SPRYNG™ - the dynamic calf massage that goes beyond the ordinary.

Can Active Compression Wraps Help You Recover Faster from Calf Muscle Soreness?

Can Active Compression Wraps Help You Recover Faster from Calf Muscle Soreness?

Can Active Compression Wraps Help You Recover Faster from Calf Muscle Soreness? Compression wraps...
Can Active Compression Wraps Help You Recover Faster from Calf Muscle Soreness? Compression wraps for calves have become increasingly popular among athletes and fitness enthusiasts as a tool for aiding recovery and reducing muscle soreness. These wraps work by applying pressure to the muscles, which can increase blood flow and lymphatic drainage. By doing so, compression wraps can help to flush out waste products and reduce inflammation in the muscles. While there are many different types of compression wraps available, those designed specifically for the calf muscles can be particularly effective in improving recovery after a workout. In this article, we'll explore the benefits and risks of using compression wraps for calf muscles, as well as how to use them effectively. What are Active Compression Wraps? Active compression wraps are a type of compression therapy that uses a pneumatic pump to inflate chambers in the wrap. This causes pressure to be applied to the area being treated, which can help to reduce swelling, improve blood flow, and promote recovery. Active compression wraps are typically used by athletes and fitness enthusiasts to aid recovery after a workout, as well as to prevent injury.  How Do Active Compression Wraps Work?  First, let's discuss the science behind active compression wraps. The compression provided by the wraps helps to increase blood flow to the muscles, which can help to reduce muscle soreness and inflammation. This is especially important for runners, who often experience delayed onset muscle soreness (DOMS) after a run. By increasing blood flow, active compression wraps can help to flush out lactic acid and other waste products that build up in the muscles during exercise.   In addition to reducing muscle soreness, active compression wraps can also help to prevent injuries. By providing support to the muscles and joints, compression gear can help to stabilize the body during a run and reduce the risk of strains, sprains, and other common running injuries. This is especially important for runners who are training for a race or are at a higher risk of injury due to overuse.  Types of Active Compression Wraps for Calf Muscles  There are a variety of active compression wraps available in the market for calf muscles. Some of the most popular types include:  Compression socks  Compression sleeves  Compression wraps  Compression socks are the most common type of active compression wrap for calf muscles. They are typically worn during exercise or after a workout to aid recovery. Compression sleeves are similar to compression socks, but they only cover the calf muscle and not the foot. Compression wraps are another type of active compression wrap that can be adjusted for a customized fit.  When choosing an active compression wrap for calf muscles, it's important to consider factors such as the level of compression, material, and fit. A properly fitting active compression wrap should feel snug but not constrictive.  Different Types of Active Compression Wraps for Runners  Calf sleeves: These wraps fit around the calf muscle and provide support and compression to the lower leg. They can help to reduce muscle soreness and prevent injuries such as shin splints.  Knee sleeves: These wraps fit around the knee and provide support and compression to the joint. They can help to reduce pain and inflammation associated with conditions such as runner's knee.  Arm sleeves: These wraps fit around the arm and provide support and compression to the muscle. They can help to reduce muscle soreness and prevent injuries such as strains.  Full-leg compression pants: These wraps fit the entire leg, providing support and compression to the muscles and joints. They can help to improve blood flow and reduce muscle soreness.   Each type of compression wrap has specific benefits and is best suited for different types of runners. For example, calf sleeves are great for runners who are prone to shin splints, while knee sleeves are a good option for runners with runner's knee. How to Use Active Compression Wraps for Calf Muscles  To get the most benefit from active compression wraps for calf muscles, it's important to use them correctly. Here are some best practices for using active compression wraps for calf muscles:  Wear the wraps after a workout: Active compression wraps are most effective when worn after a workout to aid recovery. It's recommended to wear them for at least 20-30 minutes after a workout.  Choose the right level of compression: The level of compression is an important factor to consider when choosing an active compression wrap. A higher level of compression can provide more pressure and support, but may also feel more constrictive.  Keep the wraps clean: It's important to keep active compression wraps clean to prevent bacteria buildup. Follow the manufacturer's instructions for cleaning the wraps.  Adjust the wraps for a customized fit: Active compression wraps can be adjusted for a customized fit. It's important to make sure the wraps are snug but not constrictive. Research on the Effectiveness of Active Compression Wraps for Calf Muscle Soreness  Numerous research studies have been conducted on the effectiveness of active compression wraps for calf muscle soreness. Here are some of the findings:  A study published in the Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research found that wearing compression socks after a 5k race reduced muscle soreness and improved recovery time.  Another study published in the European Journal of Applied Physiology found that wearing compression sleeves during exercise improved blood flow and reduced muscle soreness in the calf muscles.  A study published in the International Journal of Sports Medicine found that using an active compression wrap for calf muscles after a marathon reduced muscle soreness and improved recovery time.  Overall, the research suggests that active compression wraps can be effective in reducing muscle soreness and promoting recovery in calf muscles.  Are There Any Risks or Side Effects?  While active compression wraps are generally considered safe, there are some risks and side effects to be aware of. Here are some potential risks and side effects:  Skin irritation: Some people may experience skin irritation from wearing active compression wraps. This can be caused by an allergic reaction to the material or by wearing the wraps too tightly.  Decreased blood flow: If the wraps are too tight, they can decrease blood flow, which can cause more harm than good.  Increased risk of blood clots: In rare cases, wearing compression wraps for extended periods can increase the risk of blood clots. This is more common in people with a history of blood clots or other circulation problems.  It's important to use active compression wraps as directed and to consult with a healthcare professional if you have any concerns or experience any negative side effects.  Alternatives to Active Compression Wraps  While active compression wraps are a great recovery tool for runners, other methods can be used in conjunction with or instead of compression wraps. Some of these methods include:  Foam rolling: This method uses a foam roller to massage and stretches the muscles, which can help to reduce muscle soreness and improve flexibility.  Stretching: Regular stretching can help to improve flexibility and reduce muscle soreness.  Massage: A professional massage can help to release tension in the muscles and improve blood flow.  Ice therapy: Applying ice to sore muscles can help to reduce pain and inflammation.  Each of these methods has its benefits and can be used in conjunction with active compression wraps to improve recovery and performance.  Active compression wraps for calf muscles can be an effective tool for aiding recovery and reducing muscle soreness after a workout. By increasing blood flow and lymphatic drainage, active compression wraps can help to flush out waste products and reduce inflammation in the muscles. However, it's important to use active compression wraps correctly and to be aware of the potential risks and side effects. If you're interested in trying active compression wraps for calf muscles, consult with a healthcare professional to determine if they're right for you. 
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5 Unique Wellness Gift Ideas This Holiday Season

