workout. The blood simply pools in the same spot when you come to a complete stop. This can cause dizziness and impair your body's ability to transport fresh blood and metabolic waste and a post run recovery routine will help prevent this.   Consume Protein After Training: Protein is high in branched chain amino acids, which help to prevent exercise-induced sore calves after running and promote healthy muscular growth and repair. This supplement is high in high protein foods like beef, chicken, eggs, nuts, and legumes. Start your cool down by eating high protein snacks after your race or training session is completed.  Rest: Rest is necessary for muscle repair and sprint recovery, both of which aid in the body's overall healing. When you sleep, muscle-building hormones are released, which are important for muscle repair during training and leg recovery after running.  Use A Muscle Recovery Tool: A muscle recovery tool like Spryng active compression wraps, for example, can be applied immediately after exercise to reduce inflammation and swelling. This calf compression wrap can also be used as part of your regular nighttime routine to improve blood circulation in your feet and legs, reducing muscle pain and soreness after a long day. Spryng active massage compression devices take only 15 minutes out of your day treatment for leg pain after running by improving blood circulation in your legs and feet.      References:  Twelve Benefits of Sprint Interval Training — Poliquin Group (  High Intensity Interval vs. Sprint Interval Training | Planet Fitness 
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Get Fit, Stay Fit - How to Stick to Your New Year's Fitness Resolution

Get Fit, Stay Fit - How to Stick to Your New Year's Fitness Resolution

With another year having unfolded, most of us are making our way towards achieving our new years'...
With another year having unfolded, most of us are making our way towards achieving our new years' resolutions, and among them are most likely a handful of new year fitness goals. Yet, it's common knowledge that health and fitness-related goals for the new year are the ones that people give up the earliest. This beginner's guide to fitness will help you prioritize your health and encourage you to stay focused on your workout goals for the new year. Want to know more? Learn more about how Spryng can help you! Subscribe for the latest updates and get 10% OFF. Step 1 - Set achievable goals When it comes to setting new year fitness goals, it should start with the goal itself. Ensure you set a realistic goal that you can achieve. That means, aim high, but not too high, where you change your entire body composition within three months of your routine. Instead, take stock of where you are at present and gradually improve your strength and fitness through regular training measures.  It's common to face adversity in the form of boredom, frustration and lack of motivation on the road to your fitness goal. This is why it's essential to clarify why you are trying to achieve this goal. Set goals that are small, and then build your momentum as you go. The backbone of goal setting lies in habit formation. Once you instill a habit of working out daily, you won't be giving it up so easily.  Step 2 - Have a detailed action plan First and foremost, define your goal. Is it to gain muscle, lose some weight, tone or increase stamina. Defining your goals helps to come up with the right action plan. For instance, if your goal is to lose weight and you haven't been exercising regularly, don't aim for weight lifting or extreme workout measures in your first week. Begin with some low-intensity cardio to get your body moving. Walk for at least 30 minutes a day and build a routine around it so that you can be disciplined with your workout regimen. Try working out at the same time every day. This will help to establish a routine and thereby help with habit formation.  Step 3 - Make it enjoyable Working out shouldn't feel like a chore. To make working out a long-lasting habit, it is important to make it enjoyable. It should be a part of your day that you look forward to even when you're not having the best of days. So, mix things up by adding a variety of activities into your workout routine. This way, it won't feel redundant and boring. If you have a favorite sport, you can add that to your schedule so that you engage in the sport twice a week in place of the regular workout. What's important is to find a way to make it fun. Step 4 - Incorporate adequate recovery measures  Muscle recovery after workouts is as important as setting a fail-proof workout regimen for the new year. To ensure your new year fitness goal stays within reach, you must take measures to help your body recover fast. Not only will this help prevent injuries, but it will also keep you from skipping workouts due to muscle pain and soreness. Hydrate Hydration is essential after breaking a sweat. To improve muscle flexibility, build strength, and prevent muscle cramping and soreness, ensure to replenish your fluid levels. Incorporate electrolytes such as potassium and sodium into your post-workout liquids to speed up muscle recovery. Cooldown Cooling down is one of the best ways to recover from a workout as it enables your heart rate to return to normal gradually. It also helps to encourage blood circulation and promote leg muscle recovery by preventing soreness and relieving the built-up stress in your muscles. Consider incorporating a 5 to 10-minute stretching session to help your muscles cool down faster after your workout. Take a rest day from working out If you're constantly wondering, 'why do my legs hurt when I exercise' you may be overdoing it. If you engage in strenuous workouts, it's essential to allow your body to recover and rejuvenate itself. This can take place only during the periods of rest that you provide your body. Your muscles require adequate rest in order to repair themselves after the wear and tear that takes place during a workout. Therefore, to reap all the benefits of your workouts, ensure you provide your body with adequate rest and sleep.  Compression wraps  Compression wraps are a great way to encourage post-workout recovery. The SPRYNG calf compression wraps are great at increasing blood circulation in your legs, which helps to speed up your recovery process. These portable and untethered calf muscle recovery tools require only 15 minutes of wear time to give your sore and achy legs the relief they need post-workout. If you consistently experience pain and soreness after exercise, read our guide on alleviating post-workout muscle soreness here.     
