SPRYNG™ - the dynamic calf massage that goes beyond the ordinary.

A Comprehensive Guide to Improve the Health of Gamers From Sitting Too Long

A Comprehensive Guide to Improve the Health of Gamers From Sitting Too Long

Its no secret that E-sports have grown in into a global phenomenon since 2007, from its humble be...
Its no secret that E-sports have grown in into a global phenomenon since 2007, from its humble begins as an underground movement with a few avid players.  As a gamer or e-sports enthusiast, we are living in the golden age of the industry.   If you are an avid gamer, the grind is constant. Whether you are playing to improve your skill, battling alone, or practicing with your team. As with any skill, gaming takes time and effort to master.   Want to know more? Learn more about how Spryng can help you! Subscribe for the latest updates and get 10% OFF.   While a gamers avatar stays active on screen, incessantly unlocking higher gaming levels and achievements, running through a myriad of maps, jumping from dizzying heights or fighting fierce battles. As a gamer you need to take small breaks from your controller or keyboard and try to stay active with a select set of gaming exercises designed for you.   Taking just 5 minutes break every 60 minutes can help you improve your game and a gamers health. Routine exercise while gaming can help you improve your actions per minute, improve the efficiency at which you play, reduce eye strain, and increase reaction speed.  Let us go over a few exercises for gamers which will negate the negative effects of video games on physical health from sitting too long.   As many gamers play for long hours, they place a lot of strain on their body from sitting for prolonged periods and monotonous movements. A gamers hands and lower body receive the most strain from gaming.   Hand stretches for gamers  Gamers also place a lot of strain on their hands and wrists, as a result they may be prone to hand repetitive strain injury. It is important to understand that there are two types of gamers, PC gamers who may strain their hands and fingers and console gamers who use thumbs to control the joystick.  The hand stretches described below will help reduce hand and wrist strain and should be performed at regularly when you take a break.   PC Gamers- Create a fist and flex your wrists—move your palms towards your forearm. Open your hand slowly and gently. Repeat this movement 5-10 times    Console Gamers- turn your palms up, open your hands as wide as you can, and then relax; do not close your fist again. Repeat this movement 5-10 times.  Placing your hands into a bowl of warm water while moving your fingers around at regular intervals in the bowl for 5 minutes at a time will help reduce strain.   Workout while gaming Point to note: You will require to have a standing desk to perform these exercise’s while playing video games  Calf Raises Calf Raises are an excellent way to improve blood flow to your heart. As 90% of the blood returning to your heart from your veins, is in your calves it is vital to keep blood moving, to improve circulation. Therefore, it is a great exercise for blood circulation in legs. Perform 10 repetitions.  For the Hip Flexors Believe it or not, when you sit, your hip muscles are flexed. However constantly sitting means that these muscles are constantly working which can shorten and tighten the muscle. To stretch your hip flexors, do 3 sets of weighted lunges  Perform Squats  While gaming your lower body will be stationary for prolonged periods. During periods of inactivity perform a series of squats. Squats activate every muscle in your lower body. Perform 10 repetitions.  