5 Unique Wellness Gift Ideas This Holiday Season

Today, a lot of people opt to use wellness treatments as it helps balance out their fast-paced li...
Today, a lot of people opt to use wellness treatments as it helps balance out their fast-paced lives. With a wide range of therapeutic activities like aromatherapy, exercise, and meditation, you can find thoughtful gift ideas to choose from for your loved ones this holiday season. We’ve listed some of the top picks for best wellness gift ideas for your family and friends this holiday season. Want to know more? Learn more about how Spryng can help you! Subscribe for the latest updates and get 10% OFF. Bath Bombs Bath bombs and scented candles are the perfect combo for a fun and relaxing Christmas present. Bath bombs are a great way to help relax after an intense workout session or even after long hours of work. Gift your friends a set of bath bombs which come in a wide collection of calming scents such as eucalyptus, lavender, lemongrass. We guarantee you they will thank you later! Protein Care Package A protein box care package is the perfect Christmas gift for a friend who is conscious about their health. As, protein powders are a great nutrient that helps build muscle, repair tissue, and make enzymes and hormones for your body. It can provide all the healthy, yet delicious goodness for anyone. Gift this to a friend for the holidays and make their year! Sauna Blanket How about a sauna blanket for your parents this holiday season? It is the perfect holiday gift to keep warm and cosy, during the winter weather. The sauna blanket has numerous health benefits as it can help with weight loss, improve muscle recovery, increase metabolism, and a stronger immune system. You can simply plug it in and use the remote control to set the timer to enjoy the heat.  Acupressure Mat The acupressure mat uses the ancient art of acupressure to turn attention inward, promoting deep relaxation. While acupressure mats are presently widely used to alleviate headaches and back pain, they are also considered as a thoughtful wellness gift idea for any professional athlete this Christmas season.  Workout Recovery Tools SPRYNG™ calf compression wraps are one of the best recovery tools to help increase blood circulation and improve muscle recovery, and can make the perfect gift for your athletic loved ones. These compression wraps provide steady support, and helps enhance athletic performance. SPRYNG™ has a wide range of pneumatic compression wrap products to choose from. With SPRYNG™ you can browse through their wide range of pneumatic wraps as it is the perfect muscle recovery tool that can help strengthen and speed up recovery. It contains an active compression, which helps decrease muscle soreness and blood pooling in legs. 
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Causes and Remedies for Blood Pooling in Your Legs