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Everything You Need To Know About Snowboarding

Everything You Need To Know About Snowboarding

Snowboarding is an Olympic sport that is quickly gaining popularity as a global trend. A record n...
Snowboarding is an Olympic sport that is quickly gaining popularity as a global trend. A record number of people have tried the sport. It's one of those activities that anyone, regardless of age or experience level, can enjoy. All you need is a strong desire to learn and a good set of snowboarding equipment and a few exercises to prepare for snowboarding just so that you don’t suffer from leg pains after snowboarding, knee pain from snowboarding, or snowboarding leg cramps. Snowboarding, which combines balance and speed above the white snow, is a sport that will pump adrenaline through your veins.  Want to know more? Learn more about how Spryng can help you! Subscribe for the latest updates and get 10% OFF. Snowboarding's Origins in History   Modern snowboarding as we know it began in 1966 with the invention of a toy called a snurfer by Sherman Poppen, a Michigan-based engineer. Snowboarding took on its modern shape in the 1970s and began to gain popularity around the world  Beginner's Advice  If you're new to snowboarding, you should start with the fundamentals.  Make sure you have all of the snowboarding equipment you'll need to ride safely down the slope. It is recommended to purchase basic and inexpensive equipment for this purpose so that if anything goes wrong while learning or falling while boarding, there will be no financial loss however that does not mean that you compromise on quality in terms of gear.  Wear bright clothing if you're going down any kind of slope so that other people on the slopes can see you. It will be difficult for others to notice you if you wear dark clothing while boarding; therefore, wearing light-colored clothing will make things easier for you!  Snowboarding necessitates physical strength because you must run up the slope every time you fall. It also necessitates a high level of concentration because it is easy for people to lose their balance and fall when riding at high speeds. For beginners who start at the base of the mountain on smaller hills, running up the mountain is part of the process. However, a lot of beginners head up the ski lift to the top and take the green runs down. It is also recommended to have a selection of muscle recovery tools on standby for relief from any sort of soreness.   Snowboarding can be done in a variety of locations that provide suitable boarding conditions, such as fresh powdery snow or hard-packed ice. It is up to the rider to determine which condition they seek when riding, but experienced riders warn that jumping on hard-packed ice with a regular deck can be deadly!  5 Exercises Every Snowboarder Should Do  If you’ve often wondered how to improve snowboarding, it is important to keep your body in peak conditions as Snowboarding, much like other sports, is physically demanding. Here are a few quick snowboarding conditioning workout suggestions to keep your legs in shape for groomed runs or deep powder.    Standing Single Leg Bends: When you snowboard, your legs are your workhorse, so getting a good leg workout is crucial. For example, if you want to exercise your right leg, lift your left leg in the air and slowly bend your right knee before returning to the starting position.  The Basic Plank: You might ask yourself how to improve snowbaording turns. Since snowboarding involves a lot of your core muscles for balance during your turns, you want to maintain that strength for the entire snow season.  Tricep Dips: You're going to fall a lot as a novice or beginner snowboarder. When you fall, you'll be relying on your triceps muscles to help you get back to your feet. A triceps dip is the simplest way to work this area of your arm.   Hip Rolls: Knee control is greatly aided by hip strength. This exercise aims to reduce the likelihood of knee pain by strengthening the hip muscles, which include the glutes. It's also ket when learning to traverse downhill on a snowboard  Walking Lunge with Rotation Exercise: This exercise will warm up your glutes, quads, hamstrings, and abdominals. It prepares your body to move in all directions at once, reducing the risk of common snowboarding injuries.  