SPRYNG™ - the dynamic calf massage that goes beyond the ordinary.

Cold vs Heat vs Active Compression: What's the Best Therapy to Relieve Leg Pain?

Cold vs Heat vs Active Compression: What's the Best Therapy to Relieve Leg Pain?

A plethora of causes from muscle overuse to illnesses such as arthritis can cause muscle pain in ...
A plethora of causes from muscle overuse to illnesses such as arthritis can cause muscle pain in the legs. The go-to treatment for muscle pain and the other related symptoms including swelling in the limbs and muscle stiffness, is applying ice packs or heating pads to the affected area. Today, a  modern technique called active compression therapy is widely used to treat such conditions. Each of these techniques has unique benefits and uses. Let’s find out how each treatment works and what’s the most effective of them.  Want to know more? Learn more about how Spryng can help you! Subscribe for the latest updates and get 10% OFF. Cold and heat therapy   Hot and cold therapy is a traditional practice used to treat muscle injuries. They both are simple yet extremely effective. The trickier part is to understand what type of injury requires heat and what requires cold. Sometimes the treatment may include both. As a general rule of thumb, ice is applied to the sore muscles when they show inflammation or swelling; heat when they  are stiff and in pain.   Heat therapy  Heat promotes blood circulation by dilating blood vessels. The better the blood circulation in the area, the faster the recovery. In addition, it reduces the pain and increases muscle flexibility. Applying heat to the injured area a couple of times a day helps with healing the damaged muscle fibers faster.   There are two types of heat therapy; dry heat and moist heat. Dry heat or conducted heat therapy is carried out by applying heating pads to the area. Moist heat or convection heat therapy is derived by heat sources such as steamed towels, moist heating packs, or hot baths. Moist heat is considered slightly more effective than dry heat.   Professional medical equipment such as ultrasound heat generators also follows the same concept.    Cold therapy  Cold therapy, also known as cryotherapy, is formulated by applying cold sources to the affected area. Low temperature reduces the blood flow in the body. As a result, swelling and inflammation subside. This method works especially better around joints and tendons. It also relieves the pain by decreasing nerve activity in the area.   There are a number of ways you can apply a cold pack to the affected area. If the injury is localized to a small section, you can use ice packs or frozen gel packs. Coolant sprays are another option. Ice baths are recommended for a full-body treatment.   There are derivative methods of cold therapy. One is cryo-stretching, where a cold pack is applied to avoid muscle spasms during stretching exercises. Cryokinetics is a treatment for muscle sprains combining exercises with cold therapy.  How to use cold and heat therapy  For mild muscle pains apply the heat or cold pack for 15-20 minutes and repeat every 2-3 hours until the pain subsides.   Active Compression  Active compression is a special massage technique that helps to optimize blood circulation. Massage therapists who carry out the process gently apply pressure on the affected area using their fingers and palms, as they massage the limb in circular movements following the directions of blood. This method is helpful for those who suffer from muscle soreness, swelling, and blood pooling in the peripheral parts of the body.  This treatment is not only for blood circulatory disorders. You can effectively alleviate the muscle pain after a strenuous leg workout with a simple active compression massage. Learn more about active compression here.   There are a few convenient ways you can reap the benefits of active compression rather than going to a therapist every time your muscles ache. The best available method is by using a muscle recovery tool. You can use these tools to massage your muscles without the support of a therapist.   SPRYNG is the most advanced and convenient active compression tool for legs. Unlike most other muscle massager tools, SPRYNG is wireless and therefore it is very convenient to use. It’s preloaded with 3 different compression patterns guaranteeing quick recovery for sore legs.  
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Why is Electrolyte Balance in The Body Critical During Summer Workouts