Causes and Remedies for Blood Pooling in Your Legs

Blood pooling in the legs can be a result of various causes including overexerting legs, standing...
Blood pooling in the legs can be a result of various causes including overexerting legs, standing for long periods, and chronic diseases.   The disease usually associated with blood pooling is chronic venous insufficiency. When you have this condition, your veins get weaker and become incapable of circulating blood efficiently. It’s an energy-consuming effort, for your veins to pump blood back from the extremities of your body, such as the legs.   This is due to the distance your veins are required to carry the blood to your heart against gravity.   Want to know more? Learn more about how Spryng can help you! Subscribe for the latest updates and get 10% OFF. When your veins are weaker and unable to do the job properly, the blood pools or collects in your legs, ankles and feet. As a result, you’ll experience symptoms such as swollen legs and pain in the swollen areas.   The causes of blood pooling  You are more likely to experience blood pooling if you are;   Overweight  Pregnant   Also, if you have a family history of the condition or have experienced any leg trauma in the past caused by accidents, surgeries or blood clots, you are prone to leg pooling in your legs.   However, seemingly negligible factors may cause or exacerbate the condition. Spending a lot of time standing or sitting may increase the blood pressure in your legs. Over time, it can weaken your veins and result in experiencing the unpleasant symptoms of blood pooling. You can strengthen the circulatory system and the muscles to mitigate these consequences by adding a simple but effective exercise program to your lifestyle.   The symptoms of blood pooling  Usually, you might not notice any symptoms until the condition gets considerably severe. But, However, if you are aware of the symptoms and pay close attention to signs of blood pooling in the legs, you’ll be able to manage the condition better.  The common symptoms are:   Swelling  Pain  Cramps  Skin changes in affected areas  Leg ulcers  Varicose veins   How to prevent blood pooling  Talk to your doctor to rule out if there is an underlying condition that may cause blood pooling. If it’s not the case, your lifestyle can be the reason why you have constant blood pooling issues. These are common causes besides chronic diseases.    You are working for a long period standing or sitting  Exerting legs without recovery  Intense workouts  Nowadays, most individuals work on the computer sitting at a desk. This limitation of physical activity and developing habits of bad posture can contribute to blood circulatory issues. Be aware of your posture all the time and fix them whenever you feel discomfort or stiffness in the muscles and joints. Break your work schedule into one or two-hour parts, and in between them you can perform simple stretching exercises or have a 2-minute brisk walk around.  Inactivity isn’t the only cause; overexerting muscles causes the same issue. Muscles in the legs help the veins to pump blood upwards by adding pressure as the muscles squeeze and release as they relax. When you exert your muscles, such as by involving in an intense leg workout, muscle fibres tear and the muscles become less efficient. The results are muscle fatigue, ache and swelling. Inefficient muscles tend to get swollen and inflamed as the blood pools in the area.  Treatments for blood pooling in the legs after workouts  The key to preventing blood pooling is to recover your muscles quickly. You need to rest until the muscles are fully recovered. There are a few things you can do in order to speed up the muscle recovery process.   You can apply hot or cold pads to the swollen area to reduce inflammation and improve blood circulation. Gently massaging the affected area also helps in the recovery process.  However, the most convenient and effective remedy for blood pooling and muscle soreness is using a muscle recovery tool. SPRYNG calf wrap is the most sophisticated active compression muscle recovery tool on the market. It’s easy to use since it’s untethered and lightweight unlike most of the other tools available. This tool contains pre-programmed, patent pending muscle massage patterns to ensure maximum efficiency.    
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Why Strengthening Calf Muscles are Important?