Nutrition for gamers   Just like any athlete nutrition goes hand in hand with physical and mental performance. This is no different to gamers. While most stereotype gamers as people who sit all day playing video games and loading up on pizza, snacks, and sugary drinks, these while convenient snacks are not healthy food options.  It is advisable to incorporate omega 3s, such as fatty fish, nuts, and seeds, into a gamers diet for its immense brain health benefits. It is also important to maintain good electrolyte levels, which impact coordination and muscle contractions. It is also essential to stay hydrated so consuming more water is the way to go. In addition, gamers should consume their meals on time, and it should have a balanced diet with an array of fruits and vegetables.   With the rise in popularity of gaming there is a wide range of nutritional supplements made specific to improve gaming nutrition, however these nutritional supplements should be consumed after consulting a professional medical practitioner.   Recovery after sitting for a long time  As stated earlier, as almost 90% of the blood returning to your heart from your veins comes from your calves. Sitting for lengthy periods can weaken the muscles which makes them less effective in moving the blood, which can result in swelling and pain (known as blood pooling). Therefore, many gamers complain of calf pain  Anti-inflammatory Ointments and Gels  Applying some over the counter ointments and gels can also do the trick. It is one of the easiest home remedies for leg pain. However, if the pain or swelling persists, it is best to consult a sports physician.  Use a muscle recovery tool  SPRYNG the world’s most advanced muscle recovery tool is at hand to help reduce calf pain. SPRYNG improves circulation and with better blood circulation swelling is reduced.   SPRYNG is an active compression wrap which is FDA approved and has also been assessed by many scientific studies to prove its effectiveness. While needing only 15 minutes to produce results. Gamers can wear SPRYNG while sitting at a desk, with no interruptions to your gaming.     SPRYNG has multiple advantages when compared to other active compression and leg compression devices in the market. A few of them are -  Extremely affordable –it is cheaper than any other active compression devices of its kind on the market.  Looks great- It is available in a range of colours unlike most tools for muscle recovery.   Convenience- Place your order now via our website and become eligible for free delivery to your doorstep. You can also make your purchase from select CVS and Road Runner Stores in the USA.   Buy now and pay later with easy instalment settlement options for online purchases from our website www.spryngme.com   For more information on how to improve your blood circulation look no further.      References https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EiRC80FJbHU  https://esportshealthcare.com/guide-to-healthy-gaming/  https://share.upmc.com/2021/11/nutrition-for-gamers/#:~:text=A%20Gamer's%20Diet&text=Experts%20in%20sports%20nutrition%20at,carbs%20like%20pasta%20and%20potatoes.  https://www.nutraingredients.com/Article/2018/04/24/The-rise-of-Esports-nutrition-Gaming-supplements-emerge-in-video-arena#   
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Key Leg Workouts To Improve Your Tennis Performance

