SPRYNG™ - the dynamic calf massage that goes beyond the ordinary.

The Importance of Warm-up and Cool-down During Workouts

The Importance of Warm-up and Cool-down During Workouts

Sufficient physical activity is necessary for a healthier life. A 30-minute brisk walk every day ...
Sufficient physical activity is necessary for a healthier life. A 30-minute brisk walk every day can result in noticeable improvements. No matter what your choice of exercise is - walking, jogging or gym workouts, you’ll need to do it properly in order to reap the benefits and avoid injuries. Especially when you perform challenging and intense exercises, it’s mandatory to follow the proper instructions and avoid overdoing them. The best approach to workouts to obtain the best results while steering clear of injuries is warming up before the workout and cooling down afterwards.  Want to know more? Learn more about how Spryng can help you! Subscribe for the latest updates and get 10% OFF. Many find the warm-up and cool-down sessions quite boring and unnecessary; they focus more on the core exercises. However, this misconception does more harm than good.  Warm-ups and cool-downs; what are they?  Warm up and cool down exercises both involve low-intensity and slow-paced exercises. Warm-up exercises prepare the body for better performance and cool-down exercises help the recovery process after workouts.  Simple warm-up exercises include light jogging, cycling at a moderate pace and stretching exercises. By doing so, your blood flow increases, muscles become more agile, and your body temperature rises, reducing the risk of you getting injured. When your muscles are stretched and warmed up, the strain you put in during intense workouts  have less effect on the muscles, and you’ll   have only minor discomforts after the workout.  Cool-down exercises after a workout gradually decreases the heart rate and blood flow back to the normal level. If you abruptly stop your workout without slowly returning to the normal state, there is a possibility that you’ll experience muscle cramps and soreness. This effect is usually seen in endurance sports such as long-distance running; it’s often seen that participants who suddenly cease motion after completion of such endurance sports. Take at least 10 minutes to cool down after the workout.  The benefits of warming up    Better performance  Better blood flow  Improved oxygen efficiency  Efficient muscle activity  Less prone to injuries  Mental preparation for the main exercises  The benefits of cooling down   Faster recovery  Reduced DOMS (Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness)  What could happen if you didn’t warm up or cool down?  Increased risk of injuries – With warm-ups and cool-downs, you can reduce the risk of muscle-skeleton injuries.   Blood pooling - If you don’t follow a cool-down routine your muscles stop contracting abruptly after the workout. Without the support of the muscles in the legs, the veins work inefficiently pumping the blood back to the heart. This may result in swollen ankles and feet as blood collects in these areas.   Increased stress on the heart - Sudden need for increasing or decreasing the blood flow puts your heart at stress.  What is the best way to recover from a workout?  Do gentle stretches and reduce the intensity of movements slowly when you are cooling down. However, even if you did your cooling-down properly, you could expect muscle soreness afterwards. This is especially true after resistance training or intense workouts. When you work out, micro-tears appear in your muscles and during the recovery phase, they regrow stronger, adapting to perform more demanding intensities of the exercise.  Workouts and post-workout recovery are both equally important in order to gain maximum benefits. Let your muscles rest and make a full recovery before the next workout. You can speed up the recovery process by using a muscle recovery tool.    SPRYNG calf wrap is the most advanced active compression tool available on the market. It’s an essential device for anybody who’s involved in endurance sports, resistance training, or jobs that require you to stand or sit for long periods. SPRYNG is a, patent-pending, easy-to-use muscle recovery tool.   
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Regular Calf Massage vs Active Compression: Which gives better results for your calf pain?

Regular Calf Massage vs Active Compression: Which gives better results for your calf pain?