Why Strengthening Calf Muscles are Important?

With the limelight in the muscles segment given to predominantly the bigger muscles like the quad...
With the limelight in the muscles segment given to predominantly the bigger muscles like the quads and hamstrings, the calf muscles are often ignored. However, our calf muscles punch more than their weight for our body to function. Calf muscles are vital for driving you forward with each step as they absorb loads with each impact and support your body and lower limbs.   Want to know more? Learn more about how Spryng can help you! Subscribe for the latest updates and get 10% OFF. The calf muscle is made up of 2 different muscles: the gastrocnemius and the soleus. The gastrocnemius is the large muscle which can be seen beneath the skin, and the soleus is a smaller muscle which lies beneath the gastrocnemius.   Benefits of strong calf muscles  Just think about all daily activities your calves are involved in be it walking, running, jumping or even climbing. Some strong calf benefits are –   Better foot support  Strong calf muscles pay a pivotal role in foot support, as they play a pivotal role in the movement of the plantar flexion. You use the plantar flexion whenever you stand on the tip of your toes or point your toes. Any injury to the plantar flexion muscles can limit your range of motion.   Strong calves for running  Another of the benefits of strong calves is that it helps you in running. When running, the calves are involved and provide the push needed to propel upwards and forwards. Calf pain is also a common grievance in runners, so keeping your calves in strong condition is a must to help you run at your optimum.   Prevention of injury   Prevention is better than cure. Weak or tight calf muscles are prone to injury as they reduce your range of motion and misaligns your muscles making the stronger muscles overcompensating the weaker muscles leading to faster wear and tear. Calf exercises benefits in strengthening your muscles and improves your range of motion and improves misalignments in your lower body leading to lesser injuries.   Strengthen your calves with these simple calf muscle exercise’s  As you have read above there are a plethora of benefits of calf muscle exercise. Here are 3 of the best calf muscle exercise’s; Straight Knee Calf Raises  Begin with both feet on the ground near a wall or something to support you.   For the Straight Knee Calf Raise lift your heel as high as you can and be on your toes. Make sure that your weight is centered on your toes evenly. Slowly lower your heels back down to the ground. Keep your knees straight.   Repetitions: begin with 3 x 1  You can carry weights for added pressure.   Bent Knee Calf Raises  For the Bent Knee Calf Raise follow the above steps and just bend your knees as you begin the raise.   Repetitions: begin with 3 x 1  You can carry weights for added pressure.   Seated Calf Raise   To feel the benefits of a calf workout do not forget the seated calf raise.   You may need to be at the gym for this one, but it is one of the best exercises to strengthen your calves.  Simply sit on a seat and place your toes on a step or stool with your heel just hanging off. Place some weights on your knees and slowly lower your heels down and raise back up as far as you can.   Recovery for calves is important as recovery is to any other part of the body. Recovery is just as important as strengthening because it gives your body time to repair, rebuild, and strengthen itself between workouts. Without adequate recovery time you may be at increased risk of exhaustion and injury.   Regular exercise or participation in sports means you are pushing your body beyond its current level of fitness. Exercise – especially intense exercise – creates tiny tears in the muscles. Over time, as muscles heal, they eventually grow bigger and stronger. It’s important to remember that this self-healing process occurs during rest and recovery, not during the exercise session itself. Therefore, to keep continuing to exercise or play sports adequate rest plays a pivotal role.    Calf muscles play an important part in any sport and exercise routine thereby calf muscle recovery is vital. If adequate rest is not allowed, you are also at risk of overtraining syndrome. For more information about overtraining syndrome click here.   How to recover calf muscles?  There are many ways to help with your calf recovery and here are some of the best ways.  So, how to help calves recover-   RICE  RICE stands for Rest, Ice, Compression and Elevation. This is how you treat your muscles in the first 2-3 days after the injury. You need to get plenty of rest, especially to keep the affected muscles from exerting themselves even further. Apply an ice pack to the affected area for about 20 minutes every 2 hours. Next, apply compression; that means you need to bandage the limb to reduce swelling and pain and keep them slightly elevated.    Over-the-counter medications   You can get some over-the-counter medications to reduce inflammation and relieve pain. Talk to the pharmacist to find what’s best for your condition.   Physical therapy   You don’t need physical therapy for temporary tight calves that happen after a workout.  However, if you have chronic tight muscles you need to find the cause and rehabilitate the muscles. Talk to your doctor if you experience persistent tightness in the muscles.    Massage therapy   Massage therapy is a good option if you are an athlete or on a strenuous workout routine. A massage therapist applies controlled pressure on your muscles to reduce tension, improve blood circulation, remove muscle knots and so on.    Use Active Compression tools    Active compression tools are specially designed to apply rhythmic compression on affected muscles. They will reduce the swelling and inflammation of the muscles and help the calf muscle recovery process.   There are a lot of active compression tools on the market. If you are a professional athlete, a gym enthusiast or someone with tight calf muscles, invest in an active compression tool. Find out how calf massagers work here.   Consider the efficacy, affordability and usability of the device before you buy an active compression tool. SPRYNG is the best recovery tool you’ll find today. It’s a portable device that you can wear any time while you’re going about your usual activities. The device contains an innovative, patent-pending wavetec™ graduated compression pattern that prevents leg swelling and improves blood circulation. SPRYNG will reduce swelling and pain in your muscles easily in 15 minutes and speed up the recovery process.          References https://sportandspinalphysio.com.au/the-importance-of-calf-strength-and-the-best-calf-strength-exercises/#:~:text=Why%20is%20Calf%20Strength%20So,Become%20faster   https://head2toeclinic.com/three-reasons-why-you-have-tight-muscles/  https://www.uchealth.org/today/rest-and-recovery-for-athletes-physiological-psychological-well-being/#:~:text=Active%20recovery%20increases%20blood%20circulation,muscles%2C%20tendons%2C%20and%20ligaments.   
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What Causes Overtraining Syndrome and How to Avoid It