Why is Electrolyte Balance in The Body Critical During Summer Workouts

Electrolytes are minerals that separate into charged particles when dissolved in water. They are ...
Electrolytes are minerals that separate into charged particles when dissolved in water. They are essential to human body functions and are found in body fluids such as blood and urine. They play an important role  balancing water levels in the body, moving nutrients into the cells, removing waste from the cells, and helping nerves, muscles, the heart, and the brain to function.   Want to know more? Learn more about how Spryng can help you! Subscribe for the latest updates and get 10% OFF. You get electrolytes from the food and drinks you consume. The level of electrolytes in your body correlates with the amount of water in your body. So, when your body dehydrates or hyper hydrates the imbalanced state of electrolytes could cause unpleasant symptoms.  Types of Electrolytes   There are a lot of minerals that act as electrolytes, and Chloride, Potassium, Calcium, Sodium and Magnesium are the most common of them. Each mineral has specific electrolyte properties; Chloride maintains the fluid balance between the inside and outside of the cells. Potassium works as an electric conduction medium that regulates heartbeat, muscle contraction and nerve impulses, and the list goes on.  What happens to the level of electrolytes when you exercise?  Sweating is a by-product of the body’s energy production, and it also regulates the temperature of the body. When you workout, the body loses more water and minerals as sweat, and the electrolyte count drops. Especially when you do summer workouts, due to the hot weather, you tend to sweat more which lowers the level of electrolytes faster.   Factors contributing to electrolyte loss  Temperature and humidity of the weather  The intensity of the workout or the activity  Duration of the activity  Clothing (the number of layers and the fabric type)  What happens when you are low in electrolytes after workout?  Electrolytes level should be in the optimum range for the body to function properly. In cases, especially when you are engaged in intense exercises without proper hydration, in hot weather, you may experience the following symptoms.    Headaches  Muscle cramps or sore muscles  Muscle weaknesses  Irregular heartbeat  Dizziness  Appetite loss  Even though it seems like these symptoms are mild and temporary, in serious cases they could be fatal and cause permanent damage to the organs.  How to restore electrolytes  Your body gets electrolytes from the food and beverages you consume. It’s quite popular to have an electrolyte-containing sports drink by your side when you work out. Sports drinks come in handy for quick replenishment of electrolytes, but natural foods rich in electrolytes are always the best way to replace electrolytes. Dairy products and leafy greens are rich in Calcium. Vegetables are a good source of Sodium. Banana and coconut water are rich in Potassium. Seafood, seaweed and tomatoes are good sources of Chloride. Having a balanced diet is key to maintaining an optimum electrolyte level.  How to recover weak and sore muscles after a workout?  It’s not entirely a bad outcome if you experience sore muscles for a couple of days after an intense workout. In the recovery period, the muscles regrow and strengthen adapting to the intensity of the workout. However, if you experience cramps and muscle weakness after a workout or physical activity, it might have been caused by lower levels of electrolytes. If this is the case, take action to maintain a proper electrolyte count in the body.  Resting is important. Avoid exerting affected muscles until they are fully recovered. To support the blood flow in the muscles, gently massage them and apply a hot or cold pack. If you have an Active Compression tool or Active Compression socks use them daily or as recommended. Active Compression tools are more efficient for post-workout recovery which subside the soreness faster.   SPRYNG: The best Active Compression tool    SPRYNG is the most efficient, easy-to-use and affordable muscle recovery tool on the market. It’s a wireless, portable design that you can wear on your legs. The patent pending Wavetec, pre-programmed massaging patterns will ease muscle tension and support the blood flow in the veins. The better the blood flow, the faster the muscles recover.  You may also read our ultimate guide to prevent and treat tight calves   
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A Comprehensive Guide to Improve the Health of Gamers From Sitting Too Long