Have you ever gone for a run to only experience sore and tightness the next day? Your calf muscle...
Have you ever gone for a run to only experience sore and tightness the next day? Your calf muscles may also be feeling the burden of a long, high intensity run!  A calf muscle massage can benefit your calves in more ways than you think. Apart from providing relief, it can also strengthen and maximize its function while providing you with relaxation.  Want to know more? Learn more about how Spryng can help you! Subscribe for the latest updates and get 10% OFF. Let’s deep dive into your calves and find out what the benefits of massaging calf muscles, the types of massages available and what it does to your wellbeing!  Why is calf pain massage therapy important?   With the limelight in the muscles segment given to predominantly the bigger muscles like the quads and hamstrings, calf muscles are often ignored. However, calves play a vital role in getting you places as it helps you walk, run and even climb while providing stability to your body. Calf muscles are susceptible to tears and strains if adequate care is not taken. Thereby it is in your best interest to provide the best treatment for calf muscles.   Additionally, the calf muscles are regarded as the second heart of the body. This is because almost 90% of the blood returning to your heart arrives from your veins located in your calves.  Exercise and long bouts of sitting or standing can weaken these muscles making them less effective in moving blood, which can result in a lot of swelling and pain (known as blood pooling).  Let’s look at why you develop painful calf muscles and calf muscle massage benefits.   The single biggest calf massage benefits are that massages provide you relief from pain while also providing you the feeling of relaxation as your muscles de-stress.     There is a plethora of reasons how calf pain can be exacerbated. It can be after a jog, seating down for extended periods, standing on the job, improper warm up’s or they can cramp up even while lying down. Calf pain can be excruciatingly painful, and it can hamper your day-to-day life.   It can be stated that calf muscle pain or soreness which begins after exercise is caused by delayed onset muscle soreness, otherwise known as DOMS. The soreness is a result of muscle fibres tearing within your calf or the formation of muscle knots. For more information on how to treat calf muscle knots click here  So how would you recover from calf muscle pain?   The 2 easiest ways how to recover from sore calves is through massages which can be either a regular calf massage or active compression therapy.   The battle between a Regular Calf Massage vs Active Compression therapy   There are many ways to help ease painful calf muscles, however the most popular methods are done using the services of a masseuse or by using active compression therapy. Active Compression therapy is a relatively new treatment to hit the market and if you like many others want more information about this new technique, read on.    Regular Calf Massages   Standing for long hours at the job, working out at the gym or being at your seat for long hours can make your calves sore.   By using the time-tested calf pain recovery services of a registered masseuse, you will be able to ease the pain and soreness. Massage therapy also has psychological benefits as it is shown to reduce stress and anxiety levels bringing on a sense of relaxation.   For a calf massage you will have to visit the therapist or employ the services of a on call masseuse to enjoy this form of calf pain treatment   Active Compression Therapy   The new kid on the block in the recovery game, is Active Compression Therapy and it is the best remedy for sore calves.   With active compression therapy pain relief is only a calf stretch away! Active Compression therapy is ideal for flighting blood pooling and DOMS which are the leading cause of calf pain.   Active Compression therapy works by using controlled pressure to increase blood flow to your legs and improve blood flow to your heart. By improving blood flow, active compression devices prevent blood pooling and thereby reduces pain and swelling. Most active compression devices are ideal home remedies for calf pain treatment.  The best way to recover from sore legs is by using the most advanced active compression therapy device in the market- SPRYNG.   SPRYNG comes in a one size fits all solution and is the result of over 3 years of scientific research and development. The device uses a compression pattern that is patent pending and is registered by the FDA. SPRYNG is the ideal recovery for calves and is the most versatile calf compression recovery solution in its class.   For more information on how calf massagers and active compression devices work click here   The takeaway  With the convenience of massage therapy available at anytime from the comfort of your own home and the swiftness of the recovery active compression therapy holds an edge over a regular calf massage.   The scientifically backed SPRYNG has many advantages when compared to other active compression and leg compression devices in the market. A few of them are -  Quick recovery- It takes only 15 minutes to produce results. So, it is ideal for a day filled with back-to-back competitions.   Embrace freedom – While all other active compression devices are bulky and cumbersome SPRYNG it is lightweight, portable, and wireless. It can easily be carried around anywhere.    Extremely affordable –it is cheaper than any other active compression device on the market.  Convenience- Place your order now via our website www.spryngme.com and become eligible for free delivery to your doorstep.  Buy now and pay later with our easy installment settlement options.      References https://www.healthline.com/health/what-compression-therapy-and-its-benefits-are#retail-devices  https://www.healthline.com/health/what-compression-therapy-and-its-benefits-are#:~:text=Compression%20therapy%20uses%20controlled%20pressure,your%20veins%20and%20decreases%20swelling.  https://cloudmassage.com/blogs/news/how-to-massage-tight-calf-muscles  https://akphysiotherapy.com.au/services/recovery-rehab-treatment/           
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6 Ways To Ease Sore Muscles After An Intense Leg Day