Key Leg Workouts To Improve Your Tennis Performance

Tennis, a beloved sport by many around the world which requires a combination of agility, speed, ...
Tennis, a beloved sport by many around the world which requires a combination of agility, speed, power, flexes, balance, coordination, cardiovascular and muscle endurance. Be it a professional, amateur or one who does it for mere leisure, fitness is a critical component for the sport to maintain focus, beat your opponent and give you that extra mental edge.  Want to know more? Learn more about how Spryng can help you! Subscribe for the latest updates and get 10% OFF. The level of fitness required for the sport is evidenced by the ongoing French Open played at Stade Rolland Garros where players undergo rigorous training to play, win, beat, and be crowned as the ultimate grand slam champion. Whether one may be stretching for a wide forehand or simply moving towards the ball, tennis is donned as a physical sport which requires your body to stay at its optimum fitness. With long practice sessions and strenuous matches, tennis players are no stranger to sore and painful muscles. Therefore, it is paramount that tennis players should keep muscle injuries at bay as recovery depending on the injury can take time.   Keeping a healthy tennis workout routine is vital to reduce muscle soreness and thereby reduce injury.   While playing tennis is a great whole-body workout it puts a lot of pressure on your legs due to the continuous need to move up and down the court. In tennis, strength and conditioning go hand in hand with game performance. These simple and effective tennis leg workouts are a firm favourite of professional tennis stars, and what makes it better is that you can do it even in your living room.   Best leg exercises for tennis players  Walking lunge (20 reps in total)  While doing this exercise, keep your body upright and lean forward with one leg. When leaning forward make sure that your knee touches the ground before standing back up. After that do switch to the other leg. Proceed to lunge forward until you finish all repetitions.  Step up’s (12 reps for each leg)   For this leg work out for tennis, use an elevated surface of your choice (a study box, stool, or short table), put one leg on the elevated surface and step up. Return to the initial position and do the same with the other leg. Twelve repetitions for each leg should suffice.   Side Lunges (12 reps for each leg)  Side lunges are one of the most popular tennis leg strengthening exercises. It will help stretch and strengthen the muscle around your legs. To do a side lunge stand with your feet width apart. Take a long stride to the side and to stretch your thigh muscles. Make sure your torso is upright as possible and bend your stretched leg to around 90°. Return to your original position and do the same with your other leg.   After undertaking the above, leg exercises for tennis professionals and amateurs alike, if you continue to suffer from sore muscles after your workout, make sure your legs have enough recovery time. One of the best ways to recover from sore legs is by using a calf compression wrap like SPRYNG. The SPRYNG compression leg wraps use active compression technology to improve circulation and flush out lactic acid and thereby reduce pain.     SPRYNG has many advantages when compared to other active compression and leg compression devices in the market. A few of them are -  Quick recovery- It takes only 15 minutes to produce results.   Embrace freedom - It is lightweight, portable, and untethered so it fits nicely so it fits nicely in your bag. This makes it is ideal for those pre- game and post-game massages.   Extremely affordable –it is cheaper than any other active compression devices of its kind on the market.  Looks great- It is available in a range of colours unlike most tools for muscle recovery.   Convenience- Place your order now via our website and become eligible for free delivery to your doorstep. You can also make your purchase from select CVS and Road Runner Stores in the USA.   Buy now and pay later with easy instalment settlement options for online purchases from our website www.spryngme.com     References https://www.healthline.com/nutrition/best-muscle-recovery-foods#3.-Fatty-fish  https://www.sanitarium.com.au/health-nutrition/nutrition/foods-for-muscle-soreness  http://www.worldtennismagazine.com/archives/19355  https://metro.co.uk/2019/12/28/try-this-tennis-player-leg-workout-to-build-lower-body-strength-at-home-11933950/   
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Leg Exercises to Boost Swimming Performance

