Should You be Working Out with Sore Muscles?
Should You be Working Out with Sore Muscles?
Feeling very sore after a workout can seem like a badge of honor; it's a reminder that you got up...
Feeling very sore after a workout can seem like a badge of honor; it's a reminder that you got up in the morning to make time to exercise, and that you really pushed yourself. But if you're still feeling the burn the next day, is it good to workout with sore muscles?
This is a very common question among fitness enthusiasts. If you are battling the question, is it good to continue exercise with sore muscles, read on.
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If your muscles are sore, you might wonder when your muscles are sore is it good to work out or rest. While some soreness after a new or intense workout is totally natural, a "no pain, no gain" mindset can have serious consequences if you ignore signs that your body needs a rest.
In some cases, active recovery exercise like stretching and walking can be beneficial to sore muscles. The decision to continue will depend on the severity of soreness and symptoms you’re experiencing. While you may be tempted to power through your work out it is important to understand that rest and recovery is just as important for building muscle as working out. Finding a balance is critical to avoid injury.
Benefits of working out when slightly sore?
The pain and soreness is also called Delayed Onset Muscles Soreness (DOMS).
Working out with DOMS or sore muscles should involve some light exercises which may be beneficial. It may feel good to:
stretch out sore muscles
do light resistance exercises, such as core strengthening workouts
do low-intensity cardio, such as walking or swimming
You can also focus on muscle groups that you didn’t work previously. For example, add in an arm weight workout the day after a run.
In addition to feel good feeling, light recovery exercise may offer other health benefits. Mobility, or full-range, exercises like walking or easy cycling lead to more blood pumping through the muscles. This increase in blood flow may help you recover from soreness sooner. It is essential that you are not overloading or challenging the muscles more.
The soreness you are feeling maybe due to tiny, microscopic tears in the muscles as a result of your workout. These microscopic tears heal and become stronger allowing you to further develop your workout. A muscle that hasn't had time to recover is more susceptible to a serious muscle tear or excessive tissue damage. Therefore you should not overload your tired muscles.
Muscle soreness or DOMS is common after leg day, and just like with all muscles your leg and calf muscle recovery is vital.
How to recover from sore muscles especially sore calf muscles
Stretching sore legs
Stretching is an important aspect in one’s warming up and cooling down routine. It helps improve flexibility during an exercise regimen. However, the risk of over stretching your muscles can cause intense pain and soreness. As a rule of thumb, if your muscles feel a stabbing pain, that implies that you have over stretched your muscles, resulting in injury. If it is done correctly, one should feel a slight but comfortable stretch of the muscle.
Use an Ice Pack to reduce soreness in legs
Speed up DOMS recovery with this time-tested remedy dates back ages. Applying an ice pack can relieve pain, and ease swelling and inflammation of the sore muscles
Elevate legs for better circulation
This is a remedy to improve blood flow to your heart. Oxygen depleted blood returns blood to one’s heart through veins. As the veins are tiny and pressure is low, by positioning one’s legs above the heart level, helps improve blood flow faster. This natural method aided by gravity improves blood circulation and reduces pain. Elevating legs while going to bed or sitting on the sofa can speed up workout soreness recovery.
Fastest way to recover from sore muscles
The fastest way for calf soreness recovery is by using active recovery for DOMS. This can be by employing calf compression recovery methods.
The most modern and easy to use device, to ease pain and swelling that has been scientifically proven is SPRYNG, a calf compression wrap.
It uses active compression technology to improve circulation and flush out lactic acid, thereby alleviating pain. SPRYNG has many advantages when compared to other active compression and leg compression devices in the market. A few of them are -
Quick recovery- It takes only 15 minutes to produce results
Embrace freedom - It is lightweight, portable, and untethered.
Extremely affordable –it is cheaper than any other active compression device on the market.
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