SPRYNG™ - the dynamic calf massage that goes beyond the ordinary.

An Essential Guide to Improving Blood Circulation in Your Legs

The vast system of blood vessels - arteries, veins, and capillaries - is over 60,000 miles long. This long network of blood vessels, the heart, and the supportive muscles together create the circulatory system of the body. This system carries blood to the organs and back to the heart. If the circulatory system doesn't work properly, the organs won’t get enough oxygen and nutrients to function healthily.  

It’s harder to pump the blood from the legs towards the heart because it is fighting gravity. It's the reason why legs are more prone to circulatory problems than the other organs. The efficiency of blood circulation deteriorates with age, prolonged inactivity, and certain diseases and disorders.  

Even if you are healthy and active, you must take care of your legs from circulatory issues. For example, after a workout, especially if it’s focused on your leg muscles, the blood circulation of your legs won’t be as efficient as in regular conditions.  

Here’s how you can improve leg blood circulation and take care of your legs.  


If you’re doing a 9-5 desk job, a brisk walk in the evening will be greatly beneficial for your mental and physical health. Walking is a low-impact exercise that anyone can do regardless of age. As the leg muscles contract and relax, the blood is squeezed up through the veins and helps regulate blood circulation and lower blood pressure. 

Walk briskly for at least 30 minutes a day. Do it regularly and see the difference. The best exercise for blood circulation in the legs is this. 


Stretching exercises are recommended before workouts and sports to warm up and prepare the body. Stretching promotes leg blood circulation, so the muscles get enough nutrients and oxygen to perform intense activities. It also relaxes stiffened muscles and reduces the chance of injuries.  

You can talk to your trainer or simply look for simple stretching exercises. Yoga is also a good option for this purpose.  

Maintain a better body posture 

Most of us have gotten used to hunching over a computer for long periods, which ruins our posture. Among many other bad posture habits, sitting with crossed legs is not good for blood circulation because this posture applies pressure on blood vessels and reduces blood flow in the legs.  

Be aware of your body posture when performing different activities. Then you’ll be able to correct the posture when you unconsciously fall into habitual bad postures. The following changes in posture can help you to improve the blood circulation of the legs. 

  1. Sit with legs spaced slightly apart and remember to stand up and walk a few steps from time to time.  
  2. Keep your legs a little elevated, put them up on a stool if you are sitting and, on a pillow, when you are sleeping.  

Wear Compression Stockings  

Compression Stockings improve the blood flow in the legs and reduce swelling, inflammation, and pain. This option is ideal if you are working a long time sitting or standing without much activity.  

Compression Stockings apply pressure  to the leg muscles, and help circulation in the legs, encouraging a steady flow of blood to the heart with less effort.  

Wear an Active Compression Tool 

Active compression helps blood circulation through using external pneumatic compression. This effectively pumps blood towards the heart, reducing the intramuscular space available for swelling and helping to promote the stable alignment of muscle fibers.  

Due to inactivity or intense workouts, leg muscles weaken and fail to support the veins to pump blood efficiently. This leads to the condition called blood pooling where blood collects in the legs, ankles, or feet. Active Compression tools are designed to support muscles to speed up the blood circulation and the recovery of muscles.  

There are a lot of Active Compression and muscle recovery tools available. Always consider how efficient the device is, whether it’s convenient for your lifestyle, and worth the price before you buy.  

SPRYNG is the most advanced Active Compression tool on the market today. It’s designed with patent-pending technology that outperforms most major Active Compression tools, in efficacy, convenience, and affordability.   

SPRYNG is untethered. So, you can use the device even when you’re watching TV or lying on the bed.  





















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