Leg Exercises to Boost Swimming Performance

When you imagine the body of a swimmer, you usually think of broad shoulders, big lats, and great...
When you imagine the body of a swimmer, you usually think of broad shoulders, big lats, and great abs but we rarely think of developed leg muscles. While, the upper body plays a pivotal role in swimming, so does the lower half. Proper leg exercises for swimmers can lead to improved swimming performance. Swimming leg workouts can improve ankle mobility for a better propelling kick, and it will help you have better push offs from the blocks.    Want to know more? Learn more about how Spryng can help you! Subscribe for the latest updates and get 10% OFF. When choosing exercises to strengthen legs for swimming choose exercises with an increased range of motion, builds strength and power your output.   The below leg strengthening exercises for swimmers will help you build stronger, leaner and improves the range of motion in your leg muscles.   Box Jumps   Box Jumps builds strength and power in the quads, glutes, hamstrings, calves, and core. These muscles are vital for developing solid starts and push-offs as well as developing a fast and powerful kick underwater.   Lateral lunge  It strengthens the muscles of the groin and hips, improving hip rotation, which is important for a swimmer’s performance.   Hamstring Curls  Targets the hamstrings, glutes, lower back and hip flexors. These muscles play an important role in strong kicks underwater.   Use a “Leg Extension" Machine  Leg extension machines target the quads primarily. Strong quads make your kicks stronger specially when doing the breaststroke.  How to improve swimming performance?   Speed is an essential element in improving your swimming performance.  So, you may question how to improve swimming speed? While not everyone is into breaking records like Michael Phelps or being an Olympic star, it does ignite the inspiration to move faster in the water.   There are four major swimming strokes recognised worldwide namely, freestyle, breaststroke, backstroke and butterfly. For each stroke you would use your body differently by using a separate set of muscles. The main determinants of speed are thrust and drag.   The water offers resistance (or drag) while your arms and legs push (or thrust) you through the water. Learning how to efficiently move your body through the water for each different stroke will help improve your speed.  Once you are all caught up on the basic arm and leg movements required for the chosen stroke, you can focus on the minor elements to improve your timing.  You can valuably save fractions of a second off your time by improving each of these elements:  Reduction in underwater time: This is the amount of time you spend with your head underwater.   Improve speed of the Tumble Turn Time:  tumble turn time is the amount of time it takes you to turn and begin your next lap. If you are doing a 50m lap you can ignore this as most professional pools are 50m.   Reaction time: If you're taking off from the blocks, this term refers to how long it takes you to get from the block to the water.  After a long day of training or after competitions you may wonder, why do my legs hurt after swimming? Your legs hurt after swimming due to the intense pressure placed upon them, for you to propel through the water faster.   Muscle recovery after swimming  Recovery for swimmers must be fast as they may soon be required to compete in another race.   Warming up and cooling down   A vital element in swimming muscle recovery is properly warming up and cooling down. Warming up should be done using stretches which work to release lactic acid from previous swims. Cool down with periods of easy swimming. It is recommended to swim between 200m and 800m to flush out the lactic acid in the muscles.   Hydration   Many swimmers don’t realise just how much they sweat in the pool. Therefore, proper intake of fluids is a must for swimming recovery. Water plays a pivotal role in muscle repair and the production of glycogen. Studies have proven that muscle rejuvenation progress is decelerated by half when muscles are not suitably hydrated.  Use a calf muscle recovery tool like SPRYNG  For quick swimming fatigue recovery use a calf compression wrap like SPRYNG. It uses active compression technology to improve circulation and flush out lactic acid, thereby alleviating pain.     SPRYNG has many advantages when compared to other active compression and leg compression devices in the market. A few of them are -  Quick recovery- It takes only 15 minutes to produce results. So, it is ideal for a day filled with back-to-back competitions.   Embrace freedom - It is lightweight, portable, and untethered so it fits nicely in your bag.   Extremely affordable –it is cheaper than any other active compression device on the market.  Looks great- It is available in a range of colours.   Convenience- Place your order now via our website and become eligible for free delivery to your doorstep.  Buy now and pay later with our easy instalment settlement options.    References https://swimcompetitive.com/dryland/leg-exercises-swimmers/  https://www.mensjournal.com/sports/10-best-exercises-swimmers/  https://www.usms.org/fitness-and-training/articles-and-videos/articles/lower-body-exercises-for-swimmers  https://www.swimming.org/masters/optimise-swimming-recovery-hard-workout/   
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Quick Guide to Improving Basketball Performance