A Comprehensive Guide to Improve the Health of Gamers From Sitting Too Long

Its no secret that E-sports have grown in into a global phenomenon since 2007, from its humble be...
Its no secret that E-sports have grown in into a global phenomenon since 2007, from its humble begins as an underground movement with a few avid players.  As a gamer or e-sports enthusiast, we are living in the golden age of the industry.   If you are an avid gamer, the grind is constant. Whether you are playing to improve your skill, battling alone, or practicing with your team. As with any skill, gaming takes time and effort to master.   Want to know more? Learn more about how Spryng can help you! Subscribe for the latest updates and get 10% OFF.   While a gamers avatar stays active on screen, incessantly unlocking higher gaming levels and achievements, running through a myriad of maps, jumping from dizzying heights or fighting fierce battles. As a gamer you need to take small breaks from your controller or keyboard and try to stay active with a select set of gaming exercises designed for you.   Taking just 5 minutes break every 60 minutes can help you improve your game and a gamers health. Routine exercise while gaming can help you improve your actions per minute, improve the efficiency at which you play, reduce eye strain, and increase reaction speed.  Let us go over a few exercises for gamers which will negate the negative effects of video games on physical health from sitting too long.   As many gamers play for long hours, they place a lot of strain on their body from sitting for prolonged periods and monotonous movements. A gamers hands and lower body receive the most strain from gaming.   Hand stretches for gamers  Gamers also place a lot of strain on their hands and wrists, as a result they may be prone to hand repetitive strain injury. It is important to understand that there are two types of gamers, PC gamers who may strain their hands and fingers and console gamers who use thumbs to control the joystick.  The hand stretches described below will help reduce hand and wrist strain and should be performed at regularly when you take a break.   PC Gamers- Create a fist and flex your wrists—move your palms towards your forearm. Open your hand slowly and gently. Repeat this movement 5-10 times    Console Gamers- turn your palms up, open your hands as wide as you can, and then relax; do not close your fist again. Repeat this movement 5-10 times.  Placing your hands into a bowl of warm water while moving your fingers around at regular intervals in the bowl for 5 minutes at a time will help reduce strain.   Workout while gaming Point to note: You will require to have a standing desk to perform these exercise’s while playing video games  Calf Raises Calf Raises are an excellent way to improve blood flow to your heart. As 90% of the blood returning to your heart from your veins, is in your calves it is vital to keep blood moving, to improve circulation. Therefore, it is a great exercise for blood circulation in legs. Perform 10 repetitions.  For the Hip Flexors Believe it or not, when you sit, your hip muscles are flexed. However constantly sitting means that these muscles are constantly working which can shorten and tighten the muscle. To stretch your hip flexors, do 3 sets of weighted lunges  Perform Squats  While gaming your lower body will be stationary for prolonged periods. During periods of inactivity perform a series of squats. Squats activate every muscle in your lower body. Perform 10 repetitions.  Nutrition for gamers   Just like any athlete nutrition goes hand in hand with physical and mental performance. This is no different to gamers. While most stereotype gamers as people who sit all day playing video games and loading up on pizza, snacks, and sugary drinks, these while convenient snacks are not healthy food options.  It is advisable to incorporate omega 3s, such as fatty fish, nuts, and seeds, into a gamers diet for its immense brain health benefits. It is also important to maintain good electrolyte levels, which impact coordination and muscle contractions. It is also essential to stay hydrated so consuming more water is the way to go. In addition, gamers should consume their meals on time, and it should have a balanced diet with an array of fruits and vegetables.   With the rise in popularity of gaming there is a wide range of nutritional supplements made specific to improve gaming nutrition, however these nutritional supplements should be consumed after consulting a professional medical practitioner.   Recovery after sitting for a long time  As stated earlier, as almost 90% of the blood returning to your heart from your veins comes from your calves. Sitting for lengthy periods can weaken the muscles which makes them less effective in moving the blood, which can result in swelling and pain (known as blood pooling). Therefore, many gamers complain of calf pain  Anti-inflammatory Ointments and Gels  Applying some over the counter ointments and gels can also do the trick. It is one of the easiest home remedies for leg pain. However, if the pain or swelling persists, it is best to consult a sports physician.  Use a muscle recovery tool  SPRYNG the world’s most advanced muscle recovery tool is at hand to help reduce calf pain. SPRYNG improves circulation and with better blood circulation swelling is reduced.   SPRYNG is an active compression wrap which is FDA approved and has also been assessed by many scientific studies to prove its effectiveness. While needing only 15 minutes to produce results. Gamers can wear SPRYNG while sitting at a desk, with no interruptions to your gaming.     SPRYNG has multiple advantages when compared to other active compression and leg compression devices in the market. A few of them are -  Extremely affordable –it is cheaper than any other active compression devices of its kind on the market.  Looks great- It is available in a range of colours unlike most tools for muscle recovery.   Convenience- Place your order now via our website and become eligible for free delivery to your doorstep. You can also make your purchase from select CVS and Road Runner Stores in the USA.   Buy now and pay later with easy instalment settlement options for online purchases from our website www.spryngme.com   For more information on how to improve your blood circulation look no further.      References https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EiRC80FJbHU  https://esportshealthcare.com/guide-to-healthy-gaming/  https://share.upmc.com/2021/11/nutrition-for-gamers/#:~:text=A%20Gamer's%20Diet&text=Experts%20in%20sports%20nutrition%20at,carbs%20like%20pasta%20and%20potatoes.  https://www.nutraingredients.com/Article/2018/04/24/The-rise-of-Esports-nutrition-Gaming-supplements-emerge-in-video-arena#   
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The Ultimate Guide to Prevent and Treat Tight Calves

