How to Stay Active in the Winter

How to Stay Active in the Winter

Winter seems like the perfect time of the year to hibernate. As the days get colder, shorter and...
Winter seems like the perfect time of the year to hibernate. As the days get colder, shorter and grayer, there’s nothing more enticing than staying under the covers all day. However, you should try to resist the temptation to hibernate in winter as much as you can because winter is actually the perfect time to be active. If you’re not convinced, read on to find out the  benefits of staying active in winter. Benefits of staying active in winter 1. You burn more fat: research shows that colder temperatures can convert white fat in the body into brown fat, fat that actually burns calories.  2. The weather is ideal for exercise: As temperatures get cooler, you expend less energy while exercising. That also means you’re less likely to be drenched in sweat just a few minutes into your workout, making winter workouts much more pleasant.   Maintaining physical and mental health Exercising in the winter is generally recommended for people who experience Seasonal Affect Disorder (SAD) along with professional help. This is because the endorphins released as a result of exercise can elevate your mood.   How to stay motivated to workout in the winter Great, now you know the importance of staying active in the winter. But you still can’t find the motivation to exercise. Read on for tips on how to stay motivated to work out in the winter. 1. Find a workout buddy There’s a good reason why having a workout buddy is a tip almost every fitness trainer recommends. Having a workout buddy will encourage you not to bail on your partner and skip workouts. Moreover, having someone to exercise with makes staying active even more fun. 2. Try new sports, take advantage of winter sports Sometimes, we experience a drop in our motivation levels because we might just be bored. By adding something new into your workout sessions, you can motivate yourself to continue staying active in the winter. Try taking advantage of winter sports like skiing and snowboarding, for instance. Or what about snow kayaking or figure skating? 3. Plan ahead but also allow for flexibility By scheduling in your workouts, you’re more likely to stay motivated and stick to a routine. But avoid beating yourself up after missing a workout or two- this can actually end up being demotivating. Instead, focus on trying not to miss the next workout.   How to workout in the winter If you’re planning on exercising outside this winter, read on for some working out in the winter tips.  1. Dress warm Remember to layer up before you go outside to exercise. You can take off layers as your body temperature increases. Avoid wearing active wear made out of cotton, as cotton can soak up and hold in moisture. This can make you feel colder. Instead, opt for active wear made out of synthetic fibers like polyester or nylon as these materials are designed to dry quicker.   2. Drink water In the winter, you might not feel as thirsty as you would feel in the summer. However, it’s important to remember that you are still losing fluids (by sweating, for example) that you need to replace by drinking water. 3. Warm up before workouts In the winter, tight muscles are at a greater risk of injuries and strains. Therefore, warming up before workouts is very important to reduce the risk of injury.   How to work out in the winter at home/without a gym  If you cannot go outside this winter or if you prefer to stay indoors, here are some bodyweight exercises you can try at home:  1. Squats Squats are a great exercise to include in your leg workouts as it strengthens your lower body muscles as well as your core muscles. To do a basic squat, you should stand with your feet shoulder-width apart and your chest up, engaging your core. Then squat down until your thighs are parallel to the ground, making sure not to bring your knees beyond your toes. Hold this squat position for a moment and then push back to the initial standing position. Once you have mastered the basic squat, you can try different squat variations like the pistol squat, curtsey squat or the Bulgarian split squat.   2. Burpees  The burpee is a full-body exercise that increases strength, promotes cardio health, and effectively burns calories. To do a burpee, start in a squat position with your hands on the ground just in front of you. Then kick your feet back behind you so that you are in a push-up position. Bring your feet back to the original squat position. Then jump up as high as you can to a standing position. If you want to challenge yourself further, you can modify the classic burpee by adding a push-up or including dumbbells if you have them at home.   3. Planks On top of increasing core strength, planks can improve stability and posture. It’s a very simple exercise to do but it can be challenging to hold the plank position for longer periods of time. In order to avoid boredom and maintain motivation, you can try different variations of the plank like the side plank crunch, arm or leg lift plank, or the plank jack.  Recovery after workouts To experience the benefits of working out in the winter without feeling terrible after, it is important to cool down after workouts. You can do this by doing cool down stretches right after your workout. Or you can use active compression wraps, like SPRYNG, for faster recovery after workouts. SPRYNG can speed up muscle recovery by increasing blood circulation in the legs. You can learn more about SPRYNG here. 
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Leg Workouts for Women at Home Without Weights