6 Ways To Ease Sore Muscles After An Intense Leg Day

Exercise makes us look and feel great. When we exercise, the body releases chemicals that boost y...
Exercise makes us look and feel great. When we exercise, the body releases chemicals that boost your sense of well-being and suppress hormones that cause stress and anxiety.  Exercise also reduces hormone activity of adrenalin and cortisol which promote feelings of anxiety and tension.   Want to know more? Learn more about how Spryng can help you! Subscribe for the latest updates and get 10% OFF. While most of us mainly target the upper body when we exercise, exercising our legs should also be a core part of our routine as well.   While exercise does great things for our body and mind, alas- sore muscles are one of the less enjoyable side effects of exercise.   Many of us have suffered from leg pain after a leg workout.  Depending on the type and intensity of your leg workout, muscle soreness can range from nothing noteworthy to being extremely painful. Leg soreness after leg day in its extreme cases can cause even the mere act of sitting down, to seem a herculean task. While making you less functional in day-to-day tasks sore legs after leg day can also delay your next work out.   Despite these uncomfortable side effects of post leg day pain, take it as a positive sign.   Why do my legs hurt after leg day?  The pain is a result of Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness better known as DOMS, and it shows that you have worked your muscles hard enough to create tiny tears in your muscles. As your muscles heal it will lead to bigger and stronger muscles thereby paving the path for workouts with higher and longer intensity. DOMS take effect 12 to 24 hours after a rough workout, and it is at its worst between 24 to 72 hours post workout. The extreme soreness after leg day will gradually pass after a couple of days.   What exercises are involved in leg day?   Popular leg exercises involve squats, deadlifts, seated leg press and hip thrusts to name a few.    Squats are one of the most popular leg exercises in the above list. It is popular because it targets the muscles in the legs, lower back and core. As it targets these areas intensely squats can easily cause sore muscles. If your leg day involved squats and you are wondering how to get rid of sore legs from squats? The below tips would help you in your squat’s recovery.  How to reduce muscle soreness after leg day and how to recover after leg day?  These are common questions asked by the fitness community and thankfully here are 6 easy ways to help get you back on your feet.   Stay hydrated during and after your workout?  A key aspect of how to recover from leg day is by proper hydration. Hydration plays a vital part in muscle recovery. Hydrate with water or better a sports drink containing plenty of electrolytes. Water keeps fluids moving through our body and flushes waste products out which aids in easing inflammation. Water and electrolytes play a pivotal role in muscle repair and the production of glycogen. Studies have proven that muscle rejuvenation progress is decelerated by half when muscles are not suitably hydrated.   Rest and Recover  One of the easiest ways how you can reduce leg soreness after leg day is by allowing your body to take its time to recover. Taking the day off from exercise will give your body the time it needs to replenish, repair, and recover.   Apply heat therapy  Heat therapy can stimulate blood flow to your muscles, reducing inflammation and tightness in them. Heat therapy can be applied to strained muscles. This will reduce muscle soreness after leg day. However, when applying heat therapy, you must be careful not to burn yourself. Heat therapy can be applied using heating pads, steamed towels or even by going to the sauna.   Take over the counter (OTC) pain killers  Taking OTC pain killers like aspirin or ibuprofen is another great way to reduce calf pain after leg day. These pain killers provide temporary relief from pain.   Use a foam roller  Also known as Self Myofascial Release which essentially allows you to give yourself a massage. The primary objective of the foam roller is to stretch and loosen the facia around the muscle and decrease the intensity of sore muscles. To get maximum results, it is important to use the foam roller properly. Use the roller up and down your calf muscles slowly and if you notice sore spots just stop and hold the roller at the sore spots for 20 to 30 seconds before continuing. With the proper use of a foam roller reduce soreness and recover from leg day.   Use SPRYNG Compression Leg Wraps  For faster leg workout recovery use SPRYNG, the world’s most advanced muscle recovery tool. The SPRYNG compression leg wraps use active compression technology to improve circulation and flush out lactic acid and thereby reduce pain.     SPRYNG has many advantages when compared to other active compression and leg compression devices in the market. A few of them are -  Quick recovery- It takes only 15 minutes to produce results.   Embrace freedom - It is lightweight, portable, and untethered.   Extremely affordable –it is cheaper than any other active compression devices of its kind on the market.  Convenience- Place your order now via our website and become eligible for free delivery to your doorstep. You can also make your purchase from select CVS Stores in the USA.   Buy now and pay later with easy instalment settlement options for online purchases from our website www.spryngme.com   For more information about how calf massagers work look no further.     References  https://www.webmd.com/fitness-exercise/features/sore-muscles-after-workout  https://www.everydayhealth.com/fitness/quick-fixes-for-sore-muscles.aspx  https://www.gq.com/story/muscle-soreness-guide-recovery  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gSDoFOrnYik   
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A Guide to Leg Workouts for Beginners