The Ultimate Guide to Prevent and Treat Tight Calves

Calf muscles consist of two muscles called gastrocnemius and soleus. They work together to contro...
Calf muscles consist of two muscles called gastrocnemius and soleus. They work together to control leg movement and maintain balance while doing activities such as walking.    From illnesses to overexertion of muscles, a number of reasons contribute to tight calves. When the flexibility of the calf muscles reduces, your muscles start aching while performing certain physical activities.   Want to know more? Learn more about how Spryng can help you! Subscribe for the latest updates and get 10% OFF. What Does Tight Calves Feel Like?  The symptoms of tight calves can vary from slight discomfort to severe pain. The muscles may feel hard and tight when you touch them. These symptoms might follow after muscle cramps or strenuous exercises.   Other symptoms may include muscle twitching, sudden pain in the back of your calf or behind the knees and swelling or bruising around the affected area.  What Causes Tight Calves?   Tight calf muscle pain is felt as a result of muscle overuse. This is common among endurance athletes such as marathon runners. If you have just started an exercise program or perhaps, if you are not , using proper techniques you’ll experience tight calves.   How To Relieve Tight Muscles in Calf?    Stretching  If you experience tight calves, try daily stretching exercises until the symptoms subside. Stretching exercises  loosen the calf muscles while improving blood circulation and flexibility. It’s recommended to do stretching exercises twice a day. You will feel a slight discomfort in the muscles when you are performing stretching exercises if you have tight muscles, but its best not to  push yourself too hard.   There are many easy stretching exercises for calf muscles. Try this simple one -   Stand facing a wall, one leg in front of the other, and the front knee slightly bent.   Keep your back knee straight and heels flat on the ground.  Lean forward to the wall and feel the leg muscle stretch as you do so.   Hold this position for 20-30 seconds and release.   Switch the legs and perform the same.   Repeat 4-5 times for one session.  RICE RICE stands for Rest, Ice, Compression and Elevation. This is how you treat your muscles in the first 2-3 days after the injury. You need to get plenty of rest, especially to keep the affected muscles from exerting themselves even further. Apply an ice pack to the affected area for about 20 minutes every 2 hours. Next, apply compression; that means you need to bandage the limb to reduce swelling and pain and keep them slightly elevated.   Over-the-counter medications  You can get some over-the-counter medications to reduce inflammation and relieve pain. Talk to the pharmacist to find what’s best for your condition.  Physical therapy  You don’t need physical therapy for temporary tight calves that happen after a workout.  However if you have chronic tight muscles you need to find the cause and rehabilitate the muscles. Talk to your doctor if you experience persistent tightness in the muscles.   Massage therapy  Massage therapy is a good option if you are an athlete or on a strenuous workout routine. A massage therapist applies controlled pressure on your muscles to reduce tension, improve blood circulation, remove muscle knots and so on.   Use Active Compression tools   Active compression tools are specially designed to apply rhythmic compression on affected muscles. They will reduce the swelling and inflammation of the muscles and help the calf muscle recovery process.  There are a lot of active compression tools on the market. If you are a professional athlete, a gym enthusiast or someone with tight calf muscles, invest in an active compression tool. Find out how calf massagers work here.  Consider the efficacy, affordability and usability of the device before you buy an active compression tool. SPRYNG is the best recovery tool you’ll find today. It’s a portable device that you can wear any time while you’re going about your usual activities. The device contains an innovative, patent-pending wavetec™ graduated compression pattern that prevents leg swelling and improves blood circulation. SPRYNG will reduce swelling and pain in your  muscles easily in 15 minutes  and speed up the recovery process.   
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An Essential Guide to Improving Blood Circulation in Your Legs