Quick Guide to Improving Basketball Performance

Basketball is one of the much-loved sports in the United States, starting from its humble beginni...
Basketball is one of the much-loved sports in the United States, starting from its humble beginnings from Massachusetts United States, the sport is now played professionally throughout the world. All thanks to the NBA’s success at promoting the sport.  Basketball is an endurance and velocity driven team sport; it is paramount to each team’s success that all players play their best game at every game and throughout the game.   Want to know more? Learn more about how Spryng can help you! Subscribe for the latest updates and get 10% OFF. Basketball is a dynamic sport which engages the whole body. It is influenced by multiple techniques, quick reaction time, coordination, game IQ, power, shooting abilities, passing skills and more.   This basketball training guide will help an athlete improve basketball skills. It includes workouts to improve basketball performance and exercises for basketball players to reach the pinnacle of their game.    Improve basketball shooting   Shooting skills serve as the core foundation of basketball and through hard work and dedication you will reach your intended results. Use these basic steps to improve your basketball shot. Firstly, focus on the mechanism of your shot. Keep your eyes on the target, pay attention to your stance, focus on your basketball grip and try to send the ball sailing towards its target. Cuttino Mobley – Former Houston Rockets, L.A. Clippers guard advice is that one should “Tuck your elbow and line it up with your knee, and don’t shoot at the rim, shoot up over it. Reach up, go inside the basket with your release, and follow through with your index and middle fingers”.   How to improve quickness in basketball?    Basketball is a fast-paced game therefore speed and agility are just as important as shooting accurately. Endurance and passing skills are vital to quicken the pace of the game. This can be achieved through regular endurance training and practising quickness drills for basketball. Part of your quickness drills would be improving your passing skills. Teams that are good at passing enjoy easy baskets and have an easier time playing offense. This is because the players can move the ball quickly and frequently until an opening is found. Once the player has the ball in his grasp, he will need to either pass it a teammate or dribble the ball up and down the court. This is where dribbling exercises would come in handy.   Basketball leg work out   Leg workouts are essential to your basketball workout. Basketball players will be required to do many sets of leg presses and calf raises to improve leg muscle strength required to run up and down the court. Adding ladder drills for basketball should also be a useful piece of your training arsenal. This helps improve hand -eye coordination while working on your calf muscles at the same time.   Improve basketball IQ  Basketball IQ is an important talent for every player to have. It comes with the ability to anticipate moves 3 times ahead and know the strengths and weakness of not only his own team but of your opponents like the back of one’s hand. One method you can use is watch and learn. Watch the best players in action and try pick up queues to their reactions to situations. For an example, what offense are they running to or what defence are they running from. To quote one of basketballs legends “"Talent wins games, but teamwork and intelligence win championships." --Michael Jordan.   Why do my legs hurt when I play basketball?   After following the rigorous training routines mentioned above players may experience sore legs after basketball training.  The leg pain after basketball can be attributed to the intense strain focussed on the legs during training or during the game. During training your calf muscles are strained after many sets of leg presses, and calf raises. This leads to calf pain after basketball and will lead to swelling legs.   How to recover after basketball?  There are many tried and tested methods to relieve leg pain for basketball leg recovery.   Hydrate  Regular hydration like drinking water after exercise can help reduce pain. Water plays a pivotal role in muscle repair and the production of glycogen. Studies have proven that muscle rejuvenation progress is decelerated by half when muscles are not suitably hydrated. Players can even drink energy drinks during game time to give them that additional burst of energy.   Cold compression for legs  Applying an ice pack can relieve pain, ease swelling and inflammation of the sore muscles. Some elite athletes even employ an ice bath to reduce inflammation after a game.    Leg compression therapy The most modern and easy to use device, for basketball leg recovery to ease pain and swelling is SPRYNG, a calf compression wrap. SPRYNG has also been scientifically proven and has been enjoyed by over 10,000 happy customers.   It uses active compression technology to improve circulation and flush out lactic acid, thereby alleviating pain. SPRYNG has many advantages when compared to other active compression and leg compression devices in the market. A few of them are -  Quick recovery- It takes only 15 minutes to produce results  Embrace freedom - It is lightweight, portable, and untethered so it fits nicely in your gym bag.   Extremely affordable –it is cheaper than any other active compression device on the market.  Looks great- It is available in a range of colours to suit your mood or wardrobe.  Convenience- Place your order now via our website and become eligible for free delivery to your doorstep.  Buy now and pay later with our easy instalment settlement options.    References https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/basketball-training-guide-complete-athlete-brett-kuehn/  https://www.highettpodiatry.com.au/the-foot-blog/3-tips-to-improve-your-basketball-performance  https://www.mensjournal.com/sports/basketball-training-guide/  https://www.usab.com/youth/news/2010/12/7tips-to-improve-your-shooting-mechanics.aspx     
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Guide to Strengthen Lower Body for Gymnastic Beginners