Leg Workouts for Women at Home Without Weights

An effective workout routine will always include a leg workout! Leg workouts target the largest m...
An effective workout routine will always include a leg workout! Leg workouts target the largest muscle groups in the body and engage several other muscles such as the core and improve overall strength and fitness. However, going to the gym is not always be possible, especially with the pandemic. The best part is that it is still possible to get a great leg workout without any equipment. Read on for a few leg workouts for women without weights, inner thigh exercises, and calf exercises without equipment you can try at home. Leg Workouts for Women at Home Bodyweight squat Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart, with your toes slightly turned outwards and knees slightly bent Hinge your hips forward and bend your knees until your thighs are parallel with the ground. Avoid pushing your knees past your toes As you stand up straight again, remember to engage your core and squeeze your glutes You can do either 3 or 4 sets with either 10 or 15 reps or as many as you are able to    Squat jump Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart and your knees slightly bent Hinge your hips forward and bend your knees until your thighs are parallel with the ground Jump up while engaging your core and go back into a squat position You can do either 3 or 4 sets with either 10 or 15 reps or as many as you are able to   Inner Thigh Exercises at Home for Women Lateral lunge Stand with your legs together Take a wide step with your right leg to the side and bend you right knee until your thigh almost is parallel to the ground Push back to the initial standing position Repeat this exercise with your left leg You can do either 3 or 4 sets with either 10 or 15 reps or as many as you are able to  Curtsey lunge Stand with your legs together Take a big step back with your right leg so that it is diagonal to your left leg Bend your knees until your left thigh is parallel to the ground Push back to the initial standing position Repeat this exercise with your other leg You can do either 3 or 4 sets with either 10 or 15 reps or as many as you are able to  Calf Exercises for Women Jumping jacks Stand up with your legs together and your arms by your side Jump up with your legs shoulder-width apart while raising your arms out and over your head Jump back to the initial standing position Repeat the above steps as many times as you want   Calf raises Stand with your legs together Raise your heels off the ground as high as possible Hold this position for 30-60 seconds Slowly lower your heels back to the ground You can do either 3 or 4 sets with either 10 or 15 reps or as many as you are able to    Leg Day Soreness Relief - How to Help Sore Legs after a Workout After a workout, you may experience sore muscles, or Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness (DOMS). DOMS, which usually lasts around 3 to 5 days, can be extremely uncomfortable and may discourage you from completing the next leg workout. To help you deal with pain after leg workouts, we have listed a few simple remedies below.  Rest Rest days are just as important as leg days. Resting allows your lower body muscles to recover as soon as possible which alleviates the pain felt in the legs after a tough workout. However, don’t pencil in too many rest days per week as this can be counterproductive. Ice packs Applying an ice pack to the sore or injured area causes the blood vessels around the area to constrict which can help ease the pain after a tough workout.  Compression Applying pressure to the sore or injured area can also relieve pain after a leg workout. You can use active compression calf wraps like SPRYNG to ease calf muscle pain after workouts. SPRYNG relieves calf muscle pain in women by reducing the pooling of blood in the legs which improves blood circulation to the lower body. You can learn more about SPRYNG here  
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How to Stay Fit During the Christmas Holidays