An Essential Guide to Improving Blood Circulation in Your Legs

The vast system of blood vessels - arteries, veins, and capillaries - is over 60,000 miles long. ...
The vast system of blood vessels - arteries, veins, and capillaries - is over 60,000 miles long. This long network of blood vessels, the heart, and the supportive muscles together create the circulatory system of the body. This system carries blood to the organs and back to the heart. If the circulatory system doesn't work properly, the organs won’t get enough oxygen and nutrients to function healthily.   Want to know more? Learn more about how Spryng can help you! Subscribe for the latest updates and get 10% OFF. It’s harder to pump the blood from the legs towards the heart because it is fighting gravity. It's the reason why legs are more prone to circulatory problems than the other organs. The efficiency of blood circulation deteriorates with age, prolonged inactivity, and certain diseases and disorders.   Even if you are healthy and active, you must take care of your legs from circulatory issues. For example, after a workout, especially if it’s focused on your leg muscles, the blood circulation of your legs won’t be as efficient as in regular conditions.   Here’s how you can improve leg blood circulation and take care of your legs.   Walking  If you’re doing a 9-5 desk job, a brisk walk in the evening will be greatly beneficial for your mental and physical health. Walking is a low-impact exercise that anyone can do regardless of age. As the leg muscles contract and relax, the blood is squeezed up through the veins and helps regulate blood circulation and lower blood pressure.  Walk briskly for at least 30 minutes a day. Do it regularly and see the difference. The best exercise for blood circulation in the legs is this.  Stretching  Stretching exercises are recommended before workouts and sports to warm up and prepare the body. Stretching promotes leg blood circulation, so the muscles get enough nutrients and oxygen to perform intense activities. It also relaxes stiffened muscles and reduces the chance of injuries.   You can talk to your trainer or simply look for simple stretching exercises. Yoga is also a good option for this purpose.   Maintain a better body posture  Most of us have gotten used to hunching over a computer for long periods, which ruins our posture. Among many other bad posture habits, sitting with crossed legs is not good for blood circulation because this posture applies pressure on blood vessels and reduces blood flow in the legs.   Be aware of your body posture when performing different activities. Then you’ll be able to correct the posture when you unconsciously fall into habitual bad postures. The following changes in posture can help you to improve the blood circulation of the legs.  Sit with legs spaced slightly apart and remember to stand up and walk a few steps from time to time.   Keep your legs a little elevated, put them up on a stool if you are sitting and, on a pillow, when you are sleeping.   Wear Compression Stockings   Compression Stockings improve the blood flow in the legs and reduce swelling, inflammation, and pain. This option is ideal if you are working a long time sitting or standing without much activity.   Compression Stockings apply pressure  to the leg muscles, and help circulation in the legs, encouraging a steady flow of blood to the heart with less effort.   Wear an Active Compression Tool  Active compression helps blood circulation through using external pneumatic compression. This effectively pumps blood towards the heart, reducing the intramuscular space available for swelling and helping to promote the stable alignment of muscle fibers.   Due to inactivity or intense workouts, leg muscles weaken and fail to support the veins to pump blood efficiently. This leads to the condition called blood pooling where blood collects in the legs, ankles, or feet. Active Compression tools are designed to support muscles to speed up the blood circulation and the recovery of muscles.   There are a lot of Active Compression and muscle recovery tools available. Always consider how efficient the device is, whether it’s convenient for your lifestyle, and worth the price before you buy.   SPRYNG is the most advanced Active Compression tool on the market today. It’s designed with patent-pending technology that outperforms most major Active Compression tools, in efficacy, convenience, and affordability.    SPRYNG is untethered. So, you can use the device even when you’re watching TV or lying on the bed.                                          
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5 Simple Food & Exercises to Reduce Muscles Soreness