A Guide to Leg Workouts for Beginners

Whether you are getting ready for a marathon or trying to bulk up your legs, an effective leg wor...
Whether you are getting ready for a marathon or trying to bulk up your legs, an effective leg workout plan is what you are looking for. You’re going to learn the essentials for doing beginner leg exercises at home or the gym. The key principle of any workout routine is to challenge yourself to push beyond the comfort zone and then rest. When you exert your muscles during a workout, your muscle fibers tear. The torn fibers then repair and regrow stronger, adapting to the new level of power and stamina that are required to perform the workout. This is how you bulk up your muscles with resistance training.   Want to know more? Learn more about how Spryng can help you! Subscribe for the latest updates and get 10% OFF.   Often, beginner workout enthusiasts focus more on the upper body than on the legs.  However, a well-balanced workout routine is always more effective. It is advisable to schedule enough time so both your upper and lower body get equal amounts of attention.   The following are the most popular and effective beginner leg workouts that you can add to your training schedule.  Squat  The squat is one of the most popular workouts among gym-goers. No other exercise is more effective than squats for gaining muscle mass in your legs. So, it's an essential inclusion to a beginner ‘leg day’ workout. This exercise equally targets quads, glutes, and hamstrings.   If you are a starter, choose a smaller weight. Place the bar on your slightly arched shoulder and hold it with your arms. You should stand erect with your head facing directly forward and the feet shoulder-length apart pointing slightly outward.   Then do a knee bend and then stand up slowly. For optimum results, you should bend down until the thighs are parallel to the floor. In the beginning, if you can’t reach this position, try a smaller weight or just increase the bend slowly as your leg muscles get stronger through continuous workouts.   Perform this workout 5 sets at a time with 6 repetitions in each set.  Leg extension  This exercise targets only quad muscles, therefore, it is effective in activating this muscle group. You’ll have to go to the gym unless you have this machine at home.  First, adjust the machine for your body frame. Then sit comfortably, feet facing forward with the padded lever just above your shin. Then extend your legs pushing the weight up, hold the top position for a count and slowly release the legs. Do this rhythmically on the count and be gentle when you push your legs up and release. Because high impact pushing might affect knee joints adversely.  As a beginner 3 sets of 8 repetitions are recommended.  Lying leg curl  This exercise targets the hamstrings. Hamstrings mainly control the descent of the body against the weight. When you perform a knee bend while in a squat, your hamstrings are the set of muscles that control the rate of descent. This exercise focuses on hamstrings which are often ignored in most workouts.   You’ll need a leg-curl machine for this exercise. Lie face down on the machine and place your Achilles’ tendons below the lever. Your knees will be off the edge of the bench at this position. Keep your knees slightly bent throughout the exercise to make sure the resistance is not directly applied to the knees.   Now raise your legs slowly but in a deliberate strong motion and then release slowly. At the top position of the leg movement, try to push your legs aligning parallel to your torso, not more, not less for better results.  3 sets of 8 repetitions are effective for a beginner.  Leg-press calf raise  This workout challenges your calves to resist weight. Lie on the leg-press machine and place your heels on the leg platform. Do not position the balls of the heels in the middle of the platform, keep them at the bottom. Then slowly push the platform outward until your legs get straight but not locked out. Then slowly release the pressure to the initial position and repeat the cycle.   Do 3 sets of 12 repetitions.  What should you do after the workout?  Above 4 exercises cover the main muscle groups in the legs. What next? The next is recovery.   How to recover legs after ‘leg day’?  After a strenuous leg workout, you’ll feel soreness in your legs. An effective workout always ends up with your muscles feeling a bit sore. The torn muscle fibers will then begin to recover, preparing to endure  equal amounts of exertion next time successfully. So, the muscles get bulkier and stronger. That’s why the recovery of the muscles is just as  important as the workout.  Resting is key. Avoid workouts or other activities that exacerbate the soreness of the muscles. In a couple of days, you’ll be back on track to do the workout again.   You should have a plan to recover after workouts. Have protein-rich meals, drink a lot of water or a sports drink with electrolytes, have your legs massaged to regulate the blood circulation and reduce muscle inflammation, or use an Active Compression tool to speed up the recovery process.  What are Active Compression tools?  When the leg muscles are weakened, the blood circulation of the legs fails to be as efficient as in regular conditions. So, the blood concentrates in the leg area, especially around the ankles and the feet, and results in swelling and pain.   Active Compression and muscle recovery tools apply external pressure  to the muscles to work efficiently and that successfully subsides the inflammation of the muscles and speeds up the recovery process. Read more about how Active Compression tools work here.  Why is SPRYNG the leading Active Compression tool today?  SPRYNG is the most advanced Active Compression tool on the market. Highly regarded scientific studies and anecdotal reports have proven the efficiency of this tool.   SPRYNG’s affordability and convenience also make it stand out from the other Active Compression tools.   SPRYNG is an easy-wearable device that is untethered, so you can use it wherever you are.    
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Key Leg Workouts To Improve Your Tennis Performance