Common Injuries While Snowboarding  Any sport can result in an injury. Snowboarding, on the other hand, is considered an extreme sport, which increases the risk of injury. Broken wrists, elbow injuries, knee injuries, concussions, and other orthopedic injuries can occur while snowboarding. Although there are more injuries associated with snowboarding, the impact of snow skiing injuries can be far more severe.   Sprains: After falling off their board and landing awkwardly, snowboarders frequently sprain their ankles or wrists. A sprain can also occur if the boots are not secured properly.  Fractures: Snowboarders frequently suffer wrist fractures after landing and putting all of their weight on the bone, causing it to break.  Dislocations: A fall on an outstretched hand or a twisting fall are the most common causes of shoulder dislocations.  Contusions: Falling on hard snow or icy patches can cause bruising deep within the tissue or even the bone.    Knee Injuries: These are common among snowboarders as a result of the impact of landing after jumps or falling while twisting.  Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness: Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness is muscle pain that occurs after a session of snowboarding and it usually takes 24-48 hours to subside. The pain was previously thought to be caused by lactic acid build-up however it is caused by small muscle tears that heal after a workout, according to research.  For more information and Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness treatment, be sure to check out our blog article on DOMS by clicking here: A Guide to DOMS: Definition, Causes, Recovery and Prevention – SPRYNG (  Recovery After Snowboarding  After a long day of shredding snow, there are a few things you can do to make the next day a little more comfortable for your muscles.   Apply Ice: Ice should be applied at regular intervals throughout the day and night to reduce muscle inflammation. Replace the ice with a hot water bottle or a soak in a hot bath after a day or two.  Stretch & Massage: Stretching your legs and muscles, as well as gently massaging the affected areas, will help you relax and feel better, but it will not completely relieve the pain you will experience.  Keep Yourself Hydrated: Drinking electrolyte-rich, low-sugar sports drinks with no caffeine will help. Your muscles may be sore from an electrolyte imbalance if you did not drink enough water while snowboarding. Sports drinks keep you hydrated while you're snowboarding and help you rehydrate afterward, which can help with muscle soreness.  Calf Muscle Recovery Tool: After snowboarding you will experience soreness in your legs particualrly your calves as that is where the pressure in while snowboarding and they are also the muscles you will be using often as you shift your weight to turn while in session. An active calf compression wrap like SPRYNG is a fantastic way to relieve the soreness in your calves. SPRYNG improves blood circulation to the entire lower body and greatly reduces leg pain after snowboarding by reducing blood pooling in the legs. Click here to learn more about SPRYNG and its advantages:    Foam Rollers: Foam rolling is thought to help with muscle tiredness and pain, as well as enhancing physical performance. It also aids in the prevention of stiffness, which minimizes the risk of injury, enhances joint mobility, and allows muscles to relax.   For more quick tips and trick on efficient recovery after snowboarding, be sure to click here: Leg Pain and Recovery - A Snowboarder’s Guide – SPRYNG (   Snowboarding is supposed to be enjoyable, so make the most of it. While the first few days will be challenging and frustrating, stick with your practice. You will eventually get there with time and you'll never look back once you get hooked!    References:  5 Exercises Every Snowboarder Should Do | ACTIVE  How to Train for Snowboarding | REI Co-op  5 Tips To Remember To Relieve Muscle Soreness After Skiing | Skiing And Snowboarding (   
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