How to Stay Fit During the Christmas Holidays

For many, the holiday season is viewed as the best time of the year. It’s a time to spend time wi...
For many, the holiday season is viewed as the best time of the year. It’s a time to spend time with friends and family, go on festive outings, shop, and eat. It’s a time to unwind. But for some, the holiday season can be a very stressful time of the year. The treats that come with the holiday season are tough for them, as to resist. Plus, the dramatic shift in their schedules during this time of the year make it difficult for them to stick to their workout routines. Not to mention, the subsequent slip in their workout routines may take toll on their motivation levels, making it even harder to maintain a healthy and active lifestyle. If you found yourself identifying as ‘them’ above, don’t fret!  It is still possible stay fit during the holidays while still enjoying the holiday festivities to the fullest, regardless of how unlikely you think that might be. To help you maintain a healthy routine as well as a high motivation level, we have compiled a list of tips on how to stay fit during the holidays.  Eating Healthy During the Holiday Don’t exclude healthy alternatives completely This first tip may seem obvious, but, surprisingly, many of us forget to choose healthy foods when preparing and/ or eating a holiday feast. If you are hosting a party (COVID-19-permitted, of course), try replacing some ingredients with healthier alternatives. For example, instead of using refined sugar, try using honey or maple syrup; instead of using vegetable oil, try using coconut oil; and instead of using milk, try using a low fat option such as almond milk. If you are invited to a party, you may choose to bring a healthy dish. For example, instead of cake, you can bring banana bread. At the party, start with healthy foods- lean meats, vegetables, and fruits- and then go for the less-healthy foods. Who knows, you may even be too full by then to over indulge in the holiday treats!  Take a short break in between servings By waiting just 10 to 20 minutes before going for another serving, you allow your brain the time to receive signals from your stomach and register that you are full, if you are full. This short break may help you to reduce your calorie intake and avoid overeating during the holidays.  Hydrate, hydrate, hydrate! As a natural appetite suppressant, water can prevent overeating by taking up the remaining space in your stomach, helping you feel fuller sooner. By drinking water, you can avoid unnecessary snacking when you are not hungry, but thirsty. Moreover, drinking water helps to burn calories faster. For people who are looking to avoid weight gain and/or eat healthily during the holiday season, water is your best friend.  Most importantly: enjoy the holiday feasts In maintaining a healthy lifestyle throughout the year, it’s important to do things in moderation. That means you should try to eat healthy most of the time, not all of the time. It means that you should not cut off holiday treats from your holiday, but just avoid overconsumption of these foods where possible. Do not deprive yourself of the food you love and cannot eat at other times of the year. Preventing yourself from eating the food you enjoy can be counter-productive. This is because it may cause your motivation to crash, because you did not allow yourself to take a break.  Exercise During the Holidays Quick holiday workouts Because the holiday season is a very busy time of the year, it very likely that you might miss a few workouts. Instead of beating yourself up when this happens, try squeezing in a quick 30 to 20 minute workout when you can.  Holiday Home Workouts Due to the busy nature of this time of the year, as well as the COVID-19-related restrictions, you may not be able to go to the gym as much as you used to. However, you can workout at home instead. Squats, mountain climbers, and/or push-ups can be a great home holiday bodyweight workout. These exercises don’t require any equipment and will help you stay fit during the holidays.  Christmas workouts If it is a feasible option for you, why not try seasonal sports like skiing and/or snowboarding? Not only are these activities fun, but they are great ways to stay fit during the holidays. Plus, you can enjoy these sports with friends and/or family, meaning that you can engage in holiday festivities and stay fit simultaneously.  Post workout recovery Though sometimes overlooked, post workout recovery is an important part of staying fit. With sore muscles after one workout, one may find it hard to exercise the next day and may end up having to skip subsequent days in order to recover. Moreover, the pain after one workout may lead to demotivation, causing you to avoid exercising even after recovering. However, with muscle recovery products, like foam rollers and active compression wraps (such as SPRYNG), faster recovery after workouts is possible. These devices can speed up muscle recovery by increasing blood circulation in the area where these devices are used. You can read more about how to recover quickly after a workout and which devices may speed up muscle recovery here: Easy and Effective Ways to Reduce Muscle Soreness After A Workout – SPRYNG (   
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Tips for Post Workout Recovery for Women

Tips for Post Workout Recovery for Women

Whether you’re working out to get into better shape or get stronger and leaner, we can’t stress e...
Whether you’re working out to get into better shape or get stronger and leaner, we can’t stress enough on the positive benefits it can have on your overall wellbeing. Exercise helps us to balance our hormones, improve our mood, boost energy, and reduce the stress in our body and mind.
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