Guide to Strengthen Lower Body for Gymnastic Beginners

The sport of gymnastics has popularized exponentially over time, mainly due to advanced technolog...
The sport of gymnastics has popularized exponentially over time, mainly due to advanced technology and modern equipment made easily available at affordable prices. The hunger for success is greater when corporations splash out lucrative monetary endorsement deals for “world class” gymnasts “and nations push these athletes for Olympic glory. This has propelled novice gymnasts to push their bodies to their utmost limits.   Want to know more? Learn more about how Spryng can help you! Subscribe for the latest updates and get 10% OFF. Being an aspiring gymnast can be daunting as your piers perform gravity defying stunts and precise landings. No matter what type of gymnastics you practice be it Artistic, Rhythmic, Trampoline, Power Tumbling, Acrobatics, or Aerobics; these require skills like balance, flexibility, strength, power, coordination, agility, and endurance which places immense pressure on your lower body. This often results in gymnastic injuries unless a tailored gymnastic exercise routine is followed.   Here are some gymnastic exercises for beginners, that will help strengthen the lower body and support one’s leg workout recovery.  Gymnastics strength training for the upper body  Gymnastics is a sport which involves the entire body working cohesively together like a finely tuned machine. While your lower body absorbs most of the impacts, one cannot ignore the significance the upper body plays. For events like parallel bars, still rings or horizontal bars, upper body strength is essential. We recommend a series of handstands, a series of reps on pull up bars and gymnastics bench press to name a few to improve upper body strength and flexibility.  In addition, for overall strength and endurance training; we recommend following the routine of “Simone Biles” one of the greatest gymnasts of our generation. Her cross-training routine involves a mix of swimming, running, and biking —which she follows to prepare herself for competitions.   Gymnastics leg workout  As mentioned, due to the explosive power and force that gymnastics places upon your lower body and legs, one’s ability to absorb the impacts created by the movements is critical to a gymnast’s success. Activities like the vault, dismount, balance beam, pommel horse causes immense pressure on the athletes’ legs. To strengthen leg muscles gymnastic squats, are recommended, and so is a routine a bike ride on an incline plain. With dedication and commitment, one will be well on their way to achieving those powerful gymnastic legs always dreamt of.   But like the saying goes “there is no gain without pain”. This is especially true in gymnastics.   How to stop legs from hurting after a workout?  While training is important, proper recovery is also vital to avoid injury. With the pressure placed on your legs during training one may wonder “how to stop your legs from hurting after exercise”  There is a plethora of modern and time-tested ways to ease leg pain.        Legs sore after stretching Stretching is an important aspect in one’s warming up and cooling down routine. It helps improve flexibility during an exercise regimen. However, the risk of over stretching your muscles can cause intense pain and soreness. As a rule of thumb, if your muscles feel a stabbing pain, that implies that you have over stretched your muscles, resulting in injury. If it is done correctly, one should feel a slight but comfortable stretch of the muscle.          Ice pack for swelling This time tested remedy dates back ages. Applying an ice pack can relieve pain, and ease swelling and inflammation of the sore muscles          Raising legs to increase blood pressure Elevating legs for better circulation is a remedy to improve blood flow to your heart. Oxygen depleted blood returns blood to one’s heart through veins. As the veins are tiny and pressure is low, by positioning one’s legs above the heart level, helps improve blood flow faster. This natural method aided by gravity improves blood circulation and reduces pain.          Leg compression therapy The most modern and easy to use device, to ease pain and swelling that has been scientifically proven is SPRYNG, a calf compression wrap. It uses active compression technology to improve circulation and flush out lactic acid, thereby alleviating pain. SPRYNG has many advantages when compared to other active compression and leg compression devices in the market. A few of them are -  Quick recovery- It takes only 15 minutes to produce results  Embrace freedom - It is lightweight, portable, and untethered.    Extremely affordable –it is cheaper than any other active compression device on the market.  Looks great- It is available in a range of colours to suit your mood or wardrobe.  Convenience-  Place your order now and become eligible for delivery to your doorstep.  Buy now and pay later with our free instalment settlement options.      References https://shiftmovementscience.com/ultimategymnasticsstrengthguide/#General_Strength_-_Lower_Body  https://www.menshealth.com/uk/building-muscle/a756682/the-beginners-guide-to-gymnastics/-  https://www.insider.com/trying-simone-biles-workout-regimen-reviewed-photos-2021-8#:~:text=Biles'%20workout%20reportedly%20consists%20of,through%20each%20of%20the%20moves.  https://www.healthline.com/health/overstretching#about 
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Get Fit, Stay Fit - How to Stick to Your New Year's Fitness Resolution