5 Simple Food & Exercises to Reduce Muscles Soreness

Exercise no matter how you attain it, has a positive impact on your body and mind. Through the re...
Exercise no matter how you attain it, has a positive impact on your body and mind. Through the release of chemicals called endorphins your body may experience improvements to your physical health and mood. Endorphins are nature’s natural painkiller inbuilt in the human body to relieve pain and create a general feeling of wellbeing.  Want to know more? Learn more about how Spryng can help you! Subscribe for the latest updates and get 10% OFF.     If you’re into strenuous physical activities such as long-distance biking, marathons or trail running, you are likely to experience occasional exercise-induced muscle soreness or Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness (DOMS). Sore muscles can have a negative impact to your overall health. It can also diminish your mood and increase the risk of injuries.   Despite this there is light at the end of the tunnel:   First, let’s examine how to recover from leg soreness?  Exercise and the right nutrition are one of the best ways to combat sore muscles!  Balanced nutrition is vital for a healthy and balanced life. While the below mentioned food, help with muscle soreness, it should be consumed in moderation whilst also maintaining a balanced diet.   What foods help with sore muscles?  Watermelon – This juicy summertime favourite is not only just a thirst quencher, but it also has some very surprising nutritional credentials. It contains amino acid I-citrulline which has been known to reduce sore muscles.    Hydrate with water or a sports drink with electrolytes - Water and electrolytes plays a pivotal role in muscle repair and the production of glycogen. Studies have proven that muscle rejuvenation progress is decelerated by half when muscles are not suitably hydrated.   Consume food with high Omega 3 values- Fatty fish like sardines, salmon and trout are great natural sources of nutrients your body needs for muscle recovery. Fatty fish is a source of high protein, a macronutrient that accelerates muscle repair. Therefore, fatty fish is a one of the favourite foods that help ease muscle pain.   Eggs- are known as for their rich nutritional values and favoured by athletes for their high protein content. The high protein content in eggs will also aid in muscle recovery.   When watching pro athletes, you will see them consume bananas very frequently. Do bananas help reduce sore muscles?  Yes, bananas are an easy to digest source of complex carbs that contain insulin and potassium which help reduce soreness in muscles. Bananas also help reduce cramps during a workout.   Along with proper nutrition to avoid sore muscles, exercise and stretches also play a pivotal role too.   Here are 5 stretches to help reduce sore legs   Side Lunges (12 reps for each leg)  Side lunges will help stretch and strengthen the muscles around your legs. To do a side lunge stand with your feet apart. Take a long stride to the side and stretch your thigh muscles. Return to your original position and do the same with your other leg.   Calf stretch  Due to the intense strain, we place on our calf muscles when doing high- impact activities or stand for hours on end, our calf can become tight from bearing our weight. To release this strain, they will require stretches. Begin your calf stretch by sitting on the ground with your legs straight out in front of you. Place a long towel or yoga strap around the balls of your feet. Keeping your back and knees straight, gently pull the towel or strap so your toes start pointing toward your body. Breathe naturally while you hold the stretch for 30 seconds before releasing.  Toe touch  Just like it sounds this stretch will require touching your toes. While this is no easy feat for some of us, it helps if you are flexible. Toe touches are usually done to stretch your hamstrings and calf muscles.   Quadricep stretch   Your quadricep muscles run along the front of your thigh. To begin your stretch stand in front of a wall for support. Grasp your ankle and gentle lift your heel toward your buttock. Hold for 30 secs and repeat.   Lunges  Lunges works your hips, glutes, quads, hamstrings, and core and the hard-to-reach muscles of your inner thighs. To begin your lunge, stand with your feet apart. Take a step forward with your right leg and start to shift your weight forward. Lean forward so your left knee touches the floor. Get back to your original position and repeat.   Another aspect of working out is being able to avoid DOMS. DOMS can be caused by any increased intensity to your workout and exercise routine.   How to avoid delayed onset muscle soreness (DOMS)?   Hydrate- as mentioned before a lack of electrolytes contributes to muscle soreness so make sure you are staying hydrated throughout your workout. Sleep- Sleep is a regenerative process vital for your body’s’ recovery. When sleeping your body is able to restore, rebuild and adapt. Adults should aim to get at least 7 hours of sleep daily.   In addition to stretches and eating right to help muscle recovery there are some additional methods to help get your recovery on track.   How to make your legs stop being sore?  One of the best ways to stop being sore is by investing in a calf compression wrap like SPRYNG. The SPRYNG compression leg wraps use active compression technology to improve circulation and flush out lactic acid and thereby reduce pain.   SPRYNG has many advantages when compared to other active compression and leg compression devices in the market. A few of them are -  Quick recovery- It takes only 15 minutes to produce results.   Embrace freedom - It is lightweight, portable, and untethered.   Extremely affordable –it is cheaper than any other active compression devices of its kind on the market.  Looks great- It is available in a range of colors unlike most tools for muscle recovery.   Convenience- Place your order now via our website and become eligible for free delivery to your doorstep. You can also make your purchase from select CVS and Road Runner Stores in the USA.   Buy now and pay later with easy installment settlement options for online purchases from our website www.spryngme.com       References https://www.dignityhealth.org/articles/5-stretches-for-leg-pain#:~:text=The%20stretch%3A%20Holding%20onto%20a,repeat%20with%20the%20opposite%20leg.   https://greatist.com/eat/foods-for-sore-muscles  https://www.sanitarium.com.au/health-nutrition/nutrition/foods-for-muscle-soreness  https://www.bustle.com/p/10-foods-to-eat-when-youre-sore-according-to-experts-7340538  https://cleanplates.com/nutrition/best-foods-for-sore-muscles-cramps/   
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