What Causes Overtraining Syndrome and How to Avoid It

Overtraining Syndrome, also known as burnout, is a common condition among athletes, especially am...
Overtraining Syndrome, also known as burnout, is a common condition among athletes, especially among those who follow inadequate training schedules and practice under poor coaching and supervision. If athletes experience fatigue and decline in performance despite increased training, overtraining can be the cause. Consequently, the athlete might face frequent injuries, mood swings, lack of motivation and even infections.   Want to know more? Learn more about how Spryng can help you! Subscribe for the latest updates and get 10% OFF. Athletes challenge the limits of their physical capabilities in order to improve performance. However, the recovery of your body ought to be as important as strenuous training and participating in competitions. Otherwise, the accumulation of small injuries over time will result in impeding the improvement of your performance.    As you fail to recover properly after training, continuous physical fatigue and stress can lead to suppressed immune responses.   There are many risk factors you need to be aware of. Being specialized in a single sport, a sudden increase in training intensity, participating in endurance sports, lack of confidence and parental or coaching pressure are the main reasons why athletes face burnout.  Overtraining syndrome causes  Unfortunately, most young athletes are prone to overtraining syndrome and often go unnoticed by their parents. In most cases, over-ambitious parents contribute to this condition unknowingly.   However, adult athletes often face this issue because of the training schedules that are not based on best practices given by sports science.   Symptoms and signs of overtraining syndrome  Chronic muscle and joint pain  Weight loss  Loss of appetite  Increased resting heart rate  Decreased sports performance  Fatigue  Prolonged recovery  Low mood  Frequent illnesses  Decreased performance in other fields such as work and school  Personality change  Irritability  Sleep disturbance  How to prevent overtraining  The training should be enjoyable, and you should be aware of how your body responds to the exercise. Generally, one or two-day breaks per week and longer breaks every few months are mandatory for your body, especially for your muscles to recover. You need to build awareness for cues that indicate you are at a burnout, such as prolonged physical and mental fatigue and muscle pain.  How to treat overtraining  The only treatment for overtraining is rest. Before the symptoms start exacerbating, take a break from training and rest until you are fully recovered. Avoid activities that exert your muscles during your rest and avoid stress triggers.   What can you do to recover your muscles?  Sore muscles after a demanding training routine is not necessarily a bad sign. You just need to rest and recover for a few days before you get back to your training. As you progress, you gain strength and agility with continuous training. To improve your performance without falling into overtraining, you have to incorporate a balanced workout regimen that includes resting and muscle recovery sessions.  You can learn more about muscle recovery techniques here.    Active compression massage tools are the best method to relieve muscle overuse symptoms such as muscle soreness, muscle knots and swelling in the legs. Active compression is a massage technique that promotes blood circulation in the affected areas in order to help the recovery process and ease the pain. You can read more about how to improve blood circulation in the legs and recover from muscle pain here.  There are overtraining recovery tools such as SPRYNG which you can use to massage your sore muscles at home. SPRYNG is a highly effective active compression tool you can use conveniently. You wear it on your calves and activate its various preloaded massage patterns to get relief from muscle pain.     
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5 Causes of Leg Fatigue and 5 Ways to Recover