Key Leg Workouts To Improve Your Tennis Performance

Tennis, a beloved sport by many around the world which requires a combination of agility, speed, ...
Tennis, a beloved sport by many around the world which requires a combination of agility, speed, power, flexes, balance, coordination, cardiovascular and muscle endurance. Be it a professional, amateur or one who does it for mere leisure, fitness is a critical component for the sport to maintain focus, beat your opponent and give you that extra mental edge.  Want to know more? Learn more about how Spryng can help you! Subscribe for the latest updates and get 10% OFF. The level of fitness required for the sport is evidenced by the ongoing French Open played at Stade Rolland Garros where players undergo rigorous training to play, win, beat, and be crowned as the ultimate grand slam champion. Whether one may be stretching for a wide forehand or simply moving towards the ball, tennis is donned as a physical sport which requires your body to stay at its optimum fitness. With long practice sessions and strenuous matches, tennis players are no stranger to sore and painful muscles. Therefore, it is paramount that tennis players should keep muscle injuries at bay as recovery depending on the injury can take time.   Keeping a healthy tennis workout routine is vital to reduce muscle soreness and thereby reduce injury.   While playing tennis is a great whole-body workout it puts a lot of pressure on your legs due to the continuous need to move up and down the court. In tennis, strength and conditioning go hand in hand with game performance. These simple and effective tennis leg workouts are a firm favourite of professional tennis stars, and what makes it better is that you can do it even in your living room.   Best leg exercises for tennis players  Walking lunge (20 reps in total)  While doing this exercise, keep your body upright and lean forward with one leg. When leaning forward make sure that your knee touches the ground before standing back up. After that do switch to the other leg. Proceed to lunge forward until you finish all repetitions.  Step up’s (12 reps for each leg)   For this leg work out for tennis, use an elevated surface of your choice (a study box, stool, or short table), put one leg on the elevated surface and step up. Return to the initial position and do the same with the other leg. Twelve repetitions for each leg should suffice.   Side Lunges (12 reps for each leg)  Side lunges are one of the most popular tennis leg strengthening exercises. It will help stretch and strengthen the muscle around your legs. To do a side lunge stand with your feet width apart. Take a long stride to the side and to stretch your thigh muscles. Make sure your torso is upright as possible and bend your stretched leg to around 90°. Return to your original position and do the same with your other leg.   After undertaking the above, leg exercises for tennis professionals and amateurs alike, if you continue to suffer from sore muscles after your workout, make sure your legs have enough recovery time. One of the best ways to recover from sore legs is by using a calf compression wrap like SPRYNG. The SPRYNG compression leg wraps use active compression technology to improve circulation and flush out lactic acid and thereby reduce pain.     SPRYNG has many advantages when compared to other active compression and leg compression devices in the market. A few of them are -  Quick recovery- It takes only 15 minutes to produce results.   Embrace freedom - It is lightweight, portable, and untethered so it fits nicely so it fits nicely in your bag. This makes it is ideal for those pre- game and post-game massages.   Extremely affordable –it is cheaper than any other active compression devices of its kind on the market.  Looks great- It is available in a range of colours unlike most tools for muscle recovery.   Convenience- Place your order now via our website and become eligible for free delivery to your doorstep. You can also make your purchase from select CVS and Road Runner Stores in the USA.   Buy now and pay later with easy instalment settlement options for online purchases from our website www.spryngme.com     References https://www.healthline.com/nutrition/best-muscle-recovery-foods#3.-Fatty-fish  https://www.sanitarium.com.au/health-nutrition/nutrition/foods-for-muscle-soreness  http://www.worldtennismagazine.com/archives/19355  https://metro.co.uk/2019/12/28/try-this-tennis-player-leg-workout-to-build-lower-body-strength-at-home-11933950/   
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Guide to Improving Hiking Uphill