Get Fit, Stay Fit - How to Stick to Your New Year's Fitness Resolution

With another year having unfolded, most of us are making our way towards achieving our new years'...
With another year having unfolded, most of us are making our way towards achieving our new years' resolutions, and among them are most likely a handful of new year fitness goals. Yet, it's common knowledge that health and fitness-related goals for the new year are the ones that people give up the earliest. This beginner's guide to fitness will help you prioritize your health and encourage you to stay focused on your workout goals for the new year. Want to know more? Learn more about how Spryng can help you! Subscribe for the latest updates and get 10% OFF. Step 1 - Set achievable goals When it comes to setting new year fitness goals, it should start with the goal itself. Ensure you set a realistic goal that you can achieve. That means, aim high, but not too high, where you change your entire body composition within three months of your routine. Instead, take stock of where you are at present and gradually improve your strength and fitness through regular training measures.  It's common to face adversity in the form of boredom, frustration and lack of motivation on the road to your fitness goal. This is why it's essential to clarify why you are trying to achieve this goal. Set goals that are small, and then build your momentum as you go. The backbone of goal setting lies in habit formation. Once you instill a habit of working out daily, you won't be giving it up so easily.  Step 2 - Have a detailed action plan First and foremost, define your goal. Is it to gain muscle, lose some weight, tone or increase stamina. Defining your goals helps to come up with the right action plan. For instance, if your goal is to lose weight and you haven't been exercising regularly, don't aim for weight lifting or extreme workout measures in your first week. Begin with some low-intensity cardio to get your body moving. Walk for at least 30 minutes a day and build a routine around it so that you can be disciplined with your workout regimen. Try working out at the same time every day. This will help to establish a routine and thereby help with habit formation.  Step 3 - Make it enjoyable Working out shouldn't feel like a chore. To make working out a long-lasting habit, it is important to make it enjoyable. It should be a part of your day that you look forward to even when you're not having the best of days. So, mix things up by adding a variety of activities into your workout routine. This way, it won't feel redundant and boring. If you have a favorite sport, you can add that to your schedule so that you engage in the sport twice a week in place of the regular workout. What's important is to find a way to make it fun. Step 4 - Incorporate adequate recovery measures  Muscle recovery after workouts is as important as setting a fail-proof workout regimen for the new year. To ensure your new year fitness goal stays within reach, you must take measures to help your body recover fast. Not only will this help prevent injuries, but it will also keep you from skipping workouts due to muscle pain and soreness. Hydrate Hydration is essential after breaking a sweat. To improve muscle flexibility, build strength, and prevent muscle cramping and soreness, ensure to replenish your fluid levels. Incorporate electrolytes such as potassium and sodium into your post-workout liquids to speed up muscle recovery. Cooldown Cooling down is one of the best ways to recover from a workout as it enables your heart rate to return to normal gradually. It also helps to encourage blood circulation and promote leg muscle recovery by preventing soreness and relieving the built-up stress in your muscles. Consider incorporating a 5 to 10-minute stretching session to help your muscles cool down faster after your workout. Take a rest day from working out If you're constantly wondering, 'why do my legs hurt when I exercise' you may be overdoing it. If you engage in strenuous workouts, it's essential to allow your body to recover and rejuvenate itself. This can take place only during the periods of rest that you provide your body. Your muscles require adequate rest in order to repair themselves after the wear and tear that takes place during a workout. Therefore, to reap all the benefits of your workouts, ensure you provide your body with adequate rest and sleep.  Compression wraps  Compression wraps are a great way to encourage post-workout recovery. The SPRYNG calf compression wraps are great at increasing blood circulation in your legs, which helps to speed up your recovery process. These portable and untethered calf muscle recovery tools require only 15 minutes of wear time to give your sore and achy legs the relief they need post-workout. If you consistently experience pain and soreness after exercise, read our guide on alleviating post-workout muscle soreness here.     
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