5 Causes of Leg Fatigue and 5 Ways to Recover

Many people experience leg muscle fatigue at some point during their lives. The lower body carrie...
Many people experience leg muscle fatigue at some point during their lives. The lower body carries the heavy burden of carrying the weight of the upper body. As a result, sitting or standing for long periods of time can cause tired legs and blood pooling. Muscle fatigue in legs is often associated with aching legs, muscle soreness, or cramping.   Want to know more? Learn more about how Spryng can help you! Subscribe for the latest updates and get 10% OFF. Legs feel tired for several reasons, not only if you are overweight and older. If a healthy person experiences-tired legs, they may be able to self-heal with rest or slow and gentle movements, till the condition of their legs improve.   What causes legs to feel tired and how to recover tired legs?  1. Overuse  One of the most common reasons for fatigue in legs is overuse. If you have been sitting or standing longer than usual or even after a vigorous exercise routine, you may suffer the nasty effects of tiredness in legs. Rest is one of the best ways to bring your legs back to its normal state.   2. Muscle Cramps  Overuse of your legs often lead to muscle cramps. Frequent muscle cramps can lead to leg fatigue. Allow your legs and body plenty of time to rest until your symptoms recede. It is best you stretch effected area gently and even massage the effected muscle.  See your doctor if cramping becomes severe.   3. Hypokalaemia  Hypokalaemia is caused by lower-than-normal potassium levels in your blood. Potassium helps carry electrical signals to cells in your body. Potassium is crucial to the proper functioning of nerve and muscles cells. Hypokalaemia can cause muscle fatigue. If you suffer from Hypokalaemia, it is best you seek medical advice.   4. Poor circulation  Due to poor circulation your legs may feel tired. Poor circulation in the lower part of the body makes it harder to pump blood to your heart from your legs. Poor circulation can result in tired muscles. You can improve circulation by wearing loose clothing and managing underlying issues like diabetes, if any Improving circulation will help in tired legs recovery.  5. Hydrate   Staying hydrated is crucial to avoiding dehydration, electrolyte loss, and muscle fatigue. Drinking water throughout the day and drinking sports drinks during exercise is crucial to prevent dehydration. It is recommended you drink 10-12 8-oz glasses of water daily.   While exercising, it is recommended to drink 125-250 ml of an electrolyte-rich sports drink every 10-20 minutes. This will replace the water and nutrients that are lost due to sweating and help in tired legs recovery.    One of the best ways in answering the question of “how to recover fatigued legs” is by using SPRYNG, the world’s most advanced muscle recovery tool. The SPRYNG compression leg wraps use active compression technology to improve circulation and flush out lactic acid and thereby reduce pain.   SPRYNG has many advantages when compared to other active compression and leg compression devices in the market. A few of them are -  Quick recovery- It takes only 15 minutes to produce results.   Embrace freedom - It is lightweight, portable, and untethered.   Extremely affordable –it is cheaper than any other active compression devices of its kind on the market.  Convenience- Place your order now via our website and become eligible for free delivery to your doorstep. You can also make your purchase from select CVS Stores in the USA.   Buy now and pay later with easy instalment settlement options for online purchases from our website www.spryngme.com   For more information about how SPRYNG works look no further.       References https://www.abc.net.au/news/health/2019-09-07/muscle-soreness-and-exercise-recovery/11483346  https://www.healthline.com/health/tired-legs  https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/tired-legs#causes  https://www.nature.com/articles/emm2017194 
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