Guide to Improving Hiking Uphill

Many hikers simply love the outdoors and enjoy exploring everything, the natural world has to off...
Many hikers simply love the outdoors and enjoy exploring everything, the natural world has to offer. Hikes on flat ground are relatively easy but alas, hikes may also have gradients which may test the endurance of the most physically fit.   Many hikers have a love/hate relationship with walking uphill. It takes extra physical exertion, that gets you huffing, sweating and involves a full body cardio workout.   Want to know more? Learn more about how Spryng can help you! Subscribe for the latest updates and get 10% OFF. How to get better at hiking?   If you are an aspirational hiker, start slowly. Try a few low intensity hikes first, to get your body and muscles familiar with physical activity.   How to get better at hiking uphill?  However, if you are already an avid hiker and aspire to go on longer and loftier quests the below tips for hiking will most definitely prepare you to achieve your goal. The exercises to improve hiking is designed to target muscles, that will drive you up the trail mile after mile.   Here is an overview of the exercises to prepare for hiking -   Strength training for hiking - Increase strength in major muscles that hikers rely upon. Stronger legs and core muscles will better support the load in your backpack and help you hike harder, longer. Squats, Jump Squats, Burpees, Push-Ups and Side Leg Lifts can help you build a stronger core and legs.   Build stamina- because hiking may be an all-day activity it is essential to build endurance in your muscles. How to improve hiking endurance, you may ask?  If you are always busy at work and have little time for exercise, climbing stairs to train for hiking is a simple yet effective way to improve stamina. You can also include cycling and running on the treadmill (add an incline) to your training routine if time permits.   Improve your balance- As a hiker you need to be stable on your feet. This will enable you to take on uneven terrain with ease. Simply practising to walk on a straight line will help improve your balance.   Enhance your cardio- Supplement your hiking training with activities like trail running, speed walking, mountain biking, HIIT Training or Cross Fit.   Hiking uphill is the most difficult and the most dreaded part of the hike for any hiker. As mentioned earlier not only is it physically demanding during the hike, but many hikers suffer from calf pain and sore legs after hiking, for many days after their hike.   Therefore, common question among the hiking community is why my calves hurt when I walk uphill? Calves hurt when walking uphill due to the intense strain placed upon them during the hike.   To aid in hiking recovery follow these post hike recovery tips   Recovering from strenuous hike can be an arduous task if you are in the wilderness.   Don’t stint on food during the hike  Food is essential for your hike. As you are on the move continuously, replenish nutrients to keep fatigue at bay. A combination easy to carry food with simple sugars, protein, low glycemic index carbohydrates, fibre, and fats are great ingredients for hiking recovery. Some examples include dried dates, cooked crispy bacon, whole-grain crackers, peanut butter, cheese and sliced apples.   Hydrate (drink before you get thirsty)  Pack more water than you think you need. As a rule of thumb estimate one litre of water per three hours in moderate temperatures for adults. Water plays a pivotal role in muscle repair and the production of glycogen. Studies have proven that muscle rejuvenation progress is decelerated by half when muscles are not suitably hydrated.  How to relive sore muscles after hiking  Stretching plays a pivotal role to revive muscles after hiking. Some stretches you can try are- Calf stretch, Toe touch, Quadricep stretch and Butterfly stretch.   The best way to recover sore leg muscles  We think the best path to pain relief is by using SPRYNG, the world’s most advanced calf muscle massage tool. It uses active compression technology to improve circulation and flush out lactic acid, thereby alleviating pain.   SPRYNG has many benefits when compared to other active compression and leg compression devices in the market. A few of them are -  Quick recovery- It takes only 15 minutes to produce results.   Welcome freedom - It is lightweight, portable, and untethered so it fits nicely in your hiking backpack. Get up to 2.5 hours of use in a single charge and it is rechargeable via micro-USB. Therefore, it is your ideal companion when on the move.   Extremely affordable –it is cheaper than any other active compression device on the market   Looks great- It is available in a range of colours.   Convenience- Place your order now via our website and become eligible for free delivery to your doorstep.  Buy now and pay later with our easy instalment settlement options.      References https://www.dabblinginjetlag.com/which-exercise-helps-prepare-for-uphill-hiking/  https://hikeauthority.com/how-to-hike-uphill/  https://www.rei.com/learn/expert-advice/hiking-training.html  https://www.mossyoak.com/our-obsession/blogs/post-hiking-fatigue-8-tips-to-recover-after-a-hike     
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